Friday, October 5, 2018

We can do small things in a big way, even gloriously!!

Good Morning,

I keep looking at the top of my desk that has books piled on top of one another in a mess of cluttered note pads of scriptures, doodling, phone numbers and even a scanner that I cannot get to work. My life long dream is to have a life of post-clutter. I confess, I have one junk drawer in the kitchen. My closet is well kept and strangely organized, but this does not mean I know where everything is located, especially when I place something precious in a box never to be seen again.  Where my desk is concerned, I like being in  “my happy place”. 

Clutter is a small thing, but “they” say that when your house is cluttered, your mind is also. I believe there is some truth to this, because when you look at the clutter, you don’t know where to begin to clean it up and what to do with the mess. Remember the saying: “There should be a place for everything?”  Well, I’m still looking for those places, but I have made a small headway. Lo and behold, all I have to do is think how often I use certain items and most important, what is their value to me and do I really need them? 

I have trouble throwing glass jars away, as they are good to place dehydrated food inside, but how often do I do that? So I’m going to take them down to the recycling center. There really is an answer to clutter. 

Another thing,  saving my skinning clothes and waiting until I get back down to my old skinny size. Give them away to someone who can use them, now. Don’t hold onto anything except endearing mementoes.

Have you noticed, if clutter is not dealt with; it multiples? Isn’t that the way it is in our lives. If we ignore something and it isn’t dealt with, it doesn’t go away, but increases.  

When anyone as been a believer for any length of time, they find out that in order to grow into the solider we are supposed to be, change is imminent.  Growth doesn’t happen over night, but takes a lifetime of powerful motivation and through a gradual process of patient endurance. Our motivation is founded upon God’s love. While we sojourn here on earth, we have this task of becoming who we are supposed to be in Christ. 

We can be creative in developing new habits of doing small things in a great way. The Holy Spirit gives us ideas, let’s use them!

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians 3:23, 24

Shall we pray:

Precious Father,

You always meet us where we are at and care for the smallest of things in our lives. There isn’t anything in our lives that you cannot see and there isn’t anything in our lives that you do not care about. Oh Father, your Holy Spirit meets every single need in our life and fills the void in our hearts when we get lonely, when we get frustrated and even when we are in pain. Your Spirit fills us with your faith to continue to have the hope we need to wade through those small things and tackle the larger things in our lives. Thank you Father. 

This morning, we ask for a special healing for the Brett Kavanaugh family. We ask that your Holy Spirit would comfort their hearts and heal the wounds of accusations that were arrowed against them. Give them the wisdom and know how to deal with them your way. Give them the strength and determination to follow through and forgive these people. We ask that you would be glorified through this whole process Father. We ask for a vindication for Judge Kavanaugh. We ask that you would honor this man’s integrity and faith in you. Heal his heart and refill it with love, joy and faith in you and your word. We know you have given him favor and ask that many would vote him into his new position of Supreme Court Justice. We ask that, the opposition would see the power of your hand, the power of our prayers and truth. We ask that your righteousness would prevail right here on earth. Move the oppositions hearts to humble themselves and repent. We thank you ahead of time and ask believing in your Son’s name. Amen.

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