Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lack of accountability always brings God's judgement

Good Morning,

Man’s corruption is bred for the lack of accountability. This opened door ushers in God’s judgement. Watching the news today is a boiling pot of violent injustice! Our blood pressures rise when we see troublemakers prevent good people from free speech and the cops simply watch. Jesus warned us about these days. Years ago I asked the Lord to expose all of the corruption in our government. Study and reason revealed there would be foreign boots trampling upon our land [with bloodshed] and when I asked the Lord, “But who?” The word “muslims” came to my heart. Fear has a paralyzing grip on good people who desire to help those who dare to walk on the frontlines and overcome evil with God’s goodness. Whom do you fear? God or man? If you fear man, you’ve become snared.

America has lacked accountability ever since Dr. Spock came out in the fifties with his book of lies. Parents were told that spanking a child would break their spirit. Not only did the secular minds etch this travesty in stone and wrap his teachings around their universities, but so did the majority of churches. They threw out the wisdom of Proverbs and replaced it with secular thinking patterns. Ps. 1:1 tells us not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly.  Most readers already know we are going to have to give an account for everything we do, our idle words and those secret things in our heart that only The Holy Spirit knows about. If this scares you, it should. 

For the lack of love many a teen has landed in prison [or worse] and are forced to face the truth about themselves. The only perfect rehabilitation is in Jesus. We cannot begin to love, nor understand love unless we have The Spirit of Love inside of us and it is He who guides us into all truth. You must be born again. rd. Jn 3:3

For it is written and forever remains written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise [the philosophy of the philosophers], And the cleverness of the clever [who do not know me] I will nullify.” Is.29:14 1Co.1:19 amp.

Why would we embrace the decaying utterance of worldly wisdom, whose spirits are dead, close to our hearts?  It is only by God's wisdom that sets a man free. Where are we putting our faith? 

If you are one who has depended more upon the worlds wisdom than God’s wisdom, it is time get right and return to what God says about living. The Bible gives us an answer for every problem and situation we go through. 

“But if we evaluated and judged ourselves honestly [recognizing our shortcomings and correcting our behavior], we would not be judged. But when we [fall short and] are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined [by undergoing His correction] so that we will not be condemned [to eternal punishment] along with the world.” 1Co.11:31,32 amp.

Hold yourselves and your children accountable to what God is saying in your heart. Be honest. Time is fleeting, none of us know what the next minute will bring in our lives. While we still have breath in our lungs; examine your motives.  Please pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for teaching us this promise. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who deeply examines every part of our hearts. We thank you for your mercies and how they are new every single morning. We take nothing for granted and realize how we’ve been grafted into your vine. We praise your name, that we can say: “Abba Father.” You’ve taught us how a good loving father will discipline his children. You’ve taught us not to be entangled with the the world. We hear your words. Thank you for teaching us how to abide in your son. Help us to remember all that you give to us. Forgive us for falling short through doubt and unbelief. Forgive us for not discipling or correcting ourselves and our children. Your word tells us that those who do not correct their children do not love them. Forgive us. Fill us up with your love. Put a bold fire under us  to walk diligently in your love and in your ways. We choose your faith and love over any manifestation of fear.  We confess knowing the wisdom of sowing and reaping in our lives in all areas. Clean up our hearts and get all those worldly gnats and stains out and it is in Jesus name we ask this. Holy Spirit, refill and overflow in us with your perseverance, goodness and joy. Strongly, create in us to be examples of fruitful trees. Guard our tongues and hearts with your peace. We ask that your wisdom and knowledge continue to hold us accountable in our lives so that we will have a clear, clean conscience when we face our Father God. We trust in you completely Father. Thank you Lord. Amen.  

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