Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Together, our prayers can be powerful as we believe that God hears our requests.

Please Pray with me this morning:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We give you thanks for your continual goodness in our lives, We give you thanks for always being here. We give you thanks for your word that maps us along our way back to you. We thank you for your precious Holy Spirit that teaches us about your Character and how we are to apply your wisdom to our lives. We thank you. You hear our hearts. You hear our deepest desires. You see all of our frustrations and disappointments in the goings on in the world. You understand when we grieve over those we lose and you heal our brokenhearts. We are so aware of your hand upon our families, yes Lord; even when we cannot see it, we know without a doubt, that you are behind the scenes always working. We thank you Father. We cherish your name Abba Father, Adonai, Elohim… We cherish you this morning, we want to give you glory. Our hearts and souls lift you up for all that you are. For all that are doing and for all the love that you have given to us through your Son, Jesus Christ. We adore you and bow to you this morning. 

Heavenly Father,

We realize there are some things we become careless of, take for granted and do without thinking, that are displeasing in your sight. We ask that your Holy Spirit would continue to clean up any worldly habits and will in our lives and be continually replaced by your holy will. We ask that you would forgive us of all arrogance, pride and of any self-importance, judgmental and unthinking idle words, jealousies, impatience, lack of mercy, any doubt and unbelief, self-pity, forgive us Father of any vain imaginations that do not lift up your love. We ask that our behavior would reflect your highest motivations in loving you above all on earth and loving those around us as we do ourselves.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We request your hand would be upon those who are struggling with health issues. If their health problems are because of something they are eating or drinking, we ask that your Holy Spirit would shake them and awaken them to this truth and give them the strength to let these things go. If they are holding un-forgiveness of any sort, we ask that you would enlighten them, soften their hearts and bring them into your spirit of repentance and remove any bitterness in their lives and replace this void with your never ending love. Help those who are in pain, those who find themselves in confusion because of age. Your word says: “ For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2Ti. 1:7. We accept this Father. By the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, together we confess your word is truth and we have a sound mind, we refuse and cast away any works of the spirit of fear that would try to enter into our lives. We declare your perfect love and faith overwhelms our lives and your healing salve be replaced in our minds, our souls and hearts. We speak to our souls and command it to “Bless the Lord O my soul!” We will bless you Oh Father!

Heavenly Father,

We lift up our President Trump, First lady Melania and all their family this morning. We know this man was sent by you and given an assignment to fight the battles we see raging upon our nation today. We ask that you would keep this man and his family free from any health problems, any and all physical attacks from the enemy, and by faith we push back all of satan’s devices of lies and accusations. We ask that your truth would prevail and that you would melt all hearts who have been listing to the language of lies, the enemies speak and replace them with the insurmountable hope of your word. Open up their eyes in their spirit,  Father. Give them your understanding. We ask that you would continue to keep an invisible wall of safety around all of President Trump’s cabinet. We ask that you would keep giving him godly counselors and advisors. We ask that you would keep giving him prayer warriors. We ask that you would continually refill him up with the wisdom of your word. We ask that his faith would be as a lighthouse and renewed every single morning. We ask that with every idea and design he receives for this nation would be of your will. Thank you for his great boldness, his great love for you and this nation. We ask that his cabinet would continue to follow you and your Spirit in everything they say and do. Minister to their hearts and give them the faith to follow through on your assignments. We ask that President Trumps marriage would bring many blessings, divine ideas and an example of your love around the world. We ask that they would be an example of your strength and power in the Kingdom of God.  We thank you for your never-ending mercy for our nation and we pray in Your Son’s name Jesus Christ. Amen. Thank you Lord. And we confess: Jesus is Lord! 

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