Saturday, October 13, 2018

Pray with me

Good Morning. 

Let’s pray with everything inside of us this morning.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you in praise and thankfulness this morning. We willingly give you our hearts, our minds, our bodies and our souls. We say to our souls, “Bless the Lord Oh my soul and all that is within us. We Bless your Holy Name.

”Your son said that if we have faith in you, that we can say to our mountain, to be removed and be cast into the sea and have no doubt in our hearts but believe those things which He said shall come to pass, we will have what He said; He said whatever we desire when we pray for us to believe that we have received them and we will have them. You also told us that when we do pray for us to forgive those who have offended us, as you will also forgive us. But if we do not forgive anyone, neither will you forgive us our sins.”

We choose to forgive those who have wounded our souls and we ask that you would help us forgive the words spoken over us. Forgive us for making rash decisions by our words, by our souls and by our bodies, that have offended and wounded others. Clean us up Lord. Heal the souls and spirits we have offended and heal our own souls and spirits Father. Show us how we can bring your spirit of forgiveness into the physical realm by your Spirit because you said where your Spirit is, there is freedom. Help us be transparent through our speech and behavior. If there be any stains within us that we are not aware of, we ask that you would take them all out. Any habits that we have accumulated that offends you, we ask that you would help us put them all down by your Spirit. Thank you Father. 

Your word tells us to make our requests to known to you. We pray for our children this morning. We ask that you would continue to keep your hand upon them, draw them closer to you, continue to send them godly messengers to give them your perfect and right word that give them the strength and power to withstand the demands and commands of them on a daily basis. Teach them to break every stronghold upon their lives through your word. Give them a hunger and thirst for your Character and truth. Teach them to love like your son. Continue to set them free by the power of your blood, continue to heal their wounds and open up their hearts where they can hear your voice in a clearer way. Fill them up with your joy and we ask that you would keep your protective angels around and about them while they are home and in travel. Thank you Father.

We lift up our President to you this morning. We ask that you would continue to give him that supernatural energy that can only come from your Spirit. Renew his mind with your word and refill him up with your joy as he remembers your promises. Help him lean on your strength and through his mighty faith that you have given to him,  we ask that he would keep making godly decisions that give you all the glory, honor and praise. Help him to continue to never be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good. Give him that place of rest and with your power and determination and confidence in you. Help him to reflect your will, your way and in your truth. Give him the right words at the right time to continue to set people free around the globe. Keep him completely safe, that not even one foot would stumble. We lift up his wife Melania and ask you would continue to feed her your love wherever she travels. We ask that your favor would continue to be upon her, as she walks upon new ground, opens her mouth and becomes a mighty witness of your love wherever she finds herself. We ask that you would continue to keep her safe and healthy. 

We pray for their children and ask that you would give them wisdom and confidence in you and fill them up your strength and understanding. Use them mightily by your  hand Father and we ask that you would continue to keep everyone safe and healthy. 

We pray for our Presidents cabinet and their families. We pray where there is a need for healing, we ask that you would restore their bodies and make them completely whole. We ask that where there is any doubt in your power and love that you would erase any such thoughts and replace them with the power of your truth. Where there is any lack of communications we ask that you would give each one a deeper understanding through your word and give them the answers they strive for in their hearts. Give them a peace and the faith to be the warriors they are called to be at this time. We ask that you would cover them with an invisible covering that nothing will be able to harm anyone involved in this movement to bring our land back to you Father. 

We ask for high favor in the land because of the godly righteousness that is being restored in your Son’s name. We ask that You would continue to bring in godly men and women to help this movement. We ask that all abortions would be dealt with and done away with completely in this nation. We ask that every Planned Parenthood would be dismantled and also done away with and we ask that those whom pride themselves blindly in this work would begin to repent upon what they are doing. Open up their eyes Father, to the depths of their sins.  We ask for your Spirit of Repentance to fall upon those who are teaching perversity to our children and that this nation would humble themselves and come to you. 

We rebuke all slander, lies, schemes, witchcraft, sorcery, evil intents, idolatry, perversions in the airwaves and in the newspapers! By the blood of Jesus Christ and through his name, we take our authority for them to close their mouths, every idea to be dried up and for them to humble themselves. We declare all pride be buried. We ask that you would open up their eyes to the truth and for them to be used to promote your love and your grace in your Kingdom and your power.  We ask that with every negative lying word they utter about Trump and those working for him, would be replaced with your goodness and fruit of your Spirit. We declare that godly airwaves and godly newspapers would begin to over take all lies and evil words and become popular and come to the forefront, even worldwide. 

Show us our part in bringing our nation back. We have prayed, “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  We believe this Father and we pray in Jesus name, amen.   

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