Saturday, November 3, 2018

Healing prayer for those who have had abortions

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.” 
Psalm 127:3

There is nothing more compelling, more humbling and that gives more an awakening inside a mother’s heart, than the powerful call upon her life to lovingly guide and teach the baby in her arms to be obedient in his life. The seriousness of the task can be overwhelming. Think about it, one small life given to us from God and for us to guide it’s way into that narrow path that few walk. 

Can we do it?  Better, will we do it?

Today, many get abortions because their pregnancy does not fit into their lifestyle and the baby is an inconvenience. The reasons are too numerous to list. Every situation is different. Along with that, there are just as many “justifications” we use to ease our conscience. 

The baby could not speak nor defend itself, as the soul and spirit is returned to the Creator who fashioned it. 

Planned Parenthood is an evil organization, who deliberately kills God’s gift, sacrifices them to satanic gods of Molech and Baal and is rewarded with money from selling the baby parts. According to fortune magazine during 2015-2016 President Cecile Richards received a salary close to $700.000. 

Presently, there are many Christians who are fighting in the courts for the government to stop funding this organization and to stop abortions altogether. 

I am not judging those that have had an abortion, because most mothers judge themselves and can mourn for years, having dreams about their baby while living in guilt and regret. Only through Christ can anyone receive the healing and peace needed to live a full life. 

This morning I would like to pray for all those who have had abortions and I would like to pray about the abortion centers.  Please join me.

Heavenly Father,

Oh Father, you are truly our Father who looks upon our hearts to see every motivation, every desire, every hurt and worries. You are our Father whose eyes see it all. Even in the dark places, you are there. You understand ourselves more than we do. You are our Father who hears our prayers and see the whole reason why we come to you, some we cannot seem to put into words, but you know them Father. We ask that your Holy Spirit would take over in our prayers. Thank you again for this privilege and honor to come before you. 

Father, we ask for a healing for all those who have had abortions this morning. We ask that your Holy Spirit would blow upon those areas of pain  in our hearts. 

Pray this prayer:  “Heavenly Father, I have sinned against you, myself, my child and all those connected by having an abortion. I am so sorry. I regret this and I am unable to forgive myself. Please forgive my selfish decision and heal my heart. I give you my repentance and accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and my Lord. I realize there is no other way.  I understand He paid the price for my sins upon the cross and through the shedding of his blood I am forgiven. I realize I do not deserve this, but fully accept your gift of grace. Thank you for your mercy Lord. I will stand upon this moment of prayer in my life. I will not waver. I ask that your Holy Spirit will help me grow, help me find a good Bible believing church and lead me to new friends with a new life in you. In Jesus I pray amen. 

Now, let’s come against Planned Parenthood.

Heavenly Father,

Your word tells us how important our children are, how they are from you. How they are blessed, how wonderfully and marvelously created they are in you. O Father you see what is happening in our nation with Planned Parenthood. We pray that your goodness would befall upon this land and would overcome any and all evil works that have been in progress for years. By your son’s name Jesus we ask that all the funds would completely dry up in Planned Parenthood and that you would completely disable all their businesses, cause them to become a stench in this country, in their counties and cities. Change the lives of the workers, open up their eyes to see the depth of their wrongs. We ask that you would send your spirit of repentance upon every single agency and Doctors or Nurses that gives abortions. We ask that every state would outlaw this crime. We ask that shame and modesty would be brought back to this nation. We ask that you would open up our eyes to be able to discern right from wrong once again. We ask that your Holy Spirit would fall heavily upon the children of disobedience and that you would have mercy upon their lives, like you have given us mercy. 

In Jesus we ask, amen. 

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