Wednesday, November 14, 2018

No one else can fill your shoes

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.     Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” Romans 15:5-7 niv

Good Morning,

Persecution, accusations and temptations all manage to come our way. When our eyes were opened and we were given a gift of grace marked “paid in full.” We realized we did not deserve this gift and then, we read “follow me.” Troubles come, yet we’ve been given faith to accept His peace. There are times we are slandered and lied about, yet we continue to walk in truth. We stumble, but His strong arm catches us and sets us back on course.  Some of us like Paul had to be blinded to see. He was  beat up and left for dead; but his sufferings only made him stronger. God knew exactly what it takes for you to be still and know that He is God. 

We have been given eyes that can see behind the speculative rattles and rifts upon the world scenes of today. His true church sees through the lens of Jesus.

When we become dismayed and shocked by what we see and hear, know that Jesus did not come to bring us peace but a war against belief and unbelief. Against evil and good. 

This morning I remind those who love the Lord: Your eyes are open to the truth. You are promise and serve the God of Hope. You have been called to a godly assignment given directly by the hand of God to fulfill while you are here. A work handcrafted and only you can walk in your shoes toward the finish line. Our Potter specially designed you in such a way to give the words of Jesus to those who have lost hope because there were times you felt you had no hope. Many are called to apply mercy to broken hearts. A hug or simple smile is a sign of acknowledgement and acceptance we all need. Perhaps you are an extension of His hands who feeds the poor and gives out Bibles. Maybe you are one who applies a healing salve to the wounded by your gentle spirit. If you are one who blows a trumpet, hesitate no longer.  Many of us are “artistically His” as we are given ideas how to show kindness and depth through His word. 

I believe the Spirit of the Lord is saying this morning: “Run no longer, but towards me, says the Lord.”

We are happiest when we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. Many have already found out there are no substitutes for being in the will of God.  

Let’s pray:

Precious Holy Father,

We have so much to be thankful about, we give you our hearts. We know without you we are nothing and we give you our lives inside and outside. We give you any dark spot we harbor and we ask you to take any habits and stains inside of us that do not belong in our hearts. We ask your Holy Spirit continue to renew our minds. Continue to feed us your truth. We truly delight in your Word Father and ask that you would never take it away from us. We speak to our souls to bless you this morning and be aligned with your word. We ask that you would continue to guide and direct our steps where we should be. Send those who need a listening ear, who need to hear your truth, who need to hear about your love. Give us the compassion, wisdom, knowledge, discernment and empathy to speak a timely word to those who hunger for you. You said Father, that the righteous are as bold as a lion, makes us all lions. Heavenly Father, right now we repent from any dead works and we will choose to “get up and get going” for like Timothy, we remember your words spoken over us. Help us to be sensitive and move in your anointing. Teach us how we can do small things in a great way to glorify you. We ask that you would honor our faith and renew and refill us by your Holy Spirit. We choose to be obedient and move in your faith and love. You are our refuge, our high tower, our strength. Our desire is to bless you through our thoughts and behavior in your son Jesus Christ. Amen.
Agree with me to lift up our President:

Heavenly Father,

We give you thanks for giving us a godly President. You heard the cries of our nation Heavenly Father. You had mercy upon your people. You O Father give mercy in places we do not deserve. We cannot understand it all, but we will stand in your way, your will and righteousness in Christ.  We lift up your Servant President Donald J. Trump this morning and ask that you would continue to keep a invisible hedge of protection around him. Renew his strength in a vigorous way like that of a fearless eagle who can see ahead for miles and full of discernment. We ask that with every manipulation and all propaganda from the lies of the accusers that comes against him would be discovered and be brought to the light and dealt with. Your word declares they will fall into the pit they dig for others. We ask that our President would be so clothed with your anointing and filled with your Holy Spirit that nothing, no nothing would be able to harm this man. We ask that his steps will be continually guided and directed by you. We ask that health and wisdom be upon his wife Melania during this time. We ask for continual growth be upon them as they make decisions according to your will. We ask all of President Trump’s cabinet know you, grow in you and love you above all. We ask for a continual loyalty and wisdom. We ask for continued godly advice in his circle of advisors and we ask for a continued memory of your word. We pray that this nation would see your hand, your works and your will in his decisions. We ask that your Spirit of Repentance would fall upon any complacency, indecisions and awaken such eyes in the deepest parts of darkness, we ask your mercy would turn their lives around to your love. We pray for unity in Congress. Where there is darkness we pray their spirits would be awakened and filled with your light. Open their eyes Father. We ask that all strongholds be broken completely upon this nation. We ask that your Holy Spirit would fall upon this whole nation. Oh come Lord Jesus. We pray you would bring in the harvest. In Jesus name,  amen.  

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