Friday, March 22, 2019

Prayer of declaration, confession and power.

Good Morning Precious Father,

We confess gratitude: Thank you O Holy Spirit for always being with us, even in our times of disagreements, depressions and fatigue. We can see how every trial we go through makes us stronger to give you glory. Thank you for never giving up on conforming us into the likeness of your Son Jesus.  Thank you for your love and great mercies every single morning. Thank you for being a God of understanding whose eyes look deep into our hearts. You look so deep, you see the motives of our hearts. Thank you for teaching us through experience “The fear of the Lord.” Thank you for your wisdom who gives us solutions when we know it all came from you! Thank you for your patience who knows what we will do and say before we even give utterance. Thank you for never giving up on us. Thank you for opening up our hearts to be teachable, to listen, to understand what your word is saying to us. Draw us closer to you O Holy Spirit. Breathe upon us every morning and night. Help us to be more aware of your voice and hear clearer when you speak.  We ask that you don’t give up on us, continue to renew our spirits daily. Allow us to be sensitive to what is happening in today, but not be dragged down in anger, doubt or discouragement in what we hear in the secular media. Remind us to pray for these people who have turned away from your love. Gird our souls and spirits up to fight the forces of darkness in the way we have been taught. We choose to overcome evil with good. We choose to use the faith that you have given to us and be doers of your word and not hearers only. We choose to honor you every morning. We choose to see your light, your way with your love instead of giving room to any form of darkness. We cast it all down and choose to know that the battle belongs to you because you said, “Vengence is yours and that you will repay. We trust that you will deal with your enemies who mock those that love you. We stand boldly upon your word and can rejoice with gladness that Your Son is Lord in our lives. Truly He is our King of Kings. We look earnestly for His glorious return. Prepare our hearts Holy Spirit as we look for your return.  We are a Child of God and have learned we are not subject to your wrath, but goodness. We know you protect your children. We thank you for every single correction, awaking and shaking in our life, we thank you for making us sit and know: You are God. and that you will have mercy on whom you will have mercy.  We choose this day to look through the lens of Jesus and turn our anger into love. We put down any pride and put on humility.  Help us to remember to look past the blind ignorance of those who believe their lies; who cannot see the truth and ask that your breath would have mercy and blow upon their spirits into repentance. We ask that the spirit of error be replace with your Spirit of Truth in their lives. 

We confess to have faith as a mustard seed and we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us. 
We confess that we refuse not to believe any spirit when they say they are from you, but only those who confess that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is from God. We are your children and we belong to you and according to your word in 1 John 4:4 we have already overcome the agents of antichrist because He who is in us is greater than those who are in the world. 

Right now, we refuse and shun all twisted doctrines of demons, viewpoints of the world, immoral and baseless theories, those that demand compliance with degrading perverted opinions, those who mock other believers and we speak to those enmities that try to control the airwaves;  “we stand upon the rock that Jesus gave to us, and nullify all their schemes, strategies, mocking’s, lies, controlling plans and thoughts against your people in Jesus name!” 

We choose God’s word! We declare His sword is truth! Teach us O Holy Spirit to love unselfishly because we know you are the originator of Love. Thank you for giving your Son for us and setting us free. Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit. Thank you for your atonement. 

We choose to be your vessels of love to keep plowing up your land. We choose to be diligent and honor you in Praise, in Word, in our thoughts and in the hours you give to us. We choose to be that tree that is planted by the water. Thank you for giving us the Water of Life. Thank you Father for planting us where we are supposed to be. 

We choose to replace any stray thoughts of “if only” when we know you are the one who directs our steps and they are ordered by you. We choose to replace any discontent inside of us and turn and look at what we have, in complete thankfulness and gratitude. Forgive us our whining, our fretting, any doubt or disbelief and we ask that you would station a clamp upon our mouths when we do not think before we speak.  Thank you Father.  

We confess and pray in your Son’s name Jesus Christ, amen. 

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