Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Here it is Christmas morning and I am reflecting upon the past year that is almost behind us. For some reason I get sad when I see another year go, not necessarily because it means I will be a year older; but maybe because I grew accustomed to the year and the new knowledge I learned. I love to learn. If I cannot grow and achieve a deeper understanding in my life; for me it would be a life of waste.

What have I learned? I have been once again confirmed that none of us are "there or arrived."

Everyone has questions and doubts about their lives. We have questions of the "whys" about our faith. There will always be times when we will wonder if we made the wrong decision, and what would our life have been like if we had turned left instead of right? We speculate sometimes. But, we cannot go back.

I do know, eventually you take one day at a time. Many of us have to take it by the hour and take small steps at a time. If we reach for the tomorrows all of the time, we aren't enjoying the gift of the present. Our yesterdays can be memories of gold, only if we choose to think about the good parts. Our tomorrows will come through the decisions we make right here in the present. However, as wise as it is to plan for tomorrow; we shouldn't live there or in yesterday.

As I see this year holding up it's arm and beginning to wave good-bye to us; I cannot help but think about those who  passed over to the other side. We miss them dearly. I even had a dream of my mother last night. She was so vivid and clear, but not happy. I hugged her and then, she disappeared.

If I know one thing. We people are here to love one another. Here is a challenge for you; begin a new habit of looking for the good in a person, instead of always seeing the worse. Isn't it time to consider other's needs and forgive more? I am convinced that is the only way to a fulfilled life and heart.  

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