Friday, September 28, 2018

Life and Death is in the Power of your Tongue

Good Morning,

“Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips [to keep me from speaking thoughtlessly]” Ps.141:3 amp

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Pr. 18:21 

And Jesus said:

“But I tell you, on the day of judgement people will have to give an accounting for every careless or useless word they speak. [every idle word] 
For by your words [reflecting your spiritual condition] you will be justified and acquitted of the guilt of sin; and by your words [rejecting me] you will be condemned and sentenced.” Mt. 12:36, 37

“The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” James 3:6 NIV

Back in the day, I dated a man who talked without taking a breath. There was a one way communication as I listened. At the time, I did not understand why he talked non-stop and why I could not get in a word. Frustrated, I began to study about the tongue, the mouth, words, gossip, talebearer, babbler and everything I could find that related to the things we say.  One of the things I learned, was that those who talk incessantly will tell on themselves because everyone talks from the overflow of what they’ve put in their heart. Just by listening we can know what is in another person’s heart. We can learn their dreams, hopes, priorities, grudges, struggles, secrets and attitudes. All by listening. The Bible talks about how sin is not absent when there are so many words. Pr.10:19

All this talk reflects our thought life. What we ponder long enough will eventually come out of our mouth. We can think good and bless people by our words or we can curse them in our thoughts and eventually contaminate our lives and those around us. Like Proverbs said; it is life and death. When someone is gossiping, we are not to feed their flame but throw water on their babble, by changing the subject. You will notice how easily they slip from that subject right into the other.  Do this enough, and they will stop sharing their juicy news. 

What about accountability? If they are not willing to listen to you, what about the Bible? The words says, that the wise welcomes correction. Today, you hear: “you are judging me.”  Isn’t the Book of Proverbs the very seat of Godly advice and holding another accountable? I always tell a person, “it isn’t what I say, but what the Bible says.” Then, they are arguing against God, not me. 

I ask you, have you done that? Giving correction is not a way to make and keep friends. You will not be popular, but possibly resented. The consequences can be quite grave. I knew a couple who were wonderful people and active in the church. Whenever he would come around he always had some gossip to spread, with a smile of course. The gossip went into my husbands ear, as I always walked away.  This man was an outstanding person in Christ, in the community, had a good reputation, very friendly, hard worker and if anyone needed help, he was the first person to be at the scene. He was loved. Finally, I became so frustrated over the gossip, I asked my husband to talk to him about it. He refused and because he listened, [according to the word] he became a partaker of the gossip.  The next time I saw his wife, I confronted her about it and asked her to speak to him. I  believe I was sensitive and kind at the time. She became outraged, and defended him, telling me he would never do such a thing. Was she blinded because she was too close to the trees? Could it have been pride? I don’t know. To this day she avoids me and refuses to talk to me. Looking back at some options of what I could have done was, go to our Pastor who were good friends with us [who was also her father] and talk to him about it and leave it in their hands. As I see it though, the best way would have been; while talking to the gossiper, casually give an instance about someone I knew who talked about others all the time and did not realize how he was hurting them. No names given. That would have been using wisdom. The correction would have been direct, but in a more sensitive roundabout way. I think that when we try to hold each other accountable, we have to be discerning to the character of that person and how they will respond. We all know those who will never accept any kind of correction, because they already have all the answers. Right?

There are thousands of verses about the power of our words.  If we couldn’t be obedient, God would not have given us a choice. We are blessed to have the freedom to meditate on the word, get it deep down inside of us and speak life. Everything we put inside of our hearts will either come up out of our mouths, saved for later or digested and dispelled.

The wisest people I have known in my life are quiet, humble people with few words. 

Our own consolation for misspeaking at times, is that the Book of James tells us, we all struggle with our tongue. We are in this together and together we hold each other up, as we walk this path.

Let’s pray,

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your reminder of how important our words are to ourselves and others. Help us, bring healing and health with our words. Stop us in mid track in our words not to speak any condemning, ill words that would cause contamination and erosion in another’s life, instead minister your grace and your goodness to those who need it. Right now, we confess to speaking without thinking and ask forgiveness for any words we have spoken that have brought wounds and pain. Forgive us Lord. We repent on this. We ask like David, you would put a guard upon our mouths, so that we would not sin against you in any way. We choose this day to pause and ponder, publicly and privately before we speak and when we speak, our desire is to give you glory in our words. In Jesus name, amen

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Going through a fiery trial?

Good Morning,

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed." (1Peter 4:12-13, ESV).

Our faith provokes the opposition to the point of seething when they see a believer who stands upon the word of God. This is why I believe there are different ways they scheme and plot to rob our land from the goodness of God. 

  1. Heavy circumstances and fiery trials can begin to weigh doubt upon    your heart. “Where are you Lord, when I need you the most?” The minute we ask where He is, we need to realize our faith has just been tested and targeted. 
      We know God is always with us and watching us. He holds our hands. But strong soldiers become wounded in battle sometimes because they didn’t see the attack coming.  

2.  I have a familiar saying some will recognize: “Just wait a little bit 
     longer before you make your decision.”  

     Patience becomes more than a virtue, it is the very power you need to be in God’s will. Patience is God’s strength in action, because you are resisting the forces that would push you into impatience, aggravation, irritability and regret. 

3. The weakest part about you is where you will be targeted. 
    St Paul was awakened to the truth when he was blinded on the road to Damascus. Jesus told Ananias: “I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Acts 9:16 

    Paul knew his weaknesses and asked God to take the thorn away from him, but the Lord said to him: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2Co. 12:9 
The last sentence of vs 10 says “For when I am weak, then I was strong.”

I had a good friend of mine tell me, “It takes a lot of grace to get older.” The Pastor passed away years ago and was so right. We all end up with battle scars while on our journey. Another Pastor friend said, “I never trust anyone that doesn’t have a limp.” He too is gone, but so right. And, my late mother always told me, “If you can find the humor in the situation you are going through, you’ll make it.” That can be hard. But find things to laugh at yourself about and try not to take things too seriously. I am talking to myself when I say that. 

When we see our loved ones suffer, we suffer. There are times when we feel completely helpless. But, we can stand in the gap for them. 

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of the living, the Creator of all things. Your books have everything written down for us. Our beginnings and our endings. When we feel sorrowful, your Holy Spirit brings comfort, when we search for answers your Holy Spirit teaches us. When we feel alone and need a friend to talk to, your Holy Spirit is always there. Thank you for your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your Son Jesus who willingly gave his life to set us free and thank you for keeping us in your hand and for honoring our prayers. Thank you for bringing so many out of darkness and awakening them and for healing their wounds. You are a faithful and just God. We trust in you with everything we have inside of us. Thank you Father. We choose to draw closer to you and hear your voice in an intimate way, we choose to know you better. 

Oh Holy Spirit clean any selfish motives in our lives that we are not aware of, clean up any thoughts in our heart that do not line up with your will. Increase our love for you and those around us. Give us a deeper creative insight in how we can give ourselves to those around us. We want to glorify you daily. 

We lift up our President Trump to you this morning.
We ask that you would continue to give him your strength and wisdom as he goes to state to state and to the different nations. We ask that your anointing would be heavily upon him as he speaks your word and will. We ask that his faithfulness, boldness, tenacity and love would touch many hearts. We ask for protective angels to continue watch over him while he sleeps and wherever he goes, and his complete family. We ask for continued health for all of them. Where there is a weakness to worry we ask that you would replace it with your comfort, peace and faith. Where there is a decision in the making, we ask that His decisions would be guided by the truth of your Holy Spirit. We ask always that you would continue to give him such foresight through your eyes Father that he would know way ahead of time, what his enemies will do. We ask that justice, yet mercy would be wrought during his reign. We ask that his chosen man Kavenough for the Supreme Court Justice would be ushered into that position soon because of your goodness, your righteousness and will that this nation will be returned back to you. We ask that all abortions in this nation will cease. We ask that the organizations of Planned Parenthood all be shut down, dismantled and done away with. We ask that those who are treasonous and have betrayed this nation with their words and actions would receive the justice due to them. We ask that they would not get away with what they have done to our nation and still doing. We eagerly look for them to be put away. We pray that families would once again be able to discipline their children without fear. We pray that your love would fall upon the family structure in our nation and that you would bring them back to the truth of your cross. We ask that a spirit of repentance would sweep across our land. Sharpen our hearts, minds and hearts that we would be ready for an answer to give to all who ask us. We believe Father. We thank you ahead of time for answering our prayers.

Thank you Father and it is in your son we pray. Amen.  

Friday, September 21, 2018

Praying David's Psalm 103

Good Morning Loved Ones,

Let’s pray David’s Psalm 103 in our own words this morning.

Affectionately Oh Father we bless and praise you and your holy name, with everything in our souls and all that is deep within us. Yes, our souls bless and affectionately praise you Lord. We will not forget any of your benefits: For you forgive all of our sins.
You heal all of our diseases and you have redeemed our lives from the pit. 
Thank you Father for crowning us lavishly with your loving kindness and tender mercies. You give us good years with good things, So that our youth is renewed like that of an eagle. [Is 40:31]

We know you execute your righteousness and justice for all of the oppressed. You made your righteousness and justice known to Moses through His acts in Israel. Thank you for being merciful and gracious. Thank you for being slow to anger, merciful, full of compassion and loving kindness. [Ja.5:11] 

David once felt that you would not always strive with him but nor would you keep your anger forever. We have learned like that of David, that you have not given us everything we deserve because of our sins according to our wickedness. For just as high as your heavens are above the earth is how great your lovingkindness is towards us who fear and respect you.  Oh Father, as far as the east is from the west, So far have you removed our sins from us. Like that of a father who loves his children, so you do Oh Father loves us who fear and worship you with reverence. You know everything about us. You know we are merely dust.

We realize that our days are like grass Lord, like a flower in the field; flourishing. We know the wind comes and it is gone and no longer there. We stand upon your word this morning Lord because we know that your lovingkindness is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear you. Forever. This includes your righteousness to our children’s children, 
To those who keep your covenant and remember to keep your commandments imprinted upon our hearts. Mt.22:37-40

Oh Father you have established your throne in the heavens and your sovereignty rules over the whole universe. This morning we Bless You Oh Father, you and all your angels, you mighty ones who do his commandments. Those who obey your voice, your word! We bless you Lord, all your hosts, who serve you and do your will. We bless you, all works that belong to you in all your places of dominion. We bless you Father with all of our affection and we praise you with all of our souls! 

It is through your son Jesus we lift this prayer up. Thank you Father.

Monday, September 17, 2018

A Smile is not a small thing

Good Morning Beloveds,

“So then, in everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you, for this is [the essence of] of the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets.” Matthew 7:12

Many of us learned this “Golden Rule” of - do unto others - growing up. Respect others and and they will respect you. Be kind and you will receive kindness. All this is sowing in the Spirit of God. The fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Love. 

A small smile, is not really small at all.

Think of what happens to another’s heart when we smile at them. Smiles are a present we give away to others. We give acceptance and recognition to that person. We put them at ease. We need to smile at each other more, forgive quickly and accept each other right where they are at in their walk in Christ. 
I know I have said this before, but it is so true. We just do not know the battles others are going through. Be assured, they are wrestling with something. When we sincerely smile and care, I believe this helps in ways we do not realize. 

They think, “someone cares.”

We are to give The fruit of the Holy Spirit to others. Ga.5:22

We will never forget a good word spoken to us.   

Think of what happens when you humbly and sincerely speak goodness and encouragement into lives. This happened just recently to my husband and myself. We had a man come up and sit with us before church started and he poured out his love for us. We had no idea he felt such warmth towards us. Our hearts were humbled and overwhelmed with love for this man, as he encouraged us and told us the goodness he saw inside of us. How many people do this? Not many. 

God’s love is powerful when we use it to honor Him and others above ourselves. 
God’s love seeks to give.
God’s love thinks good in others.
God’s love overflows with empathy and compassion.

Giving love makes for a strong joyful heart and the Kingdom of God [love] is filled with His Love. 

We may have started this race out like a toddler who stumbled and fell once in awhile, but let’s finish it strong in the Lord!!

Shall we say a prayer this morning:

Precious Heavenly Father,

You have so many names we can praise you with, but we call you our Abba, our Father. Your names are Holy, for you are holy. Your word is faithful, true and proves itself over and over. Thank you for the richness of your word. We thank you for the freedom you’ve given to us to be able to read your word anytime and anywhere. We thank you for the insight your Holy Spirit gives to us and your never failing love and mercy. We give you praise and all honor and glory in our lives. We thank you for examining and watching every heart that reads these words. We ask that you would take out the blind sins inside of us that we are not aware of and bring them to our attention to deal with. Thank you Father.

We lift up the individuals that are praying along with us, we ask that you would comfort them during their time of battle. We ask that your angels would bring words of encouragement and hope. We ask that you would place a guard over their neighborhoods and their children’s neighborhoods of safety. Thank you Father.

We pray and agree together that true revival would break out in our land. Change men’s heart mightily and open up the eyes of their spirits so they can see your Son’s nail pierced hands and understand His sacrifice for them. Send your spirit of repentance from the west across the nation to the east. Deliver those who are controlling Hollywood and all those connected who have been blinded to the truth and set them completely free! Strengthen your Church to be that strong Body you have called us to be and place in every heart the assignment you have set before him to bring other’s into your Kingdom. Thank you Father. 

We ask that you would give us the understanding and foresight we need to prepare for tomorrow. We stand upon the faith that you have given to us and choose to use it everyday. 

We lift up our President to you and his family, those who work with him, their families and all those who pray for them in the name of Jesus we ask that you would keep all of them and the Intercessors healthy and full of faith. We ask that you would continue to keep everyone’s mind sharp, led completely by you and skilled in your word and full of discernment and able to hear what your Spirit is saying in these days. We ask that those who come against him would be awakened by your Spirit and see the love of Christ. Humble them Father. We thank you ahead of time Father for hearing our prayers.  
We pray this in Jesus name. Amen. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Morning Prayer [Real beauty is developed from within]

Good Morning,

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Our desire is to be one prized in your eyes, like the past women of old that had a gentle and quiet spirit. You said this is the way we are to make ourselves beautiful. Dig and work deep inside of our souls and spirit Father, till up the soil in our hearts to be a reflection of your son’s love toward you and those around us. We purposely bury any grumbling, mumbling, frets or regrets and replace it and cover it all with the truth of your love. Thank you for setting us free. Thank you for your beloved Holy Spirit.  Teach us how to love deeply like your word talks about. Help us put our priorities in order and not concentrate so much on the outer appearances, because you have taught us that it is the heart you watch, our motives and intents. Give us that deeper understanding of Seeking first the Kingdom of God [the Kingdom of Love because you are love] and your righteousness. Be with us as we make good and godly decisions this day that would glorify you. Season our words not to be harsh, rude or unseemly, but filled with sincere grace. Give us your wisdom for our tongues. Place your hand upon us to be that obedient witness you have called us to be. Bring us into that place of  having a melted heart when we become offended, that little by little the offenses are easy to let go. Right now, we pluck out and release and let go of all past offenses that have held a place in our hearts. We forgive them who have betrayed us, our family, neighbors and this nation. We ask that you would forgive that strong-hold in our hearts that needed to be expelled and replace it with your fruit of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for cleaning us up Lord. Help us to live by your goodness and led by your Spirit and be aware of opportunities to speak of your love wherever we go. 

Father you said that “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.” Pr. 18:16 niv

Amp says: “a man’s gift [given in love or courtesy] makes room for him and brings him before great men.” 

Use us Father and open up doors for our gifts to bless you and those who need to receive the gifts you’ve given us. Your word says that we should have a right answer for everyone who questions about our walk. You promised that you will bring up what we have learned at those times and we stand upon your promises. 

Thank you Father. In Jesus we ask. Amen.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Pure Love

Good Morning,

“Now the end of the commandment is charity [love], out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:” 1Tim. 1:5

The world talks about true love and sometimes our memories open to another time, one of being caught up into the very throes of romantic love songs or the heart beat memory of watching Rhett Butler’s irresistible infatuation with Scarlet as he swooped her into his arms and carried her up the grand staircase inside of Tara, the well known southern plantation of “Gone with the Wind.” 

Although Scarlett was envied, pampered and spoiled, she had a strong independent tenacity that hard times demanded.  One of the things she learned was the realization of seeing things in a person and in life that did not exist. She lived inside of a dream that did not belong to her.  Like so many of us, her bubble popped. 

Katie Scarlet O’Hara loved life for herself and what only she could get from it, in anyway she could. Although selfishness reigned in her heart, in the end her eyes were opened and she learned. For myself, I always loved her character.

The meaning of their love in greek: “Eros.” Meaning a sexual passion. 

The love we are going to think about is “Agape.”  Agape love comes from God and is the highest form of love and this is what we strive to give to Him and others.

I found this simple website that talks about the greek words of love: 

True pure love comes from:

A pure heart
Good Conscience
Faith unfeigned

We study and find exciting revelations that fill us with joy and at the same time each study always revolves back to God’s two royal commandments. Mt.22:37-40

I believe the reason we are here on earth is to learn how to love. I say this because we know God is love, He created us in His image of love. Once we drop any conformity to the patterns of the world and our minds are renewed in Christ, we will know what God’s will is for our lives.  
rd Ro.12:1, 2

The purest essence of God’s love begins in giving. We know this because God sent His only son to be a sacrifice on the cross for us.  A pure heart could be compared to some one boiling a chicken in a large pot. All of the infirmities come to the top, to be scooped away. As the pot continues to simmer the pure heart becomes a work in progress. We should be the first ones to see the beams in our own eyes, instead of others. A pure heart thinks good of another and gives others the benefit of the doubt. Pure hearts look past an offense. They will ask themselves : ”What does God say about that?”  A pure heart will not excuse sin or bad behavior, but they will try to understand. A pure heart refuses to judge, but prays for discernment. Judging passes sentence, but discerning knows people by their fruit. The closer we get to God’s light, the clearer we can see our shortcomings. Pure love is an honest heart and humble enough to admit, we have not arrived.
Pure love keeps their conscience clean because they first love God and strive to be obedient. At times, they have to love by faith. The slightest disobedient thought that enters their minds is soon filtered and dispelled. If they offend someone, they will go out of their way to get right as quickly as possible because of the love that rules in their hearts. Their conscience is ruled and motivated by God’s love. They know the only thing that is perfect in themselves is the Holy Spirit and that is whom they abide in. They think: Not my will Lord, but yours. 

Pure love seeks to walk by immovable faith in every area of their lives. Love and faith work together. They know nothing is impossible with God. They refuse to give up. They dig and find answers in the Word. For us to breathe is to inhale God’s goodness and to drink from His spring, is life. Unlike our Scarlett, they hold others [the Body of Christ] above themselves, in spite of the differences. 

True love:

Does not become offended easily
Forgives quickly
Would rather serve than receive.
Be anonymous in their giving
Listen more 
Encourage others
Work on the beams in their own eyes
Hold others above themselves 

True pure love is all about God first, then the other guy. 

We can be creative in how we give to those around us. Little things can make all the difference in the world. 

“As water reflects a face; so a man’s heart reflects the man.” Pr. 7:19

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for teaching us about your true love ~ Agape. Thank you for never leaving us and never forsaking us. You are so faithful Father! We ask that your Holy Spirit would keep correcting us in ways that would make you smile. Continue to bring our thought patterns, our speech and behavior aligned to your will. Tune up our ears to hear you better. Your word talks about how you will bring in remembrance the words we study when we need it. We put our trust in you every hour of our days. Forgive us for our frets, mumblings and grumblings. We know you use all things for our good. Father I ask that you especially touch those who read these words this morning. Heal the wounds in their hearts, fill any misunderstandings and lack of communications with the reality of your love. Send your mercy angels to embrace their times of loneliness and emptiness and remind them the depth, height and width of the power of your love for them. Thank you Father.  We want to bless you Father. Give us new ideas how we can give to others in your name. In Jesus we ask. Amen. 


Friday, September 7, 2018

President Trump's Greatness

Revival still going strong after 4 months

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Pray for Japan

Julian Robinson and AFP (Sep 5, 2018)
(Japan)—[Daily Mail] A powerful typhoon slammed into western Japan on Tuesday, killing at least nine people and injuring scores of people as more than a million people were told to evacuate amid the worst storm to hit the country in 25 years. Typhoon Jebi, reportedly the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Japan since 1993... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News hereClick here to read and view photos.
(Image: Screengrab of AP Photo/via Daily Mail)

Monday, September 3, 2018

Beatitudes Mt. 5:10-12

Good Morning Blessed Ones,

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs are the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye; when men shall revile you, and persecute you; and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” 
Mt. 5:10-12 kjv 

Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world, according to a Christian think-tank. The Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) says 900,000 Christians have been 'martyred' in the last decade, equating to 90,000 a year and one every six minutes.

The biggest revivals today are in Iran and China. Both have underground churches because when they accept Jesus as their Savior, they know it is a life and death decision. Converts are having visions and dreams of Jesus Christ announcing his soon coming. 

Today, middle east Christians are rampantly persecuted by be-heading, crucifixion, burning, drowning and stoning [even children]. Churches are bombed and believers are thrown into prison and tortured because of their faith in Christ and they are still coming to our Lord by the droves.

We should never forget the name of Pol Pot. He was a Cambodian communist revolutionary and politician who served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1963 to 1981. They say he died under mysterious circumstances in 1998.  Pol Pot’s chief torturer “Khang Khek Ieu” known as duch[dook] came to Christ and if you care to read about it, go here: 

How many have we read about who were persecuted for their faith! Too many to list. Everyone of the Apostles were persecuted unto death with the exception of John the Beloved. They tried to boil him in oil, but miraculously was unharmed. He spent all his days on the island of Patmos where God supernaturally gave him visions of these last days. He wrote it all down for us to study in the Book of Revelation.

[Although scholars debate whether it was John the Beloved who wrote The Book of Revelation, his letters and gospel. I sense the possibility of a distraction of what is important in his writings. Meaning, the point of experiencing God’s anointing [for us to learn] in whom He decides to use, in His timing, for His purpose and glory. Bottom line, we know God’s hand is in those words.]

Jesus said: “if the world hates you, you know it has hated me before it has hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love it’s own, but because you are not of the world, because I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, a slave is not greater than his master, if they persecute me, they will persecute you.” John 15:18-20 niv 

We pray for revival in our nation and expect it to come. Have we considered how this will happen? Have we considered what exactly makes a person fall upon their knees and repent? And, are we ourselves ready for this to happen? 

Prepare our hearts to see a miraculous turn from evil to good. 
Prepare our hearts to be filled with the faith and strength of His Holy Spirit. Prepare ourselves for the coming of our Lord. 

In our modern day western world we have began to experience persecution in our churches, schools, on our streets and gatherings. The line of differences between good and evil have widened deeply, so much so; that our children see it and talk to us about it. We mostly experience the repercussions from those who accuse us of doing wrong, just like Jesus said, they hate us. 

Awhile ago, I was reading different comments in a forum and came across this statement talking about Christians: 

“They all need to be exterminated now. I cannot stand them! The world would be a much better place without them.”  

I was also surprised by a note that said to me: “I cannot believe you believe in such an archaic belief system.” 

We have been called out of the world. We are not of the world. 

For this reason, our name is “Christian.”

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

You have called us to be bold and strong in your son Jesus. You have told us to use what we learn, but use it wisely and to filter our words with your wisdom. Fill us up with your truth, let us not be deceived by other vanities that are fleeting. We ask that you would use everything we have gone through in our past to make us into the Warriors you desire for us to be. Give us discerning eyes to see behind the surface when people talk. Stop us quickly from any wrongful belief that comes from deceitful motives that would try to approach us.  We ask that the Spirit of the Martyrs would race across this nation in such a way to bring a Spirit of Repentance through your light in such a mighty way that would bring a fire of zeal upon your true church and the godly revival they have been praying for. Oh Father, one that erases all of man’s opinions, all denominations and embracing others in your love and truth. By your power, we ask you would convict and release all un- forgiveness and bitterness inside of your temples and set your people free from judging, competition, comparisons, jealousies, rivalry, gossip, carelessness, slothfulness and apathy. Fill them up with your joy and let them be your Holy mouthpiece to awaken the hearts your Spirit blows upon. Bring them in Lord. 

We choose to obey your word, we trust in you and we walk totally by faith and your love. Thank you for always holding our hand go as we walk on this narrow path. Truly you are a faithful Father! Mold our lives to be a transparent refection of your love, your strength and power.  We cast any fear out in our lives and declare sound minds because your love casts this spirit out. Thank You Father, in your son we pray..amen.