Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Waterloo of your Soul

Lately I have been reminded that one of the most excruciating battles that we fight is the conflict of our own Waterloo within our souls. 

Finalizing the nod, as we repeat the same conquest in our past, we sign and seal a deal for futuristic torment of agonizing memories. We literally feel like we have abandoned our soul. Just one unthinking erratic decision can change our whole life. In one big swoop, we can go from happy to hell when we choose not to walk away from the temptation of a seducing spirit. Weeping, our hearts become filled with remorse and throb with uncontrollable pain as we find ourselves once again driving desperately around that mountain. 

We have all felt hopelessly rejected and out of control and unable to change the direction we are heading at times. We feel helpless.  
Unknowingly tormented, we do not realize nor think how that simple decision destroys ourselves and others:

Mentally: to the point where clear thinking is muddied and perverted. Humiliated, we ask ourselves, “Oh, Why did I do that again? Why did I say that again? Why did I say yes again?” Torment knows no mercy!

Physically: Because the exterior of our body reveals our wear and tear and begins to show the hard evidence of our sins. Do not be deceived, there are those who can see this confirmation in your eyes and your stature. Everything is manifested from the inner eventually into the outer form. This is why we age. 

There becomes a spiritual void within our heart that cannot be denied or escaped, all because of the unwise schooling or choices we have either learned from childhood, self learned lies of survivor ship mentality and for some; greed.

What is the name of your Waterloo?

Every single thing we do has a conditional price tag attached.  If you find yourself with a drinking problem, the best drink will be your last one. Do you know why I say that? Almost every 90 seconds a person is injured in a drunk driving accident. A drinking and driving accident can paralyze or kill someone on the highway. The Waterloo of that earth-shattering reality will have to be walked out for the rest of our lives. We bring torment on ourselves.

Meth? Coke? What else? The best high is the one that handcuffs us and throws us into prison. It is better to be in a physical prison than behind bars in an invisible one. I say this because some of us need to be saved from ourselves, whatever the cost. We do not seem to learn life’s lessons unless it is slung by a baseball bat. Think of the alternatives. In reality, this is merciful. 

The best sexual quest will be the one who clandestinely gives back to us, what we have so generously given to so many others. An over confident behavior of scoring sexual pursuits not only wounds but abuses trusting hearts who cared for us. Because we receive the heart ache that we sow in our life, sooner or later, our lives will become like a boom-a-rang upon every door we open. A diluted conscience that becomes dulled, brings in a spirit of fear and we begin to look at every turn, if someone is chasing us; when they are not. When we hurt and lie to such loving hearts our reward is lived as a self-defeated victim.  We are ignorant to the depth of damage to everyone involved. 

And, if we have rebelliously lost respect for those who love us and have cared for us, and have mistreated and abused them; there will come a day when we will experience the very things we have so selfishly prearranged for the demise of those who cared for us. In other words, we will reap what we have sowed.

Summary: We may think we get away with our thoughts and actions, but the truth is; it is only a matter of time before all those selfish seeds we planted in our garden of life comes up and becomes ripe.

Solution: It is only when we finally become at the end of ourselves, there is one way to look and that is up. When we can finally admit that we have messed up our lives doing things selfishly our way and have been wrong and want to change; there is where you will meet hope. Hope only meets those who are at the bottom of the rope and admits there is no place to go. 

Acknowledge that you seem unable to climb up out of your self made pit. Humble yourself. True humility will usher in God's grace when you reach out towards His love. No longer will you be held in a spirit of bondage or torment, but God will set you free from yourself. He will draw closer and begin to plant your feet on solid ground.  

We do not have a instant God who works by our timeline or standards. But when you humbly and truthfully surrender your life into His hands, He will begin to guide you into the direction that is the best path for your life. Can you trust Him today? I can personally attest that accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior will be the best decision you will have make in your life.


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