Monday, November 5, 2018

Pray with me over the elections tomorrow. Thank you

Good Morning,

Here we are, the day before the mid-term elections. Our votes will determine whether abortion will be outlawed [most likely leaving it up to individual states], not allowing open borders, changing illegal immigration laws and doing away with Sanctuary Cities, healthcare and too many to list. 

Do not confess your fears, confess your faith in Christ. Fear blocks faith. The confession of our lips will either bring God dominion over us or satan dominion. Be strong, stand upon the word, be immoveable and unwavering in your faith. 

“I sought the Lord [on the authority of His word] and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 amp.

Did you know there are 365 mentions of “do not fear and fear not” in the Bible? This tells me that everyday we can resist the spirit of fear, by our thoughts in our minds and hearts. 

Fear God instead of man, for one of His angels encamps around those who do. Psalm 34:7, 9

Please Pray with me for the elections “on the authority of His Word.”


Precious Holy Father,

We gather together again in one accord, one mind, one voice, one faith in unity to say, We choose to praise and bless you at all times. We lift up your name and magnify your holiness. We stand upon your word and fear you. We strive to be in your will and move in faith in every area of our lives. Thank you for your gift of Grace. Thank you for your mercy and great love. Father, your word says that your eyes are toward those who have moral courage and spiritual integrity and that your ears are open to hear our cry when we ask for help. You draw near those whose hearts are contrite and have a crushed spirit, those who are humbling repentant for their sins. Your words says, you rescue all of us. You have urged us to “let our request be made known to you.” You have told us to be humble, be still and wait patiently for you and that those who do will inherit the land. We will not fret or be angry. We will confess our faith in you instead. We trust in you completely.

Forgive this nation for the sins they commit. Forgive their selfishness, their greed, ignorance, forgive those who keep trying to destroy this land. We ask you to favor those who are fighting to return this country back to humility and modesty and back to honoring you. Thank you Father for placing a godly President and V. President in our land, for keeping them and their families safe and strong in all areas. You O Father hear our hearts requests! All of the time! You hear us and read us motives and you are so true and faithful! Our hearts desire is truly for our nation to bring you glory.

Father, we ask that your godly people would see the seriousness of these elections and arise up, in your will and over throw this mid-term elections. We come against the enemy in your son’s name Jesus Christ who would try to cheat, lie and steal during this time and we ask that everything they do would illegally, completely backfire in their lives, all for your glory. We ask for your hand to manifest in this election race. We ask your Holy Spirit to blow upon each believing individual to boldly stand up for what is right and true. For your righteousness and holiness. We plead for a Holy Spirit filled Congress on Capitol Hill. We ask that through the blood of Jesus our land be turned back into a praying godly land, one who accepts your word as truth in and out of all schools. We ask that Christian prayer be returned to our schools. We ask that your will be done in our land. Thank you Lord.

We pray for those thousands of illegal people who have been paid to come over our border. We ask that by your hand, you would turn them back. We ask that they would experience knowing “the fear of God.” We ask that you would separate the wheat from the chaff and only bring in those who are willing to come in legally. Those who wish to do good and not evil.

We request, that every single judge on the Supreme Court that is against your word, against your law and against your will would resign and be completely replaced by Bible believing Spirit filled believers striving to bring this nation into a humble nation, one of prayer and full of faith. 

We pray that Your peace would be upon our nation. Oh come Lord Jesus.

Thank you Father and we all pray in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.   

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