Thursday, October 11, 2018

You are lively stones

Good Morning,

"Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.” Isaiah 40:26

October is becoming more beautiful everyday. The changing “of the guard” is happening as we move into a new season of vibrant colors. Autumn, our season of many goodbyes, one that basks in our Creator’s artistry with a myriad of shades of yellows, oranges, reds, purples and greens that all serve His majesty's glory. The trees begin to slowly nestle down to sleep. A shift is coming. A revolution is in the wind. We smell it, we feel it! God’s eyes are everywhere.

Nothing really dies. Trees are cut and before long we will see new shoots growing up along side of the stump. Then, soon we’ll see a skirt of wild mushrooms gathered around the stump as if to celebrate. We pull out long thorny vines and burn them in the fire and where we cleared a vacant spot, we see another small vine growing in it’s place. Where there are hills and on the side of a mountain, we see rocks, trees and a small ground cover that was not planted by human hands. How did the ground cover get there? Did our Father give instruction to the birds above to fly over that exact area or did He use the wind to blow seeds upon that exact spot? We only guess, as we see the hand of the Master Gardner. 

Everything is triune. I can look from my porch, into the woods and see 3 shades of green. An apple has the outer peel, the meat and the seeds. An orange has the peel that is connected to the pith, citrus and the seeds. A leaf has a stem, veins and face. A grapevine has the body, vines and fruit. Look for yourselves the creation of the egg.  All creation gives God glory. When you look at a beehive, you see the Queen Bee, Drones and the workers. Everything is in threes. 

In all my years, I’ve yet to see two people who are the same nor think the same including our pets, nor two clouds, nor have I seen the same sunrise or sunset or the same snowflake and when you place some white sand from our lovely beaches under a microscope; you will see a foreign vast world of colored jewels and none of them are the same.  Creating is our Father’s business and it was easy for Him to create the genius inside of you! He knew someday, you would use your wit to lighten another’s heart! He knew that someday, after you wrestled and overcame your weakness, you would be praising Him for the victory. He knew your pilgrimage would not be an easy road. Within each stumble and sorrow, His angel kept you tied around the cross and you gained strength through your brokenness, determination through your wounds and your heart began to slowly be healed. It takes ample time to form the diamond inside of you. He knew the frustrations and anger you would experience when you would see His righteousness stomped upon. He placed His deep love inside of you to give away to others who are wounded.  And, the times when you felt alone; it was His Holy Spirit who calmed your mind, renewed your faith and gave you His comfort for you to go into that place of rest and sleep. You learned to trust completely in Him.

I firmly believe, everyone who reads these articles have gained a godly strength through the trials they have walked through. You are those who have been through the fiery furnace in your lives and in your pain, discovered you were not alone. To this day, you can look back and see where you were cupped in the hands of our Savior, rescued by His angel and times when you were supernaturally fed. Everyone of you have become His Warriors, because it is you who have been transformed into those lively stones.

Some of you shine in:

Warriors of Faith
Warriors of Mercy
Warriors of Truth
Warriors of Love
Warriors of Obedience
Warriors of Hope

Let’s pray:

 Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your constant faithfulness, for your never-ending mercy and for taking us by the hand so many times as you continue to mold us into your son’s image. We give you honor and praise for always being here, for being who you are, Holy. You are a Holy God, our Father. 

Father, we ask this morning for you to heal those whom have been affected by Hurricane Michael. You are the God who restores. We ask that you would begin to restore their lives. Send godly workers and messengers to give them hope and the direction they need to once again build up their lives. Move in their hearts. We ask that they would see your hand through their loss. Renew their lives, touch their hearts for your glory and their needs. We give you all the credit Father in Jesus amen.

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