Monday, September 17, 2018

A Smile is not a small thing

Good Morning Beloveds,

“So then, in everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you, for this is [the essence of] of the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets.” Matthew 7:12

Many of us learned this “Golden Rule” of - do unto others - growing up. Respect others and and they will respect you. Be kind and you will receive kindness. All this is sowing in the Spirit of God. The fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Love. 

A small smile, is not really small at all.

Think of what happens to another’s heart when we smile at them. Smiles are a present we give away to others. We give acceptance and recognition to that person. We put them at ease. We need to smile at each other more, forgive quickly and accept each other right where they are at in their walk in Christ. 
I know I have said this before, but it is so true. We just do not know the battles others are going through. Be assured, they are wrestling with something. When we sincerely smile and care, I believe this helps in ways we do not realize. 

They think, “someone cares.”

We are to give The fruit of the Holy Spirit to others. Ga.5:22

We will never forget a good word spoken to us.   

Think of what happens when you humbly and sincerely speak goodness and encouragement into lives. This happened just recently to my husband and myself. We had a man come up and sit with us before church started and he poured out his love for us. We had no idea he felt such warmth towards us. Our hearts were humbled and overwhelmed with love for this man, as he encouraged us and told us the goodness he saw inside of us. How many people do this? Not many. 

God’s love is powerful when we use it to honor Him and others above ourselves. 
God’s love seeks to give.
God’s love thinks good in others.
God’s love overflows with empathy and compassion.

Giving love makes for a strong joyful heart and the Kingdom of God [love] is filled with His Love. 

We may have started this race out like a toddler who stumbled and fell once in awhile, but let’s finish it strong in the Lord!!

Shall we say a prayer this morning:

Precious Heavenly Father,

You have so many names we can praise you with, but we call you our Abba, our Father. Your names are Holy, for you are holy. Your word is faithful, true and proves itself over and over. Thank you for the richness of your word. We thank you for the freedom you’ve given to us to be able to read your word anytime and anywhere. We thank you for the insight your Holy Spirit gives to us and your never failing love and mercy. We give you praise and all honor and glory in our lives. We thank you for examining and watching every heart that reads these words. We ask that you would take out the blind sins inside of us that we are not aware of and bring them to our attention to deal with. Thank you Father.

We lift up the individuals that are praying along with us, we ask that you would comfort them during their time of battle. We ask that your angels would bring words of encouragement and hope. We ask that you would place a guard over their neighborhoods and their children’s neighborhoods of safety. Thank you Father.

We pray and agree together that true revival would break out in our land. Change men’s heart mightily and open up the eyes of their spirits so they can see your Son’s nail pierced hands and understand His sacrifice for them. Send your spirit of repentance from the west across the nation to the east. Deliver those who are controlling Hollywood and all those connected who have been blinded to the truth and set them completely free! Strengthen your Church to be that strong Body you have called us to be and place in every heart the assignment you have set before him to bring other’s into your Kingdom. Thank you Father. 

We ask that you would give us the understanding and foresight we need to prepare for tomorrow. We stand upon the faith that you have given to us and choose to use it everyday. 

We lift up our President to you and his family, those who work with him, their families and all those who pray for them in the name of Jesus we ask that you would keep all of them and the Intercessors healthy and full of faith. We ask that you would continue to keep everyone’s mind sharp, led completely by you and skilled in your word and full of discernment and able to hear what your Spirit is saying in these days. We ask that those who come against him would be awakened by your Spirit and see the love of Christ. Humble them Father. We thank you ahead of time Father for hearing our prayers.  
We pray this in Jesus name. Amen. 

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