Thursday, January 29, 2015

Simplicity can be beautiful

Good Morning Dear Hearts,

I was telling my husband over breakfast this morning that I have always felt that I didn't belong in this particular age. Cell phones mean nothing to me with the exception that they would be good in an emergency. Computers are over the top for that instant communication and the Word Processor's and research are vast, as one link leads to another exciting link. What fun, until your computer crashes.  I still love the experience of holding a book in my hands and the fragrance of a new Bible.  Never before have we had so much knowledge readily available for those of us who strive to keep learning. Micro chips are in the phones, computers, appliances, cars, animals, planes, drones, televisions, home security systems, stop lights and you name it!

When you think about how advanced our nation has become in such a short time is it any wonder why those in the media talk at lightening speed today? All their words seem to be joined together likethisandIknowyoucanfigureitout. Then, I'm thinking: what'dtheysay? This age seems to be like a flash!

For me, simplicity is beautiful and rewarding. I could give all the electronics up tomorrow if I had to (and eventually it may come to all that), as long as I can take a walk in a field, up the mountain or on the beach (wherever I may be) and experience something that hasn't been changed by man. I get more out of hearing a bird sing, the challenge of tending a garden and writing a letter. I see big things develop in small simple things.

Hope your day is favorable beyond measure!


Heavenly Father,

Father we give you those areas of our heart where we don't even think about. We give you our thoughts, our dreams and decisions. We give you these things that we do not understand and we put our trust in you completely. Give us the insight we need to lift up a troubled heart, pull someone up and befriend those who need it. We thank you for this Lord.
In Jesus we pray

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