Friday, September 21, 2018

Praying David's Psalm 103

Good Morning Loved Ones,

Let’s pray David’s Psalm 103 in our own words this morning.

Affectionately Oh Father we bless and praise you and your holy name, with everything in our souls and all that is deep within us. Yes, our souls bless and affectionately praise you Lord. We will not forget any of your benefits: For you forgive all of our sins.
You heal all of our diseases and you have redeemed our lives from the pit. 
Thank you Father for crowning us lavishly with your loving kindness and tender mercies. You give us good years with good things, So that our youth is renewed like that of an eagle. [Is 40:31]

We know you execute your righteousness and justice for all of the oppressed. You made your righteousness and justice known to Moses through His acts in Israel. Thank you for being merciful and gracious. Thank you for being slow to anger, merciful, full of compassion and loving kindness. [Ja.5:11] 

David once felt that you would not always strive with him but nor would you keep your anger forever. We have learned like that of David, that you have not given us everything we deserve because of our sins according to our wickedness. For just as high as your heavens are above the earth is how great your lovingkindness is towards us who fear and respect you.  Oh Father, as far as the east is from the west, So far have you removed our sins from us. Like that of a father who loves his children, so you do Oh Father loves us who fear and worship you with reverence. You know everything about us. You know we are merely dust.

We realize that our days are like grass Lord, like a flower in the field; flourishing. We know the wind comes and it is gone and no longer there. We stand upon your word this morning Lord because we know that your lovingkindness is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear you. Forever. This includes your righteousness to our children’s children, 
To those who keep your covenant and remember to keep your commandments imprinted upon our hearts. Mt.22:37-40

Oh Father you have established your throne in the heavens and your sovereignty rules over the whole universe. This morning we Bless You Oh Father, you and all your angels, you mighty ones who do his commandments. Those who obey your voice, your word! We bless you Lord, all your hosts, who serve you and do your will. We bless you, all works that belong to you in all your places of dominion. We bless you Father with all of our affection and we praise you with all of our souls! 

It is through your son Jesus we lift this prayer up. Thank you Father.

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