Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Going through a fiery trial?

Good Morning,

"Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed." (1Peter 4:12-13, ESV).

Our faith provokes the opposition to the point of seething when they see a believer who stands upon the word of God. This is why I believe there are different ways they scheme and plot to rob our land from the goodness of God. 

  1. Heavy circumstances and fiery trials can begin to weigh doubt upon    your heart. “Where are you Lord, when I need you the most?” The minute we ask where He is, we need to realize our faith has just been tested and targeted. 
      We know God is always with us and watching us. He holds our hands. But strong soldiers become wounded in battle sometimes because they didn’t see the attack coming.  

2.  I have a familiar saying some will recognize: “Just wait a little bit 
     longer before you make your decision.”  

     Patience becomes more than a virtue, it is the very power you need to be in God’s will. Patience is God’s strength in action, because you are resisting the forces that would push you into impatience, aggravation, irritability and regret. 

3. The weakest part about you is where you will be targeted. 
    St Paul was awakened to the truth when he was blinded on the road to Damascus. Jesus told Ananias: “I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Acts 9:16 

    Paul knew his weaknesses and asked God to take the thorn away from him, but the Lord said to him: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2Co. 12:9 
The last sentence of vs 10 says “For when I am weak, then I was strong.”

I had a good friend of mine tell me, “It takes a lot of grace to get older.” The Pastor passed away years ago and was so right. We all end up with battle scars while on our journey. Another Pastor friend said, “I never trust anyone that doesn’t have a limp.” He too is gone, but so right. And, my late mother always told me, “If you can find the humor in the situation you are going through, you’ll make it.” That can be hard. But find things to laugh at yourself about and try not to take things too seriously. I am talking to myself when I say that. 

When we see our loved ones suffer, we suffer. There are times when we feel completely helpless. But, we can stand in the gap for them. 

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of the living, the Creator of all things. Your books have everything written down for us. Our beginnings and our endings. When we feel sorrowful, your Holy Spirit brings comfort, when we search for answers your Holy Spirit teaches us. When we feel alone and need a friend to talk to, your Holy Spirit is always there. Thank you for your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your Son Jesus who willingly gave his life to set us free and thank you for keeping us in your hand and for honoring our prayers. Thank you for bringing so many out of darkness and awakening them and for healing their wounds. You are a faithful and just God. We trust in you with everything we have inside of us. Thank you Father. We choose to draw closer to you and hear your voice in an intimate way, we choose to know you better. 

Oh Holy Spirit clean any selfish motives in our lives that we are not aware of, clean up any thoughts in our heart that do not line up with your will. Increase our love for you and those around us. Give us a deeper creative insight in how we can give ourselves to those around us. We want to glorify you daily. 

We lift up our President Trump to you this morning.
We ask that you would continue to give him your strength and wisdom as he goes to state to state and to the different nations. We ask that your anointing would be heavily upon him as he speaks your word and will. We ask that his faithfulness, boldness, tenacity and love would touch many hearts. We ask for protective angels to continue watch over him while he sleeps and wherever he goes, and his complete family. We ask for continued health for all of them. Where there is a weakness to worry we ask that you would replace it with your comfort, peace and faith. Where there is a decision in the making, we ask that His decisions would be guided by the truth of your Holy Spirit. We ask always that you would continue to give him such foresight through your eyes Father that he would know way ahead of time, what his enemies will do. We ask that justice, yet mercy would be wrought during his reign. We ask that his chosen man Kavenough for the Supreme Court Justice would be ushered into that position soon because of your goodness, your righteousness and will that this nation will be returned back to you. We ask that all abortions in this nation will cease. We ask that the organizations of Planned Parenthood all be shut down, dismantled and done away with. We ask that those who are treasonous and have betrayed this nation with their words and actions would receive the justice due to them. We ask that they would not get away with what they have done to our nation and still doing. We eagerly look for them to be put away. We pray that families would once again be able to discipline their children without fear. We pray that your love would fall upon the family structure in our nation and that you would bring them back to the truth of your cross. We ask that a spirit of repentance would sweep across our land. Sharpen our hearts, minds and hearts that we would be ready for an answer to give to all who ask us. We believe Father. We thank you ahead of time for answering our prayers.

Thank you Father and it is in your son we pray. Amen.  

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