Tuesday, October 30, 2018

It is time to RISE UP and take back the land the enemy has stolen!!

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not all consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22, 23 kjv

God’s mercies, love and compassions are deep. Who of us can understand? Every single day, we hear of more killings and those who rebel against everything God stands for. They have no limits to the wicked destruction they will bring upon a person, city or nation. 

Lies are their native language and violence is their middle name.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists never put the blame upon the perpetrator but point to the environmental upbringing which caused them to be held captive by their mental illness. Therefore, in today’s world; it is not the criminal’s fault. The criminal becomes the victim. Rd. Isaiah 5:20

The early sixties brought the British rock group: The “Beetles” invading our shores, as we listened to a different beat from abroad. The rockers hairstyles were coifed over their ears and collars. America embraced their uniqueness and overnight our own rock and rollers grew their hair longer and longer and because of their great success we opened the gates to more British rock groups. Thousands of teens flocked to hear this new expression. Pot, LSD, speed were used everywhere and as the hippies rebelled with these abusive substances against the Vietnam war, they proceeded to destroy themselves with free love. Then, the media flashed smiling pictures of the Beetles dressed in east Indian styled garb with Ghandi in India seeking wisdom and to “find themselves.” Last count, Hinduism has 350 million gods. Each village has their own gods for your specific requests. Their idols are made of wood, stone, metal and other materials, who have eyes yet cannot see, ears but cannot hear. 

America’s response? Complacency. Why did we not see how this would affect us and our children? We embraced the eastern idolatries and watched prayer and the Bible booted from our schools and replaced with Idolatry and paganism. An obliging America turned her back on the God of the Bible and accepted gods from other nations [in the name of separation of church and state]. Results: We have received the curses that are prominent in those nations. We have their diseases, afflictions, droughts, floods, fires, and many cannot grow food organically, due to the toxicity of the earth being sprayed by chemicals. We have had to buy our water because the water from our own facets is also full of chemicals. And, we did it all to ourselves.  

In a lab in Oregon, scientist are holding a vial of “The Black Plague.” Why? Will this be unleashed during the wrath of God? 


Doctors will never tell you that the Pharmaceutical meds that are given to the elderly do more harm than good. I wonder at times if there is a quota they are forced to prescribe? Why do the majority of seniors seem to passover with a form of dementia?  Instead of questioning this, we accept our demise. 

And so,

Our nation went from Christianity to Eastern beliefs to following Native American beliefs with their spirit animals and totem poles, to New Age Consciousness [believing we are gods] to the science of Quantum Physics, to another new age science and in-between, dabbling in the occult through casting spells, horoscopes, astral projection, reading palms, tea leaves, worshipping trees and the earth and leaving Jesus out of the whole picture. Mingled throughout these times, there are sprinkled denominations unable to get along that twist God’s word, yet developed names for themselves.

No, Harry Potter is not innocent, nor good for your children.

It is time for America to rise up and say a resounding NO to their children and go back to discipline. 

Our nation has been giving alms to the gods of Molech and Baal through our aborted babies [https://www.romans322.com/abortion.html] and because of this the powers that be, are rewarded by these demonic enmities with money from their baby parts. And, the next time you watch a movie from Hollywood ~ PG-13 and up, wait for it ~ and you will hear the taking of our Lord’s name in vain, just like clockwork. They signed the contract, made the deal and have sold themselves out to satan for: power, fame and money. 

Every time Hollywood puts out a depraved movie it is like slapping our Holy Father in the face and saying: “I win!” 

Never forget, the enemy lies.

Believers can put a stop to their atrocity by not accepting and not watching such things. Put it all down once and for all and replace it by storing up God’s word inside of you.  Turn away from all of it and let the world see you doing it! Even if you have to have a bomb fire in your front yard burning all those films. Make a decision today to do it.

Why are we surprised our nation has such problems?

We all become like that which we worship. 

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5

Idolatry goes beyond bowing to statues of wood and metal. Anything we put before God is an idol. The loving of ourselves before all else, sets our very selves up into idolatry. 

King Solomon did not withhold himself a thing:

“I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil.”

More was never enough for Solomon. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. When you read the Book of Ecclesiastes, you discover a man who had everything life could give him, yet he was a very depressed unhappy man. He once said, “Nothing is new under the son.” He already figured out that unless we people learn and change, history always repeats itself. God had given him a wisdom that far exceeded other rulers. Solutions came easy for him. He was a man who enjoyed working and studied everything, from biology, astronomy, literature; you name it! He was given a keen discernment for others and knew how to rightly respond to problems.  His weakness and temptation?  Foreign women who worshipped idols. He purposely gave in to his lustful nature and rejected his Hebraic beliefs. He stopped fearing God when he built pagan idols upon the hills for his wives and concubines.  If it wasn’t for David’s great love for God and his son; Solomon’s kingdom would have been immediately taken from him. 

“But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son.” 1Kings 11:12 Living.

What we do during our lifetime affects our children and our children’s children. This is why it is so important we repent and get right with God and stay right. 

You might think, “but that was back then, during the Old Covenant.” Jesus came to give us grace with the New Covenant. Yes, this is true, but God’s principles do not change. Jesus came to fulfill the law. 

Today, we celebrate homosexuality [LGBTQ] as they march boldly in their parades. And, they are allowed to adopt babies. These are the things our children and grandchildren are growing up watching. This is how far our nation has fallen. 

Today we have an active pedophile who is running for Congress.

Yes that is true.

Lastly, when I look up the word “fear” of God in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic; I am aware of many articles trying to get away from the phrase of the fear of God.  The truth is:  Fear means just that, fear. 

God made things simple for us when he said “fear God and live.”

“The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.” Pr. 10:27

If we fear God the way we should we will have an awe, respect and reverence for Him. We will understand that when we do something [sin] that we shouldn’t, our godly father here on earth will correct us and depending upon the degree of the seriousness of the behavior even be given punishment. Some people are sent to prison for their crimes. Understand that correction and punishment is a kindness so we can learn from being disciplined. If we do not learn from the correction or punishment, we’ll be driving around that mountain again until we do. 

A father that cares enough to stop you from ruining your life could be called the goodness of God. Every time we experience the goodness of God in our lives we are experiencing a harvest coming through our obedience in Christ. Our faith is not in vain. It is very good for us to be held accountable.

I realize this was long, but felt it had to be said. Thank you for persevering  to the end.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We adore you Father. We thank you for your Son Jesus Christ and his prayers interceding for us. We thank you for exposing things in our heart that need to get out. We ask that you would continue to expose any oppositions and idols that are contrary to our walk and your word. Help us Father to shed whatever blocks us from a close union with you. Whatever prevents us from hearing your voice and being stedfast in obedience. By the name of Jesus Christ we put any worldly thoughts, lusts, selfishness, greed down in our lives that come between us and you. By faith, through your grace we put on your goodness, your obedience, your love, understanding, humility and fear of you Father. We give you honor, reverence, and praise. Thank you Father in your Son we ask. Amen. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

One of many miracles

Good Morning,

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Joyce Meyers once wrote, “Pray over everything and fear nothing.” I agree. 

When we lived deeper in the Appalachians on the side of a mountain, I would wash the dishes and be able to look at our goats outside and see the fish jumping in our large pond through the window, above the sink. One day I was done washing the dishes and I noticed my diamond was missing in my wedding ring. Fearfully, my hands went through the water to feel anything on the bottom. Nothing. Earlier I was working in my garden, did it fall in the clay as I weeded? Prayerfully, I went out and looked hopelessly at all the piled weeds to no avail. Gone. My heart was torn. My husband and I had picked out the rings together in Toronto. Thoughts of the past playful memories started to come as I dreaded the thought of telling him what happened. This diamond was a picture of our love.

I prayed again and finally came to the familiar area of acceptance. 
The diamond was lost.  
I knew nothing was impossible with God. 
I knew angels could bring the diamond back 
I knew God heard my prayers. 
I had no choice but to trade in my fear, for the peace of God.
And, that is what I did.

Summer turned into Our Majesty’s Autumn. Tritones of orange, yellow/green and purple leafed trees circled our small cabin as we began to store up hay for winter to feed the goats. The fireplace was lit while we eased into the foggy cool mornings awaiting the first snow. Then, before long the whole scenery changed as I watched from my sink window, I could see the very top of our mountain dressed in an ice blue-white blanket and then, the silence of pure white snow falling all around us. Everything was quiet, giving a godly reverence amidst the first snow. 

Life was a always a party with the goats, when let out of their barn they playfully kicked up their heels in the snow. Feeling good about the fluffy snow around their ankles and the briskness of the morning, airy poofs from their warm breaths shot into the air and then, without warning all together thundered up the mountain to see what crispy edible delights they would find. 
Our goats were not only comedians but very social animals that loved to be with us when we were working outside. They followed us everywhere! One day while my husband was chopping wood and loading the bed of his pickup, he went to get in behind the wheel only to find “Freddie” the lead goat sitting in the passenger seat willing to ride with him. We laughed hard every single day!

Winter on the mountain proved unheard of discoveries for me. When the sun was out, I would putsy into my frozen garden to see if anything was happening. I found some of my Red Oak Leaf lettuce alive and growing under the snow. We had fresh organic salad in the middle of February! 

Spring arrived and everything had babies on the mountain except me! Mother Robins pulled large worms teaching their begging, oversized babies on the lawn. Chickadees would daringly nest in a birdhouse closest to the cabin. Perhaps they felt safe with us. Baby bunnies began to slowly learn where the greens were popping up. And then, I started to hear the froggy chorus again around the pond.

One day while I was in the bathroom and the sun was blazing through the window, I noticed a sparkle on the floor. I thought to myself: “What is this? It cannot be, after all these months.”  But it was! It was my diamond. How could that be? How did the diamond get in there? I certainly swept and mopped the room many times over the months, since I lost it. Have you ever felt your heart leap with joy? I could not wait to tell my husband! I knew God had heard my prayer and returned it. 

I learned:

Fear will hold you captive by the thoughts you feed yourself and allow to reside inside of you. Fear’s assignment is to cause doubt and to paralyze you with it’s lie. Rebuke all fear and allow your peace to be restored in Christ.

Humble thankfulness comes by meditating how good God is and how much we are loved and by receiving something we have gone without. We become humbled and thankful at the same time when we realize God has truly heard our prayers, over and over again. We have a God who more than cares about us. He sees our disappointments, our tears and how our heart feel pain when we see others hurt. He sees it all and He loves us. Through all our trials, we learn to trust in Him and keep the peace that He has given to us. 

Lastly, I was given these words upon my bed last night:

Attitude is very important, as it transforms our character in Christ.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit to teach us your will. Thank you for giving us your peace. Thank you for always answering our prayers. You are faithful and true. Thank you for teaching us that wisdom also comes through experience and to increase the faith that you have given to us. Thank you, for bringing us through our trials. Remind us to be encouragers in Christ and to look for an open door when speaking to others and be sensitive to their needs. Teach us to stir up the gifts you have given to us and be the stewards you have called us to be. Be our strength when we have problems loving. We ask that you would teach us how to love others in a way that would be pleasing to you. In the way your son loved. We choose to take every thought captive in Christ that is not of you. We choose to walk in your spirit and not in the flesh. We choose to have peace over fear. We choose to exercise faith and love. We choose your words of righteousness and truth above man’s ideology. We choose trust and belief over any doubt and unbelief. We choose to feed ourselves and others kindness, patience and love over anything of the flesh. We choose to disentangle ourselves from the world and stand completely upon your promises in Christ.  We choose to believe in miracles, because you are the God of Miracles. We believe in healing and stand upon what your word says “by Jesus stripes we are healed!” We will not go by what we feel, not by what we see, nor what we hear. We will not be deterred, we will not be moved or wavered, we will not doubt, we will not speak against our prayers but will think before we speak and ask that our speech would be one of grace seasoned with your salt, that would lift other hearts. We make this declaration in faith in your son Jesus Christ. Amen. 



Saturday, October 20, 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Are they Angels?

Good Morning,

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10

When we lived in a storybook village in Canada, we belonged to a small flock of about 20-30 people. Pastor Herb and his wife Dorothy became good friends of ours. The goodness of God shone through these people by their giving, helps, mercy, discernment and hospitality. We had our meetings in a Century old Canadian brick home where they lived. Everything about them was real, transparent and homespun. One man came to visit them for a couple of days and ended up staying for 2 years! Strangers gravitated towards the love they offered. When a guest speaker came into the group, I noticed how they would give of themselves 110% to listening to what he had to say and if the man struggled with his words, no matter; they gave such an overwhelming acceptance that could only come from God. They gave and gave of themselves; as they loved, honored and respected everyone who came into their lives. They would honor you for who you were, not for what you needed to be. They looked past your faults and could picture you being completed in Christ, through the lens of The Holy Spirit.  I cannot put into words, how much I miss our friends. 

Around that time, my youngest son was allowed to drive our truck in small trips. He went to his friends farm and got stuck in the snowy muddy muck. When Pastor Herb found out about it, he put on his coveralls, wool toque, boots, mitts and with an unforgettable smile he got his tractor out, along with chains and worked his way toward the farm. Humbled, I had never before experienced someone who literally leaped with joy to help us. And, when he got to the farm; he had the truck out in a matter of minutes. I learned a huge lesson that day. I was there to learn the high value of giving of yourself and helping others in joy!

Dorothy’s firm gentleness was like a rock in my life. It seemed she understood everything about me and without me saying a word. She knew who I was and loved me right where I was at, in Christ. She gave me instructions on how to can crabapples over the phone and how to improve on my pie baking. She recognized God’s gifts inside of me and encouraged me to use them and she admonished anyone who did not adhere to my “wise words.” One wintery night, Dorothy and I had attended a small conference in another town. While we were on our way back home, I noticed the snow was thick and falling horizontally. Those who have experienced driving in thick horizontal snow, know exactly what I am talking about.  Dorothy was behind the wheel with a peace and faith that I’ll never forget. I murmured, how could she see anything? Oh yes, she could see and she knew how and where to put the car. I marveled over such confidence and peace. Myself? I prayed all the way back home.  Are Herb and Dorothy angels, given to us by our Father to learn the important life lessons on our journey? If I could give them two words to describe them, it would be: Faithful Love. 

Let’s pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are more than good and we know our words cannot even describe your goodness or glory. You Oh Father look out for us so many times when we do not realize it or see it. You lead us where you want us to be and you send your people to help us along the way. You are faithful and true. You teach us how to love, how to work, how to trust in You, how to be content and how to use our faith that would be pleasing to you. Thank you Father. We give you glory, honor and all our praise in your Son’s name we pray amen. 

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Pray with me

Good Morning. 

Let’s pray with everything inside of us this morning.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you in praise and thankfulness this morning. We willingly give you our hearts, our minds, our bodies and our souls. We say to our souls, “Bless the Lord Oh my soul and all that is within us. We Bless your Holy Name.

”Your son said that if we have faith in you, that we can say to our mountain, to be removed and be cast into the sea and have no doubt in our hearts but believe those things which He said shall come to pass, we will have what He said; He said whatever we desire when we pray for us to believe that we have received them and we will have them. You also told us that when we do pray for us to forgive those who have offended us, as you will also forgive us. But if we do not forgive anyone, neither will you forgive us our sins.”

We choose to forgive those who have wounded our souls and we ask that you would help us forgive the words spoken over us. Forgive us for making rash decisions by our words, by our souls and by our bodies, that have offended and wounded others. Clean us up Lord. Heal the souls and spirits we have offended and heal our own souls and spirits Father. Show us how we can bring your spirit of forgiveness into the physical realm by your Spirit because you said where your Spirit is, there is freedom. Help us be transparent through our speech and behavior. If there be any stains within us that we are not aware of, we ask that you would take them all out. Any habits that we have accumulated that offends you, we ask that you would help us put them all down by your Spirit. Thank you Father. 

Your word tells us to make our requests to known to you. We pray for our children this morning. We ask that you would continue to keep your hand upon them, draw them closer to you, continue to send them godly messengers to give them your perfect and right word that give them the strength and power to withstand the demands and commands of them on a daily basis. Teach them to break every stronghold upon their lives through your word. Give them a hunger and thirst for your Character and truth. Teach them to love like your son. Continue to set them free by the power of your blood, continue to heal their wounds and open up their hearts where they can hear your voice in a clearer way. Fill them up with your joy and we ask that you would keep your protective angels around and about them while they are home and in travel. Thank you Father.

We lift up our President to you this morning. We ask that you would continue to give him that supernatural energy that can only come from your Spirit. Renew his mind with your word and refill him up with your joy as he remembers your promises. Help him lean on your strength and through his mighty faith that you have given to him,  we ask that he would keep making godly decisions that give you all the glory, honor and praise. Help him to continue to never be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good. Give him that place of rest and with your power and determination and confidence in you. Help him to reflect your will, your way and in your truth. Give him the right words at the right time to continue to set people free around the globe. Keep him completely safe, that not even one foot would stumble. We lift up his wife Melania and ask you would continue to feed her your love wherever she travels. We ask that your favor would continue to be upon her, as she walks upon new ground, opens her mouth and becomes a mighty witness of your love wherever she finds herself. We ask that you would continue to keep her safe and healthy. 

We pray for their children and ask that you would give them wisdom and confidence in you and fill them up your strength and understanding. Use them mightily by your  hand Father and we ask that you would continue to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

We pray for our Presidents cabinet and their families. We pray where there is a need for healing, we ask that you would restore their bodies and make them completely whole. We ask that where there is any doubt in your power and love that you would erase any such thoughts and replace them with the power of your truth. Where there is any lack of communications we ask that you would give each one a deeper understanding through your word and give them the answers they strive for in their hearts. Give them a peace and the faith to be the warriors they are called to be at this time. We ask that you would cover them with an invisible covering that nothing will be able to harm anyone involved in this movement to bring our land back to you Father. 

We ask for high favor in the land because of the godly righteousness that is being restored in your Son’s name. We ask that You would continue to bring in godly men and women to help this movement. We ask that all abortions would be dealt with and done away with completely in this nation. We ask that every Planned Parenthood would be dismantled and also done away with and we ask that those whom pride themselves blindly in this work would begin to repent upon what they are doing. Open up their eyes Father, to the depths of their sins.  We ask for your Spirit of Repentance to fall upon those who are teaching perversity to our children and that this nation would humble themselves and come to you. 

We rebuke all slander, lies, schemes, witchcraft, sorcery, evil intents, idolatry, perversions in the airwaves and in the newspapers! By the blood of Jesus Christ and through his name, we take our authority for them to close their mouths, every idea to be dried up and for them to humble themselves. We declare all pride be buried. We ask that you would open up their eyes to the truth and for them to be used to promote your love and your grace in your Kingdom and your power.  We ask that with every negative lying word they utter about Trump and those working for him, would be replaced with your goodness and fruit of your Spirit. We declare that godly airwaves and godly newspapers would begin to over take all lies and evil words and become popular and come to the forefront, even worldwide. 

Show us our part in bringing our nation back. We have prayed, “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  We believe this Father and we pray in Jesus name, amen.   

Thursday, October 11, 2018

You are lively stones

Good Morning,

"Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” Isaiah 40:26

October is becoming more beautiful everyday. The changing “of the guard” is happening as we move into a new season of vibrant colors. Autumn, our season of many goodbyes, one that basks in our Creator’s artistry with a myriad of shades of yellows, oranges, reds, purples and greens that all serve His majesty's glory. The trees begin to slowly nestle down to sleep. A shift is coming. A revolution is in the wind. We smell it, we feel it! God’s eyes are everywhere.

Nothing really dies. Trees are cut and before long we will see new shoots growing up along side of the stump. Then, soon we’ll see a skirt of wild mushrooms gathered around the stump as if to celebrate. We pull out long thorny vines and burn them in the fire and where we cleared a vacant spot, we see another small vine growing in it’s place. Where there are hills and on the side of a mountain, we see rocks, trees and a small ground cover that was not planted by human hands. How did the ground cover get there? Did our Father give instruction to the birds above to fly over that exact area or did He use the wind to blow seeds upon that exact spot? We only guess, as we see the hand of the Master Gardner. 

Everything is triune. I can look from my porch, into the woods and see 3 shades of green. An apple has the outer peel, the meat and the seeds. An orange has the peel that is connected to the pith, citrus and the seeds. A leaf has a stem, veins and face. A grapevine has the body, vines and fruit. Look for yourselves the creation of the egg.  All creation gives God glory. When you look at a beehive, you see the Queen Bee, Drones and the workers. Everything is in threes. 

In all my years, I’ve yet to see two people who are the same nor think the same including our pets, nor two clouds, nor have I seen the same sunrise or sunset or the same snowflake and when you place some white sand from our lovely beaches under a microscope; you will see a foreign vast world of colored jewels and none of them are the same.  Creating is our Father’s business and it was easy for Him to create the genius inside of you! He knew someday, you would use your wit to lighten another’s heart! He knew that someday, after you wrestled and overcame your weakness, you would be praising Him for the victory. He knew your pilgrimage would not be an easy road. Within each stumble and sorrow, His angel kept you tied around the cross and you gained strength through your brokenness, determination through your wounds and your heart began to slowly be healed. It takes ample time to form the diamond inside of you. He knew the frustrations and anger you would experience when you would see His righteousness stomped upon. He placed His deep love inside of you to give away to others who are wounded.  And, the times when you felt alone; it was His Holy Spirit who calmed your mind, renewed your faith and gave you His comfort for you to go into that place of rest and sleep. You learned to trust completely in Him.

I firmly believe, everyone who reads these articles have gained a godly strength through the trials they have walked through. You are those who have been through the fiery furnace in your lives and in your pain, discovered you were not alone. To this day, you can look back and see where you were cupped in the hands of our Savior, rescued by His angel and times when you were supernaturally fed. Everyone of you have become His Warriors, because it is you who have been transformed into those lively stones.

Some of you shine in:

Warriors of Faith
Warriors of Mercy
Warriors of Truth
Warriors of Love
Warriors of Obedience
Warriors of Hope

Let’s pray:

 Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your constant faithfulness, for your never-ending mercy and for taking us by the hand so many times as you continue to mold us into your son’s image. We give you honor and praise for always being here, for being who you are, Holy. You are a Holy God, our Father. 

Father, we ask this morning for you to heal those whom have been affected by Hurricane Michael. You are the God who restores. We ask that you would begin to restore their lives. Send godly workers and messengers to give them hope and the direction they need to once again build up their lives. Move in their hearts. We ask that they would see your hand through their loss. Renew their lives, touch their hearts for your glory and their needs. We give you all the credit Father in Jesus amen.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018

We can do small things in a big way, even gloriously!!

Good Morning,

I keep looking at the top of my desk that has books piled on top of one another in a mess of cluttered note pads of scriptures, doodling, phone numbers and even a scanner that I cannot get to work. My life long dream is to have a life of post-clutter. I confess, I have one junk drawer in the kitchen. My closet is well kept and strangely organized, but this does not mean I know where everything is located, especially when I place something precious in a box never to be seen again.  Where my desk is concerned, I like being in  “my happy place”. 

Clutter is a small thing, but “they” say that when your house is cluttered, your mind is also. I believe there is some truth to this, because when you look at the clutter, you don’t know where to begin to clean it up and what to do with the mess. Remember the saying: “There should be a place for everything?”  Well, I’m still looking for those places, but I have made a small headway. Lo and behold, all I have to do is think how often I use certain items and most important, what is their value to me and do I really need them? 

I have trouble throwing glass jars away, as they are good to place dehydrated food inside, but how often do I do that? So I’m going to take them down to the recycling center. There really is an answer to clutter. 

Another thing,  saving my skinning clothes and waiting until I get back down to my old skinny size. Give them away to someone who can use them, now. Don’t hold onto anything except endearing mementoes.

Have you noticed, if clutter is not dealt with; it multiples? Isn’t that the way it is in our lives. If we ignore something and it isn’t dealt with, it doesn’t go away, but increases.  

When anyone as been a believer for any length of time, they find out that in order to grow into the solider we are supposed to be, change is imminent.  Growth doesn’t happen over night, but takes a lifetime of powerful motivation and through a gradual process of patient endurance. Our motivation is founded upon God’s love. While we sojourn here on earth, we have this task of becoming who we are supposed to be in Christ. 

We can be creative in developing new habits of doing small things in a great way. The Holy Spirit gives us ideas, let’s use them!

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians 3:23, 24

Shall we pray:

Precious Father,

You always meet us where we are at and care for the smallest of things in our lives. There isn’t anything in our lives that you cannot see and there isn’t anything in our lives that you do not care about. Oh Father, your Holy Spirit meets every single need in our life and fills the void in our hearts when we get lonely, when we get frustrated and even when we are in pain. Your Spirit fills us with your faith to continue to have the hope we need to wade through those small things and tackle the larger things in our lives. Thank you Father. 

This morning, we ask for a special healing for the Brett Kavanaugh family. We ask that your Holy Spirit would comfort their hearts and heal the wounds of accusations that were arrowed against them. Give them the wisdom and know how to deal with them your way. Give them the strength and determination to follow through and forgive these people. We ask that you would be glorified through this whole process Father. We ask for a vindication for Judge Kavanaugh. We ask that you would honor this man’s integrity and faith in you. Heal his heart and refill it with love, joy and faith in you and your word. We know you have given him favor and ask that many would vote him into his new position of Supreme Court Justice. We ask that, the opposition would see the power of your hand, the power of our prayers and truth. We ask that your righteousness would prevail right here on earth. Move the oppositions hearts to humble themselves and repent. We thank you ahead of time and ask believing in your Son’s name. Amen.