Friday, January 9, 2015

Let's Pray Again!

Good Morning,

Frustration seems to headline our silver-lined clouds when we understand and admit, things just aren't as they should be. We feel helpless and wonder what can we do to help bring some sense of normality back into our nation. Although, thinking back; the times may have been harder in some ways, but less complicated than today. We know, there has always been corruption, but today; there appears to be a prideful confidence in openly planning, instigating and staging their battle against our Creator.

And, so it is; and here we are. The lines have truly been drawn in the sand. Whose side do you choose?

Let's pray:

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for being a Heavenly Father who is a God of truth. Thank you for being a God of instruction and guidance, one that leads the way and teaches us your wisdom and knowledge. For you are the Almighty, Eternal God, Father of Lights, our Fortress, The Holy One of Israel, I AM, Jehovah, Judge, our Living God and so much more! There is nothing you cannot do! We raise our hands high and say: Blessed be the Name of the Lord this morning!
As we come before you Father, we know you are a Just and Perfect God and we know you hear all of our petitions. We ask for justice for your people. We ask that you would send your angels to expose all those who manipulate and maneuver lies throughout this land for their own agenda. You are the Father of Lights! Bring this prayer into our sight! We ask that you forgive those who have compromised their reputation and integrity, because of fear with the enemy. We ask for continual mercy. We ask that you would shake and wake up the church and bring them back to the zealous fire they once had for you. We ask for a fiery revival to replace all lukewarmness. Bring your flock back to where they belong. Replace any fear with your love, faith and boldness. Keep us full of discernment so that we will not be deceived in anyway and will be sensitive to hear what your Spirit is saying. We choose to continually put you first Father. We speak to our souls and say, "Soul! You will bless the Lord!"

We thank you Father and ask in your Son.

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