Monday, September 10, 2018

Pure Love

Good Morning,

“Now the end of the commandment is charity [love], out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:” 1Tim. 1:5

The world talks about true love and sometimes our memories open to another time, one of being caught up into the very throes of romantic love songs or the heart beat memory of watching Rhett Butler’s irresistible infatuation with Scarlet as he swooped her into his arms and carried her up the grand staircase inside of Tara, the well known southern plantation of “Gone with the Wind.” 

Although Scarlett was envied, pampered and spoiled, she had a strong independent tenacity that hard times demanded.  One of the things she learned was the realization of seeing things in a person and in life that did not exist. She lived inside of a dream that did not belong to her.  Like so many of us, her bubble popped. 

Katie Scarlet O’Hara loved life for herself and what only she could get from it, in anyway she could. Although selfishness reigned in her heart, in the end her eyes were opened and she learned. For myself, I always loved her character.

The meaning of their love in greek: “Eros.” Meaning a sexual passion. 

The love we are going to think about is “Agape.”  Agape love comes from God and is the highest form of love and this is what we strive to give to Him and others.

I found this simple website that talks about the greek words of love: 

True pure love comes from:

A pure heart
Good Conscience
Faith unfeigned

We study and find exciting revelations that fill us with joy and at the same time each study always revolves back to God’s two royal commandments. Mt.22:37-40

I believe the reason we are here on earth is to learn how to love. I say this because we know God is love, He created us in His image of love. Once we drop any conformity to the patterns of the world and our minds are renewed in Christ, we will know what God’s will is for our lives.  
rd Ro.12:1, 2

The purest essence of God’s love begins in giving. We know this because God sent His only son to be a sacrifice on the cross for us.  A pure heart could be compared to some one boiling a chicken in a large pot. All of the infirmities come to the top, to be scooped away. As the pot continues to simmer the pure heart becomes a work in progress. We should be the first ones to see the beams in our own eyes, instead of others. A pure heart thinks good of another and gives others the benefit of the doubt. Pure hearts look past an offense. They will ask themselves : ”What does God say about that?”  A pure heart will not excuse sin or bad behavior, but they will try to understand. A pure heart refuses to judge, but prays for discernment. Judging passes sentence, but discerning knows people by their fruit. The closer we get to God’s light, the clearer we can see our shortcomings. Pure love is an honest heart and humble enough to admit, we have not arrived.
Pure love keeps their conscience clean because they first love God and strive to be obedient. At times, they have to love by faith. The slightest disobedient thought that enters their minds is soon filtered and dispelled. If they offend someone, they will go out of their way to get right as quickly as possible because of the love that rules in their hearts. Their conscience is ruled and motivated by God’s love. They know the only thing that is perfect in themselves is the Holy Spirit and that is whom they abide in. They think: Not my will Lord, but yours. 

Pure love seeks to walk by immovable faith in every area of their lives. Love and faith work together. They know nothing is impossible with God. They refuse to give up. They dig and find answers in the Word. For us to breathe is to inhale God’s goodness and to drink from His spring, is life. Unlike our Scarlett, they hold others [the Body of Christ] above themselves, in spite of the differences. 

True love:

Does not become offended easily
Forgives quickly
Would rather serve than receive.
Be anonymous in their giving
Listen more 
Encourage others
Work on the beams in their own eyes
Hold others above themselves 

True pure love is all about God first, then the other guy. 

We can be creative in how we give to those around us. Little things can make all the difference in the world. 

“As water reflects a face; so a man’s heart reflects the man.” Pr. 7:19

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for teaching us about your true love ~ Agape. Thank you for never leaving us and never forsaking us. You are so faithful Father! We ask that your Holy Spirit would keep correcting us in ways that would make you smile. Continue to bring our thought patterns, our speech and behavior aligned to your will. Tune up our ears to hear you better. Your word talks about how you will bring in remembrance the words we study when we need it. We put our trust in you every hour of our days. Forgive us for our frets, mumblings and grumblings. We know you use all things for our good. Father I ask that you especially touch those who read these words this morning. Heal the wounds in their hearts, fill any misunderstandings and lack of communications with the reality of your love. Send your mercy angels to embrace their times of loneliness and emptiness and remind them the depth, height and width of the power of your love for them. Thank you Father.  We want to bless you Father. Give us new ideas how we can give to others in your name. In Jesus we ask. Amen. 


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