Friday, November 16, 2018

Will you stand in the gap for Canada with me?

Good Morning,

When I meditate upon God’s goodness, I cannot find the words to express His blessings. How can we say thank you to our Father for rescuing us from darkness? For hearing our prayers? For opening up our eyes? For searching our hearts and seeing things we are not even aware of inside of us? For forgiveness?  The only way I can think of is for us to keep on the mark, keep being obedient because He loved us before we even knew him. He gave us love so we could learn how to love. He gave us a new life through the identity in His Son. I owe everything to my Lord. Cherish the Lord with me. He swells our hearts with such an abundance of love for Him and others, that it becomes inexpressible, except perhaps through our actions. When I reach out to hug you, I see Jesus. When I serve you in my home, I am serving Him. We are more than blessed. Everyone of you that has been born again has an invisible golden crown sitting upon your heads that could say, “We are God’s glory.” We are His children of light who glitter and shine in the Body of Christ. Without each other, we would be as nothing because how would we see through in the darkness in this world? 

I would like you to please agree with me for the nation of Canada.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

This morning we proclaim and confess: You are our Creator, our Refuge, our High Tower, our Deliverer, our Peace, our Hope, our Promise, you are Holy in all that you think and in all that you do.  Your eyes keep your children in the palm of your hand and you do battle for us, your Spirit blows upon our hearts and gives us new hearts. O such love! Your Spirit of love opens our eyes to our anointing and insight and understanding. You give us counsel even upon our beds we can hear your whisper. Your Holy Spirit calms our hearts and gives us rest.  You are a strong mighty God who is faithful to hear our cries and our desires. You are the God of mercy who cares for us, your children. Without your light we could not come near your truth. Without your love, we would have no hope. Without your mercies we would be left behind. We place our total trust in you O Father, you hear our prayers continually and this morning our souls and spirits together give you gratitude and all praise as we lift up your name Adonai, you are truly our Lord and Master. We praise you O Elohim for you are the God of all power. Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7

Your word says you hear your anointed. Heavenly Father, we lift up the country of Canada to you this morning. Truly it is you who have placed a thick dividing line in their earth to see good and evil. We ask you hear our request this morning. We ask you would send forth your spirit of repentance upon that country and bring revival upon that nation, a fire of strength, belief, renewal and love sweep across that country. For those who are asleep, we ask you would  shake, wake and move the Church to rise up and proclaim your word. Rise up your holy men and women to blow the trumpet of truth. We ask that your Holy Spirit would open up their eyes of understanding so they can see what is happening and open up their ears to hear your words. Deliver them from all complacency, resistance, lies, accusations, greed in your Son’s name.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would SO move across this whole nation in vessels of faith, in hope and trust full of your zeal power.  

“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13, 14

In Jesus name we confess, request and proclaim these prayers. Amen.

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