Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Morning Prayer [Real beauty is developed from within]

Good Morning,

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Our desire is to be one prized in your eyes, like the past women of old that had a gentle and quiet spirit. You said this is the way we are to make ourselves beautiful. Dig and work deep inside of our souls and spirit Father, till up the soil in our hearts to be a reflection of your son’s love toward you and those around us. We purposely bury any grumbling, mumbling, frets or regrets and replace it and cover it all with the truth of your love. Thank you for setting us free. Thank you for your beloved Holy Spirit.  Teach us how to love deeply like your word talks about. Help us put our priorities in order and not concentrate so much on the outer appearances, because you have taught us that it is the heart you watch, our motives and intents. Give us that deeper understanding of Seeking first the Kingdom of God [the Kingdom of Love because you are love] and your righteousness. Be with us as we make good and godly decisions this day that would glorify you. Season our words not to be harsh, rude or unseemly, but filled with sincere grace. Give us your wisdom for our tongues. Place your hand upon us to be that obedient witness you have called us to be. Bring us into that place of  having a melted heart when we become offended, that little by little the offenses are easy to let go. Right now, we pluck out and release and let go of all past offenses that have held a place in our hearts. We forgive them who have betrayed us, our family, neighbors and this nation. We ask that you would forgive that strong-hold in our hearts that needed to be expelled and replace it with your fruit of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for cleaning us up Lord. Help us to live by your goodness and led by your Spirit and be aware of opportunities to speak of your love wherever we go. 

Father you said that “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.” Pr. 18:16 niv

Amp says: “a man’s gift [given in love or courtesy] makes room for him and brings him before great men.” 

Use us Father and open up doors for our gifts to bless you and those who need to receive the gifts you’ve given us. Your word says that we should have a right answer for everyone who questions about our walk. You promised that you will bring up what we have learned at those times and we stand upon your promises. 

Thank you Father. In Jesus we ask. Amen.

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