Monday, December 9, 2013

Being a Salty Character is a Good Thing!

Gentle Rain

Salt and Light

 “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.” Mt. 5:13 msg.

Jesus could have said, “let me tell you why you have been placed here on earth, you are here to be salty, to bring spice to my Father’s words, enthusiasm and understanding in love.” He could have further said, “I want people to see my father’s love in you and I want them to see that it is a victorious and exciting life!”

Isn’t this the season to be merry? Better still, salty? Aren’t we supposed to get excited and let our light shine like a city upon a hill that cannot be hid? I say most definitely yes!

If you think you’ve lost your saltiness, think slowly back a little:

Can you think back to the first time you thought about the love of Jesus?

Can you remember how you felt?

Can you think how He literally took your hand and led you into His Kingdom of Love?

Can you think about the peace you experienced?  

Remember my friend, how miraculous it all was? He is still the same and His arms are still holding out to you.

Think about His dynamic resurrection and how He was seen by over 500 people?  You know HE is real and He is our hope.

Remember the old adages, why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing? And of course, I need to FIND myself. The latter was very big in my hey day. Everyone was out to FIND themselves. We went to great extremes “to find ourselves” back then. The Beatles went to India but those of us who were at home ate beans and rice, mostly did drugs, alcohol and of course that led to other self destructive behaviors. But, we were all searching to find ourselves. 

What we were really searching for was the love of Jesus. Then, we found HIM! The media broadcasted loud and clear about the “Jesus Movement.” They did not realize, that we had found the real thing! To them it was a big story, to us it was LIFE every lasting!

We became real salty people. We had spice! We wanted to change the world! I would not change my love experience with the Lord for all gold in Ft. Knox.  

Born again believers should to be a wild and crazy motley crew continually shaking up the world, no matter what your age is and today, you can travel around the globe talking about the wonders of God’s love from your arm chair at home. Never before did we ever think such a thing would be achievable.

Renew your mind, renew your life and add some of God's salt into your world today. Nothing is impossible with God.

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