Monday, December 30, 2013

I understand, because "I have been there."

People, it takes all kinds. Happy, crazy, wild, moody, pensive and yet, fun to be with people. Then, we open another portal; one that is filled with open wounds, angry and hopeless hearts. A place where countless are unable to communicate except through the anger they feel inside. I imagine they must think at times “who would understand me, if I could possibly describe how I feel? Could I do this? And is there someone, anyone; out there I can talk to without being rejected?”  

I usually do not have a problem remembering what my Pastor’s say and years ago, he said one Sunday: “your work is outside of these doors.”  He was right of course. I am not saying that the flock isn’t supposed to be trained and equipped, most definitely!  But aside from that; cannot any of us think back and remember what it was like to fend for ourselves? Can we think for a moment what it was like (BC) before Christ took over our lives? We were the unloveables, the rebellious and certainly not the “beautiful people.” We were all a part of the problems in the world not the solutions.

I believe a person can choose a belief according to where they are in their life. For example; if a young adult and has been discouraged over and over by their parents who continually broke promises, did not communicate, gave money instead of giving themselves; what is that young adult learning? He has learned that he cannot trust people. In his world, people say one thing, but mean another. They were never there for him and have substituted themselves by giving him money. He has learned it is a useless exercise to try to tell his parents how he feels, because he has been schooled to believe they do not care.  He was taught that true value in life must be “things” because; that is all he received since he came into the world. The young man grows up frustrated, angry and chooses “atheism” as his belief system. How can he believe in a loving God when he has never experienced love? The only thing he has ever really wanted?

Until The Body of Christ becomes sensitive enough to The Holy Spirit and fearless enough to be obedient to befriend those who need Jesus, how will the rebels know that someone really cares and loves them?  Unless they are shown this love, how will they see? Unless they are given a direction, how will they know which way to go? How much do you care for such a dying world?

Cannot we say “I understand, because I have been where you are at and I have the answer for you.”

In 2014, seek God and see what He would have you to do this next year, to help those in need. 

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