Thursday, November 15, 2018

One Word: "I confess California For Christ!"

Good Morning,

Please pray with me for the people in the west experiencing such devastating fires. Many have lost their lives and homes. One Christian lady was driving through the area pleading and begging God for mercy while praying Psalm 91 continually. I believe she stated that her house was untouched. The God in the NT is the same God in the OT. In the Bible there are several places written about God sending fires because of judgement and to cleanse the land. When we pray for a nation to come back to the Lord, we can expect big things to happen. How many people are with me, when I say, “our nation is returning to God!” We need to call upon His mercy. 

I declare “California for Christ!”

“For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” Romans 9:15, 16.

Heavenly Father,

Your mercies are new every morning. Your Spirit blows and breathes upon whom you choose. You hear our prayers and always answer them Father. As our Creator, you completely know us from the inside to the outside, our going and coming, all our deep motives, our hidden agendas and we cherish your mercies. We know if it had not been for your mercies, we would all be consumed. We do not deserve it Father. Thank you for all your mercies. As children of Your Light, together we ask you would continue to melt hearts and send rain upon the west. Those involved in the fires, who do not know you, we ask your Holy Spirit would blow upon their spirits and awaken them to your mercy and love. Turn their hearts completely around to your truth. We call for a Spirit of Repentance to be upon that whole state through your son Jesus Christ. We ask for mercy and may your will be continually done in this land. Thank you Father. Amen. 

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