Monday, October 22, 2018

One of many miracles

Good Morning,

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

Joyce Meyers once wrote, “Pray over everything and fear nothing.” I agree. 

When we lived deeper in the Appalachians on the side of a mountain, I would wash the dishes and be able to look at our goats outside and see the fish jumping in our large pond through the window, above the sink. One day I was done washing the dishes and I noticed my diamond was missing in my wedding ring. Fearfully, my hands went through the water to feel anything on the bottom. Nothing. Earlier I was working in my garden, did it fall in the clay as I weeded? Prayerfully, I went out and looked hopelessly at all the piled weeds to no avail. Gone. My heart was torn. My husband and I had picked out the rings together in Toronto. Thoughts of the past playful memories started to come as I dreaded the thought of telling him what happened. This diamond was a picture of our love.

I prayed again and finally came to the familiar area of acceptance. 
The diamond was lost.  
I knew nothing was impossible with God. 
I knew angels could bring the diamond back 
I knew God heard my prayers. 
I had no choice but to trade in my fear, for the peace of God.
And, that is what I did.

Summer turned into Our Majesty’s Autumn. Tritones of orange, yellow/green and purple leafed trees circled our small cabin as we began to store up hay for winter to feed the goats. The fireplace was lit while we eased into the foggy cool mornings awaiting the first snow. Then, before long the whole scenery changed as I watched from my sink window, I could see the very top of our mountain dressed in an ice blue-white blanket and then, the silence of pure white snow falling all around us. Everything was quiet, giving a godly reverence amidst the first snow. 

Life was a always a party with the goats, when let out of their barn they playfully kicked up their heels in the snow. Feeling good about the fluffy snow around their ankles and the briskness of the morning, airy poofs from their warm breaths shot into the air and then, without warning all together thundered up the mountain to see what crispy edible delights they would find. 
Our goats were not only comedians but very social animals that loved to be with us when we were working outside. They followed us everywhere! One day while my husband was chopping wood and loading the bed of his pickup, he went to get in behind the wheel only to find “Freddie” the lead goat sitting in the passenger seat willing to ride with him. We laughed hard every single day!

Winter on the mountain proved unheard of discoveries for me. When the sun was out, I would putsy into my frozen garden to see if anything was happening. I found some of my Red Oak Leaf lettuce alive and growing under the snow. We had fresh organic salad in the middle of February! 

Spring arrived and everything had babies on the mountain except me! Mother Robins pulled large worms teaching their begging, oversized babies on the lawn. Chickadees would daringly nest in a birdhouse closest to the cabin. Perhaps they felt safe with us. Baby bunnies began to slowly learn where the greens were popping up. And then, I started to hear the froggy chorus again around the pond.

One day while I was in the bathroom and the sun was blazing through the window, I noticed a sparkle on the floor. I thought to myself: “What is this? It cannot be, after all these months.”  But it was! It was my diamond. How could that be? How did the diamond get in there? I certainly swept and mopped the room many times over the months, since I lost it. Have you ever felt your heart leap with joy? I could not wait to tell my husband! I knew God had heard my prayer and returned it. 

I learned:

Fear will hold you captive by the thoughts you feed yourself and allow to reside inside of you. Fear’s assignment is to cause doubt and to paralyze you with it’s lie. Rebuke all fear and allow your peace to be restored in Christ.

Humble thankfulness comes by meditating how good God is and how much we are loved and by receiving something we have gone without. We become humbled and thankful at the same time when we realize God has truly heard our prayers, over and over again. We have a God who more than cares about us. He sees our disappointments, our tears and how our heart feel pain when we see others hurt. He sees it all and He loves us. Through all our trials, we learn to trust in Him and keep the peace that He has given to us. 

Lastly, I was given these words upon my bed last night:

Attitude is very important, as it transforms our character in Christ.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit to teach us your will. Thank you for giving us your peace. Thank you for always answering our prayers. You are faithful and true. Thank you for teaching us that wisdom also comes through experience and to increase the faith that you have given to us. Thank you, for bringing us through our trials. Remind us to be encouragers in Christ and to look for an open door when speaking to others and be sensitive to their needs. Teach us to stir up the gifts you have given to us and be the stewards you have called us to be. Be our strength when we have problems loving. We ask that you would teach us how to love others in a way that would be pleasing to you. In the way your son loved. We choose to take every thought captive in Christ that is not of you. We choose to walk in your spirit and not in the flesh. We choose to have peace over fear. We choose to exercise faith and love. We choose your words of righteousness and truth above man’s ideology. We choose trust and belief over any doubt and unbelief. We choose to feed ourselves and others kindness, patience and love over anything of the flesh. We choose to disentangle ourselves from the world and stand completely upon your promises in Christ.  We choose to believe in miracles, because you are the God of Miracles. We believe in healing and stand upon what your word says “by Jesus stripes we are healed!” We will not go by what we feel, not by what we see, nor what we hear. We will not be deterred, we will not be moved or wavered, we will not doubt, we will not speak against our prayers but will think before we speak and ask that our speech would be one of grace seasoned with your salt, that would lift other hearts. We make this declaration in faith in your son Jesus Christ. Amen. 



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