Sunday, November 11, 2018

When you pray, do believe that you have already received your request?

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.  And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” 
Mark 11:24, 25

Believing that you already have received it. Can you do this? Yes, you can; because you have the faith inside of you to follow through on your prayers. 

When a young man/woman enlists into the military, it is the job of the Boot Camp instructors to break his old way of thinking that he cannot do something. They use a physical lesson to each the young man as he is put through a vigorous hardship of exercises and obstacle courses that completely wear his physical body and mind completely down and just when he thinks he cannot do another training exercise, he discovers he can do it. After weeks of strenuous activity of rains, mud, mosquitoes, running miles all day long and carrying huge backpacks and above all looking after each other; the burden starts to become lighter. The legs go up into a glide when they run and seem to have become effortless. The mud no longer bothers them as they all begin to think in one mind and in one spirit. Their minds begin to think, “ No problem. I can do this. “

So too, are we enlisted in God’s Army, and there are times we become wounded through the trials and wars we fight. God’s children of light, never walk alone. We have the strength of the Holy Spirit inside of us and nothing and no one can take that away from us. 

Please pray with me this morning:

Heavenly Father,

We acknowledge you this morning as our Heavenly Father God. We acknowledge you as our all. We look to you as the complete source in our lives. We want to bless you Father by the thoughts in our minds and throughout our day in everything we do. We give you praise this morning in everything we do. It is the desire of our hearts Father, that we be that good solid healthy tree planted by the water that bears good fruit. This is our prayer this morning. That we would be mighty trees shaping and sharing the fruit that you have formed inside of us and that we would be a reflection of your son’s love wherever we go. When we have a problem with love, help us to look deeper in that person, with your eyes and react with tenderness and gentleness. When we have a problem with suffering, give us more empathy and compassion for those who are going through much worse, followed by prayer. When we are full of your joy, send those around who need to be uplifted.  When we have trouble with patience and waiting, please whisper your deep love for us in our hearts and stir up your promises in your Word for us. We ask that your Holy Spirit inside of us train our mouths to be a blessing to you and all those we meet. Help us to be more sensitive to other’s needs, including our pets. We desire to be that lighthouse that gives godly fruit wherever we go.  You told us to pray continually and we shall. We thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers, always being there for us, for your word, for giving us Grace, for always speaking to us, for continually working upon our behalf, for giving us understanding and knowledge and to have the faith to follow what you’ve taught us through. 

This morning, we choose the faith and love that you have given to us over any fretting and worries. We choose to rest in your word. We love you and know that our tomorrows are in your hand because we are called according to your purposes. We trust in you completely. Thank you Father.

For those who become lonely, please pray along with me:

Heavenly Father,

You are the God of widows, the orphans and all those who love you and whom sometimes feel overlooked and lonely so many times. Those whose hearts have been broken for losing a loved one. We ask your Comforter would come and begin to mend their hearts little by little giving them a clearer insight into your love and to share with those who also need to hear the gospel. We ask precious Father that you would fill the void in their hearts with your Holy Spirit. We ask that their faith and love would be renewed through the pain they have experienced in their loss. We ask that your strength would be manifested in these people.  We ask that your Holy Spirit would embrace them during the night time and we ask that you would Comfort their thoughts with your gentleness. Breathe upon them Father. Oh Father, we ask that you would somehow touch their physical beings to experience even physically, they are not alone. We ask that you would give them a physical boost in their faith. Just a touch is all we ask. Please remind their souls how much they are loved by those not near. Please remind them of the strength we see inside of them. Please remind them, there are those who weep over their pain and loss. Oh Father you are the God who hears our requests, you see it all and are all knowing. 

Thank you Father and we pray all this through your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

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