Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Are they Angels?

Good Morning,

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10

When we lived in a storybook village in Canada, we belonged to a small flock of about 20-30 people. Pastor Herb and his wife Dorothy became good friends of ours. The goodness of God shone through these people by their giving, helps, mercy, discernment and hospitality. We had our meetings in a Century old Canadian brick home where they lived. Everything about them was real, transparent and homespun. One man came to visit them for a couple of days and ended up staying for 2 years! Strangers gravitated towards the love they offered. When a guest speaker came into the group, I noticed how they would give of themselves 110% to listening to what he had to say and if the man struggled with his words, no matter; they gave such an overwhelming acceptance that could only come from God. They gave and gave of themselves; as they loved, honored and respected everyone who came into their lives. They would honor you for who you were, not for what you needed to be. They looked past your faults and could picture you being completed in Christ, through the lens of The Holy Spirit.  I cannot put into words, how much I miss our friends. 

Around that time, my youngest son was allowed to drive our truck in small trips. He went to his friends farm and got stuck in the snowy muddy muck. When Pastor Herb found out about it, he put on his coveralls, wool toque, boots, mitts and with an unforgettable smile he got his tractor out, along with chains and worked his way toward the farm. Humbled, I had never before experienced someone who literally leaped with joy to help us. And, when he got to the farm; he had the truck out in a matter of minutes. I learned a huge lesson that day. I was there to learn the high value of giving of yourself and helping others in joy!

Dorothy’s firm gentleness was like a rock in my life. It seemed she understood everything about me and without me saying a word. She knew who I was and loved me right where I was at, in Christ. She gave me instructions on how to can crabapples over the phone and how to improve on my pie baking. She recognized God’s gifts inside of me and encouraged me to use them and she admonished anyone who did not adhere to my “wise words.” One wintery night, Dorothy and I had attended a small conference in another town. While we were on our way back home, I noticed the snow was thick and falling horizontally. Those who have experienced driving in thick horizontal snow, know exactly what I am talking about.  Dorothy was behind the wheel with a peace and faith that I’ll never forget. I murmured, how could she see anything? Oh yes, she could see and she knew how and where to put the car. I marveled over such confidence and peace. Myself? I prayed all the way back home.  Are Herb and Dorothy angels, given to us by our Father to learn the important life lessons on our journey? If I could give them two words to describe them, it would be: Faithful Love. 

Let’s pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

You are more than good and we know our words cannot even describe your goodness or glory. You Oh Father look out for us so many times when we do not realize it or see it. You lead us where you want us to be and you send your people to help us along the way. You are faithful and true. You teach us how to love, how to work, how to trust in You, how to be content and how to use our faith that would be pleasing to you. Thank you Father. We give you glory, honor and all our praise in your Son’s name we pray amen. 

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