Friday, November 2, 2018

Please pray with me this morning. We are called to pray.

“What the wicked dreads will overtake him; what the righteous desire will be granted.” Proverbs 10:24

“Those who know your name will trust in you, for you Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10

God’s plans, purposes and principles stand forever in our lives and on this earth and in our nations. Your name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the earth. We are children of Promise. God is our Father, He hears our prayers from our hearts, our pleas and cries to Him. 

Good Morning,

First thing: Let’s please pray for our leaders and nation this morning.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We come to you in all honor and reverence this morning. We think about how you hear our prayers and we become overwhelmed with amazement, we become overwhelmed with your goodness. We know you loved us before we even knew you and we know you have your hand upon us.  We know we serve you with faith in our hearts, with the knowledge you’ve taught to us and we are assured of our steps being continually directed by your wisdom. We rest in your love Father. We rest in your peace and have confidence that it is you who are fighting the battle upon our land. Your word says, “if God is for us, who can be against us?” We stand upon your promises. We stand upon your word. 

This is our desire Father,

We agree together and ask with so many millions praying for our nation this morning that your Son’s blood completely cover President Trump and his wife Melania this morning and that your angels be encircled around and about them and their family. We ask for continual protection in all areas in their daily schedule and that they be guided by your Holy Spirit in their walk with you, in their sleeping and eating habits, their ideas and their health. We ask that you would give Melania the wisdom, guidance and knowledge, confidence, strength and love in you to help her husband and be the encourager she is called to be. We plead an armor of protection around them that nothing, no nothing can harm them, nor them that are working with them that strive to bring this nation back to a righteous land in your name. 

By the authority of the name of Jesus we come against all those who bow down to false idols in this nation, we come against those who are rebelling against the goodness of our God. We come against all those who practice witchcraft and cast spells against your people. We come against all those who speak  curses against your love through the blindness in their hearts. We come against those who meet in secret places who accept money to keep this nation in darkness. We come against all those invisible forces of depravity, perversion, seducing spirits, bondages, lying spirits, greed, idolatries, adulteries, familiar spirits and we come against all the evil rulers in high places that work to pull our families down, work to pull our children down, work to replace this nation from a believing nation in your Lord and replace it with depraved teachings and ways. We come against all of the vileness of all the enemies by the power of the name of Jesus. May the Lord Himself halt you! Close your mouths and your works and rebuke you! 

We agree together, that you would crush and replace every spirit of darkness with a vessel of your light, truth and goodness. Bring back our nation for your glory Father. Our confidence rests upon you. 

We ask that you would have mercy upon these people who are held captive by their blind eyes and that your Holy Spirit would awaken their hearts to the truth of your gospel. Set them free Father. Set them free from their bondages. Work in their hearts Father.  Allow them to see and experience your love. Give them the understanding they need. With every accusation they bring against our President and those working for him, we ask that their repentance would bring a multitude of good works speaking into those who need to hear their testimonies. 

We plead for a cleansing in our land. We plead for a washing from one end to the other.  

We ask that the world will see the working power of the very breath of your Holy Spirit. We ask that every single thing the enemy devises will be turned around for Your Good and Your Glory. Let them see Father that you love this nation and choose to do a good work in this nation. Let them see that we have not left the palm in your hand. Let them see how powerful prayers are and that you hear those that love you in this nation and abroad. Let them see and bow to your goodness Father. Like the verse says, allow the things they dread to come upon them. 

We thank you for the freedom of prayer. We thank you for your Holy Spirit ever with us. We give all our works, our hearts and decisions to you this day. Work inside each of us to bring your glory right here on earth. Use us to love, in marvelous ways Father as we point to your truth. Thank you Father. In Jesus name. Amen. 

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