Tuesday, October 30, 2018

It is time to RISE UP and take back the land the enemy has stolen!!

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not all consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22, 23 kjv

God’s mercies, love and compassions are deep. Who of us can understand? Every single day, we hear of more killings and those who rebel against everything God stands for. They have no limits to the wicked destruction they will bring upon a person, city or nation. 

Lies are their native language and violence is their middle name.

Psychologists and Psychiatrists never put the blame upon the perpetrator but point to the environmental upbringing which caused them to be held captive by their mental illness. Therefore, in today’s world; it is not the criminal’s fault. The criminal becomes the victim. Rd. Isaiah 5:20

The early sixties brought the British rock group: The “Beetles” invading our shores, as we listened to a different beat from abroad. The rockers hairstyles were coifed over their ears and collars. America embraced their uniqueness and overnight our own rock and rollers grew their hair longer and longer and because of their great success we opened the gates to more British rock groups. Thousands of teens flocked to hear this new expression. Pot, LSD, speed were used everywhere and as the hippies rebelled with these abusive substances against the Vietnam war, they proceeded to destroy themselves with free love. Then, the media flashed smiling pictures of the Beetles dressed in east Indian styled garb with Ghandi in India seeking wisdom and to “find themselves.” Last count, Hinduism has 350 million gods. Each village has their own gods for your specific requests. Their idols are made of wood, stone, metal and other materials, who have eyes yet cannot see, ears but cannot hear. 

America’s response? Complacency. Why did we not see how this would affect us and our children? We embraced the eastern idolatries and watched prayer and the Bible booted from our schools and replaced with Idolatry and paganism. An obliging America turned her back on the God of the Bible and accepted gods from other nations [in the name of separation of church and state]. Results: We have received the curses that are prominent in those nations. We have their diseases, afflictions, droughts, floods, fires, and many cannot grow food organically, due to the toxicity of the earth being sprayed by chemicals. We have had to buy our water because the water from our own facets is also full of chemicals. And, we did it all to ourselves.  

In a lab in Oregon, scientist are holding a vial of “The Black Plague.” Why? Will this be unleashed during the wrath of God? 


Doctors will never tell you that the Pharmaceutical meds that are given to the elderly do more harm than good. I wonder at times if there is a quota they are forced to prescribe? Why do the majority of seniors seem to passover with a form of dementia?  Instead of questioning this, we accept our demise. 

And so,

Our nation went from Christianity to Eastern beliefs to following Native American beliefs with their spirit animals and totem poles, to New Age Consciousness [believing we are gods] to the science of Quantum Physics, to another new age science and in-between, dabbling in the occult through casting spells, horoscopes, astral projection, reading palms, tea leaves, worshipping trees and the earth and leaving Jesus out of the whole picture. Mingled throughout these times, there are sprinkled denominations unable to get along that twist God’s word, yet developed names for themselves.

No, Harry Potter is not innocent, nor good for your children.

It is time for America to rise up and say a resounding NO to their children and go back to discipline. 

Our nation has been giving alms to the gods of Molech and Baal through our aborted babies [https://www.romans322.com/abortion.html] and because of this the powers that be, are rewarded by these demonic enmities with money from their baby parts. And, the next time you watch a movie from Hollywood ~ PG-13 and up, wait for it ~ and you will hear the taking of our Lord’s name in vain, just like clockwork. They signed the contract, made the deal and have sold themselves out to satan for: power, fame and money. 

Every time Hollywood puts out a depraved movie it is like slapping our Holy Father in the face and saying: “I win!” 

Never forget, the enemy lies.

Believers can put a stop to their atrocity by not accepting and not watching such things. Put it all down once and for all and replace it by storing up God’s word inside of you.  Turn away from all of it and let the world see you doing it! Even if you have to have a bomb fire in your front yard burning all those films. Make a decision today to do it.

Why are we surprised our nation has such problems?

We all become like that which we worship. 

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Colossians 3:5

Idolatry goes beyond bowing to statues of wood and metal. Anything we put before God is an idol. The loving of ourselves before all else, sets our very selves up into idolatry. 

King Solomon did not withhold himself a thing:

“I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil.”

More was never enough for Solomon. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. When you read the Book of Ecclesiastes, you discover a man who had everything life could give him, yet he was a very depressed unhappy man. He once said, “Nothing is new under the son.” He already figured out that unless we people learn and change, history always repeats itself. God had given him a wisdom that far exceeded other rulers. Solutions came easy for him. He was a man who enjoyed working and studied everything, from biology, astronomy, literature; you name it! He was given a keen discernment for others and knew how to rightly respond to problems.  His weakness and temptation?  Foreign women who worshipped idols. He purposely gave in to his lustful nature and rejected his Hebraic beliefs. He stopped fearing God when he built pagan idols upon the hills for his wives and concubines.  If it wasn’t for David’s great love for God and his son; Solomon’s kingdom would have been immediately taken from him. 

“But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son.” 1Kings 11:12 Living.

What we do during our lifetime affects our children and our children’s children. This is why it is so important we repent and get right with God and stay right. 

You might think, “but that was back then, during the Old Covenant.” Jesus came to give us grace with the New Covenant. Yes, this is true, but God’s principles do not change. Jesus came to fulfill the law. 

Today, we celebrate homosexuality [LGBTQ] as they march boldly in their parades. And, they are allowed to adopt babies. These are the things our children and grandchildren are growing up watching. This is how far our nation has fallen. 

Today we have an active pedophile who is running for Congress.

Yes that is true.

Lastly, when I look up the word “fear” of God in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic; I am aware of many articles trying to get away from the phrase of the fear of God.  The truth is:  Fear means just that, fear. 

God made things simple for us when he said “fear God and live.”

“The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.” Pr. 10:27

If we fear God the way we should we will have an awe, respect and reverence for Him. We will understand that when we do something [sin] that we shouldn’t, our godly father here on earth will correct us and depending upon the degree of the seriousness of the behavior even be given punishment. Some people are sent to prison for their crimes. Understand that correction and punishment is a kindness so we can learn from being disciplined. If we do not learn from the correction or punishment, we’ll be driving around that mountain again until we do. 

A father that cares enough to stop you from ruining your life could be called the goodness of God. Every time we experience the goodness of God in our lives we are experiencing a harvest coming through our obedience in Christ. Our faith is not in vain. It is very good for us to be held accountable.

I realize this was long, but felt it had to be said. Thank you for persevering  to the end.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We adore you Father. We thank you for your Son Jesus Christ and his prayers interceding for us. We thank you for exposing things in our heart that need to get out. We ask that you would continue to expose any oppositions and idols that are contrary to our walk and your word. Help us Father to shed whatever blocks us from a close union with you. Whatever prevents us from hearing your voice and being stedfast in obedience. By the name of Jesus Christ we put any worldly thoughts, lusts, selfishness, greed down in our lives that come between us and you. By faith, through your grace we put on your goodness, your obedience, your love, understanding, humility and fear of you Father. We give you honor, reverence, and praise. Thank you Father in your Son we ask. Amen. 

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