Friday, December 5, 2014

We have the armor of light

I love light! Not the blinding kind that we experience in Drs offices, but the warm sunshine that is felt in the sand, under my toes. When I look closely at the sand in my hand, I see the brilliancy of light! I see millions of small diamonds sparkling back at me. I am reminded how Abraham's children will be as many as the sand upon the shore. We are his children, part of the illuminating particles bathing in His light.
Heavenly Father,
We choose to keep your armor of light circled around us. By choice we dismantle any darkness of words, actions or engagements in our lives. We put down all fretting, worrying or doubt. We put on faith, trust and hope.. We make a choice to honor each other and uphold them in the same love that you have given to us. Thank you Father and we pray in your son's name Jesus. amen.

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