Saturday, December 21, 2013

Not Everyone is Smiling in the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a hard time to go through for many people out there. The Christmas carol that sings "Tis the season to be merry, fa la la la la, la la la la." Isn't necessarily so, for many of us. For some, there are memories of a death or a divorce. A rejected soul becomes a wounded spirit. One whose heart is broken continues to follow the daily pattern of getting up in the morning and going to work, coming home, feeding the cat and themselves, turn on the television, flipping from station to station in a depressed daze. They wonder why they are here? They begin to wonder "What's it all about Alfie?" Like the old sixty song once asked.

Many who read this have suffered from years of abuse to find it suddenly taken away and you've discovered a freedom you have not known. Such freedom can be compared to that of a bird that was once in a cage for many years and was finally able to take to the skies and do what he has only dreamed of doing; soaring and gliding over the rivers, cliffs, mountains and over the rocks. The bird flaps his wings for awhile and the longer he does this, he notices the less winded he feels. He becomes giddy with excitement. He becomes a confident champion in flight.  He is euphoric as the sky becomes his domain. He starts to play as he glides rapturously enjoying his new playground,  his new life.

Yet, not everyone has been set free. For some due to: Old thinking habits. We feel they must be true, yet it's the battle in our minds that have kept us in this cage. "I'm not pretty enough, I'm not smart enough, I'll never get over him/her, Everyone will know what I went through or what I did." Whatever the echos...
You are not alone, though there are times you may feel it.

Our thinking habits turn into a lifestyle, but we are still in that cage. Years pass and the lie still persists in your  mind, as you revolve your life around your belief system.
No, you are not alone.

What is the truth? If you are a bird, you belong in the sky my friend. If you are a cat, you need to be allowed to prowl at night and leap onto high places and if you are a dog; you need to run and play. Why is it we can see so clearly what the animals need and forfeit our own needs and desires? Even the animals come to drink water when they need it.

If you are thirsty,  Jesus said:
"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." John 4:14 NLT


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