Friday, March 29, 2019

Do you have "Hoof and Mouth disease?"

Good Morning, 

“From the fruit of his mouth a [wise] man enjoys good, but the desire of the treacherous is for violence. The one who guards his mouth [thinking before he speaks] protects his life; The one who opens his lips wide [and chatters without thinking] comes to ruin.” Proverbs 13:2,3 amp.

Raise your hand if there are times you talk too much. My mother would say, “Think about what you just said, think before you speak.” I experimented using big words without looking up their meanings. That can get you into speedy trouble. Without fail she would point me to the dictionary.  I have always loved words and when she told me to “think first” I began the life long process to first think before I opened my mouth.

Let's face it, most of our problems come from our tongue.

We will have to give an account for every idle word we speak. The Bible continues to say; when words are many, sin is unavoidable and life and death is in the power of the tongue. By our words we will be justified and by our words we will be condemned. Everything we say is being recorded. Mt. 12:36, 37  Pr. 10:19, Pr. 18:18:21

If we are not careful, our tongue can get us into trouble all of the time. Wars, divorces, misunderstandings, un-forgiveness and divided nations have all been started over the tongue. The words go out, but the fruit remains and begins to grow.  We cannot take the words back, but we can repent if we uttered something against the will of our Father. My heart loves talking about the things of God. But, how many people know too much honey can make anyone sick. No one likes to be forced fed something that is disagreeable to their digestive system. Seeds are small, but the fruit can be good, if we begin to use wisdom. Our nation is bloated with God’s word going out into the airwaves. Many have become desensitized by overkill. To be a candle, we are to do the will of God and not always speak.  

We pray:

 Heavenly Father, 

We give you all adoration, our hearts, our souls, our minds, our total being and ask the Holy Spirit to take out any reflective stains in our hearts that we seem to be hanging onto and our minds that would later turn into rash speaking, any quick anger, fretting, grumbling, mumbling, unwarranted reasoning, any worldly wisdom, backlashing, wishful thinking, religiosity/legalism, judging, false humility, any gossip and prideful thoughts. We refuse to nurse any of those things and repent of any careless thoughts and words. We put them all down and replace all these thoughts with humility, things that are true, honorable, respectful, worthy, things that are right and are confirmed by your word, things that are pure, wholesome, lovely, things that bring peace that guards our hearts, things that are admirable and of good repute, things of excellence and things worthy of your praise. We ask that an angel would guard our tongues and remind us to “think before we speak.” We thank you for your word and request the sensitive leading of your Holy Spirit before we speak. We ask this in your son’s name Jesus. Amen. 

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