Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Learn to See God's Hand in your LIfe

Everytime I walk the beach, I become completely overwhelmed with God's love. He is such a magnificent Master Artist everything that He touches reflects a purity that we see but cannot match. His love reflects His power and that is what moves the mountains in our lives. Yes, by our faith.
Heavenly Father,
There are days when it is hard to put into words to say thank you Lord for the beauty you have given to us. Thank you for thinking of every little thing that lines up with the other, all for our good and your glory! It is hard to imagine such love that still takes the time keep the atom intact, one that brings in one wave right after the next upon your seashore; that feeds the sandpipers and the crabs. Is there anything that you haven't thought of? Your caring hand is everywhere we look. We see the greatness of your love in men's hearts through the Body of Believers. We do not deserve such love, but you presented us with your present of GRACE. Thank you Father for your goodness, your rich love, for hearing us, for healing us and for setting us free in your Son.
In Jesus amen 

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