Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Be thankful we haven't reaped everything we sowed.

Good Morning,

He has not dealt with us according to our sins [as we deserve], Nor rewarded us [with punishment] according to our wickedness.” Psalm 103:10 amp.

Think “how far the Lord has brought you.” I can gladly say, I am not the same person I was 30-40 years ago or even yesterday. The Holy Spirit keeps us moving in our walk.  The above verse is so true. God does not give us everything we deserve.  The selfishness of sin not only destroys ourselves but can scar those we love. The closer we humbly come to our Father the brighter the light. We can see clearer! We understand! We embrace the love He offers, never to be let go! Our journey is one of thankfulness today. Our Father is long on patience and sees our whole life from the beginning to the end. He sees promises, purposes and plans inside of us that we once could not see. With every single wrong we once did, He knew we would multiply the goodness of His seeds upon other hearts. He looked upon your heart and said, “He is mine! Enough! His love is all consuming and Irresistible! 


Precious Heavenly Father,

You remind us how you rescued us from a miry pit and how you haven’t given to us everything we deserve. We are so thankful for your never ending love and compassion. Forgive us for being prideful and high-minded at times. If it were not for your mercy where would we be. Thank you for teaching us how far above your ways are to the worlds ways. Thank you Holy Spirit for giving us the love of the Father. We have learned how reachable is your love! We give you praise this morning for continually teaching our hearts to put off any scraps of worldliness, any leftover habits, the things we are not even aware of in our lives that need to be discarded. Reveal your precious words to us as you replace old ways we put behind us and find solutions to put on the things of our Father. We thank you Father in Jesus name..amen.

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