Monday, December 31, 2018

Nehemiah, Builder of the wall

Good Morning,

“Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the kings’s words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.” 
Ne. 2:18

God’s goodness will either bring out the best in a person or the worse. They will either move closer to His light or hide from it.  As I read Nehemiah I was struck over the parallel of the great burden in his heart to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and the burden in our Presidents heart to build the wall. Nehemiah humbled himself and wept and he mourned and fasted as he began to pray. He confessed the sins of Israel, including his own sins and his father’s house. He admitted they did not obey the commands, decrees and laws that God gave to Moses. [Rd prayer 1:5-11] Nehemiah was one who stood in the gap for his people. He was a cupbearer [a Protector] who first tasted the wine he would serve to the king. This was considered to be a very honorable and trustworthy position. He was a man of integrity and found favor from the king to be released to go and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. All of Jerusalem pitched in to help, [Levites, Priests, goldsmiths, men of Jericho, everyone’s son, even perfume makers, too many to list]. They each were assigned individual sections of the wall to fixate and secure using the beams, bars, bolts and doors as planned. As I read I couldn’t help but see the ingenuity of their plans and the eager cooperation from the people.  

Oh, but things did not go that smooth. Word got out about the wall and anger was stirred in Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite and Geshem the Arab as they mocked Nehemiah and the people. 

Today, we could give these men modern names of those who are opposing our Presidents wall. 

Nehemiah’s response? He did everything through prayer. “Hear us, O our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads. Give them over as plunder in the land of captivity. Do not cover up their guilt or blot out their sins from your sight, for they have thrown insults in the face of the builders.” Ne. 4:4-5

If Nehemiah can pray with such boldness, why cannot we?

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

You have taught us that just the call of your son’s name of Jesus, brings miracles in our life. You’ve taught us that salvation cannot be obtained by any other name and that Your son is sitting on the right hand side of you making intercession for us in heavenly places. Thank you Lord.  Like that of your servant Nehemiah, right now; we confess the sins of America. You have told us what to do, in so many ways through the Bible you gave to us filled with your love, hope and truth. Yet, so many still hold themselves back for what they know in their hearts as your truth. We have committed adulteries and idolatries in the land that you have given to us. Oh Jesus, we need your help!  We have defiled your name in worldly books and in all areas of films and medias. We have put down your book to hear what false accusers say. We have chosen the wisdom of the world, over your word. We have chosen to fear man over you, we have snared ourselves. We have fretted and doubted what you have said and because of this, we have lived in sin. Our nation has chosen a life of greed, pride, selfishness, sacrificial offerings of our babies to the god of Molech, power to control other nations when we have not taken care of our own people, lies upon lies, we have schemers that destroy those who love you and work toward building a good godly nation.  Father, like Nehemiah prayed, we ask that all their insults be turned back upon their own heads. Give them as plunder in a land of captivity, do not cover up their guilt or blot out their sins from your sight, for they have thrown insults in the face of our President and his builders of the wall. 

We confess to sin within the Body of Christ. We confess there are hypocrites that say one thing and do another. We confess to those who slander and gossip one another, we confess to those who hold un-forgiveness towards one to another, we confess to those who are in adultery, fornicating and homosexual relationships, we confess to those who are fraudulently stealing money from the flock, we confess to those who are perverting your word for their own lusts, we confess to those who use your word for their own gain, we confess to those whose actions and behavior are continually harming your children. We confess to those who have no zeal but have compromised and chosen to remain stagnant in their walk and not grow or have any faith. We confess to those who have walked away from their first love. We confess to those who dabble in the dark arts and seek ways of the occult instead of your ways and truth. We cry out your name JESUS!


Help your church! Sift us, refine us and bring us out of our complacency. Oh Forgive your people Lord! Those who have taken their walk for granted. Forgive our dark hearts of rebellion, all false humility and those whose assemblies lack humility and have gotten political. Forgive our ignorance and lack of love. Help us to love in the way we should. Be our strength and show us how to give in the way we should. Forgive the way we destroy the beautiful land and the seas and waters that you have given to us. Forgive our lack of frugalness and waste. We know we do not deserve your forgiveness. Forgive our rebellious and ambitious hearts. We stand upon your word, that anyone who calls upon your name will be forgiven. We stand upon your word that we can say to our mountains to be removed and cast into the sea and not doubt in our hearts, believing that what we have prayed for is already done. We believe this Father. We fully accept your grace Father and love. Remind us to forgive as we are forgiven. 

We ask for continued favor for our President alike that of Nehemiah’s and that his wall would be stronger than ever before and withstand anyone who would try to come into America illegally. We ask that all finances would be loosened and released into his hands to promote godly Protection and Provide the necessary means to bring this nation back to you Father. 

We ask by your mighty hand of your Holy Spirit, these illegals would begin to turn back and retreat, in the name of Jesus. We ask that all would see that is by your hand and none other and that you would receive all of the glory and we pray in your son Jesus, amen. 



Friday, December 28, 2018

Praising God for Good Men #2

                                       In Praise of God for Good Men #2

“ Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.” Da. 6:3 kjv

Time gives honor to those who respect it. I stood 12 feet tall, at 17, feeling larger than life and full of confidence when I graduated from Beauty School in Atlanta, Ga. After circling the wagon here and there, my mother and I ended up in Panama City, Florida. PC rocked and buzzed with Airmen and Sailors. Even Italian Merchant Marine ships docked nearby. My girlfriends and I entered the foolishness of youth and into the era of beach parties! 

I had a crush on an Airman who was about 22 and from SD. I was invisible. He wasn’t aware I existed and isn’t that the way it was at times? What to do? I invited him to our beach party of course! On a full moon, I began to feel the sugary drink way too much and instantly he noticed my dizzy behavior.  My crush lifted me up and carried me into the gulf and while still in his arms, he proceeded to dunk me about 5 times under those moonstruck waters. This young gentleman took care of me and never took advantage of my vulnerability. He gently set me down upon the blanket and put a towel around my shoulders. He protected me on all accounts! Now, I really liked him! But I knew I was more like a kid sister and we remained friends. 

Another date, another Airman. He was an older worldly man of 28. We clicked and respected each other. He communicated well and was mature, even fearless, full of confidence and treated me every bit like a lady. Although he was in the Air Force he had his own body shop on the side and employed other Airmen. He was brainy and ambitious too.  We went out for dinner and afterwards drove to the beach. Everyone ended up on the beach. We were talking in the car, when another car drove up in front of us and refused to turn out their lights. I watched my date open up the glove compartment and put a tooth guard in his mouth, slipped on brass knuckles and took out a club. I do not know if he had a gun. He jumped out of the car ready to rumble. I’d never seen anything like that before. The minute he jumped out of the car and started walking boldly to the car with the headlights on, they blinked off. He then turned and came back to the car and put everything back into the glove compartment. He was not hot tempered. But he was always ready. During those days Sailors and Airmen were always having rumbles on the beach. I don’t know why and I never saw them. This was something new to me. We became good friends. Today, I still look at him as protecting me. 

One evening while double dating with a girl friend, we ended up back on the beach. Drinking, laughing and this time I got sick.  I was with a gentle giant from Kentucky who wanted to marry me. I threw up! Shamefully, I humiliated myself in complete embarrassment.  But this Airman gently held me while my body violently rejected what I had drank. To think we used to call that “fun?”  I will never forget him for his kind and protecting nature.

Lastly, the sunshine sparkled along the shores while at my girlfriends beach house and we were all getting ready to, what else? But party! At that time I was dating a young Sailor who drove an ugly 1950 yellow top and black bodied ford. The car didn’t run right, but it was all he could afford and for some reason I liked his quiet, strong nature. Besides his good looks. He was hanging out with us when a group of 4 Airmen drove up and got out of the car. Although I did not know them, I didn’t see any problem, but my date saw it. As they approached, while we were in the yard, he picked up a brick and bravely motioned them to come to him. They backed off and left. My thoughts were; did he really intend to actually hurt someone with that brick? Yes, I think he did; because he saw a threat, that I did not see. Men will see danger and threats that women do not. This is how they are equipped.

All four examples are to Praise God for Good Men! Good men are out there and they know what they have inside of them and they thrive upon using what God has given them. He created a man to be able to physically lift things that a woman will struggle with because our bodies are designed differently.  The man will always be the one to go outside and walk around the place when he hears something strange. He is on guard all of the time, no matter his age. They think differently than a woman, therefore they can see danger, when we women see a potential to help.

When a man deliberately turns his back upon what he has inside and refuses to use it, he goes against the very nature in how God has created him [in God’s image] and that man will be miserable because he is out of the will of God. 
Understanding this high degree of “Protector and Provider” in men, how much more will our God protect those who love Him! We are truly under His shadow. 

You may wonder if I have ever had dark experiences with men. Many! But, that is for another time. Why plow upon the dark field in your life, unless you are going to plant flowers?

Today, godly women look to men to be the true Warriors to Protect and Provide in their lives. Those with an excellent spirit who will shun worldly ideals and uphold to godly higher standards. These are the Daniels of today and they are called to set an example for the younger generations in the Body of Christ and to the world around them. 

What is the one thing our President keeps saying to America over and over? “I want to protect America and keep her safe!”

Lets pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for sending us godly Daniels to watch over us in times of need. We ask that these men with such excellent spirits would truly be examples for what you have called and designed men to be. We ask that they would be multiplied and given much favor. We ask that classes would pop up to teach the young ones to use this creative natural gifting of Protecting and Providing. We thank you for this, in Jesus we pray amen.  

We Praise God for the good Men out there!

                                       ~In Praise of God for good Men~

“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2 

Knowing and understanding men has me taken a lifetime of learning. Today in my senior years, I am not only joyful, but I stand amazed of how our God has created men. Men have this basic instinct of inbred nature to be Protector and Provider that is created from God’s hand that comes out of the womb. Here lies this precious newborn male baby that will grow up slaying dragons to protect his family and others! And to think, he is doing just what comes naturally. Never before in my life have I been so aware of how God created man in His image. In not knowing my father or having any siblings, my first good experience with the male gender were the times I lived on the farm with my grandparents. My grandfather seemed to gather an understanding about life through caring for his farm animals. He could do no wrong in my eyes. We went everywhere together. I played in the barn while he worked and helped him call in the cows from the pasture to eat and be milked. I tagged along while he slopped the hogs, gathered honey from his hives [I hid behind a tree and watched] and fed the chickens. I sat on his tractor while he plowed row after long rows of his land. He watched over me with such protection that I grew up with very little fear. When he came inside from the evenings chores, he first cleaned up and then collapsed in his rocking chair. Without a word, he would hand me his large comb, to comb his thinning hair as he drifted off to sleep. Other times he would scoop me up in his arms and rock me, as my 4-5 year old head would rest against his chest until I fell asleep. I was loved. My world was very happy and safe on the farm. 

One day I was all bundled up and getting ready to walk the 3 long miles of country to school with my “lard bucket” for a lunch box that contained one raw potato and one apple. When I would arrive at the one room school house, the teacher placed the potato inside of the wood stove and by lunchtime I had a lovely baked potato. Best ever! I think I must have been around 7yrs at this time. Back then, all the kids walked to school and thought nothing of it. This particular day was different. I set out and got as far as the sugar maples alongside the driveway. The winter thaw was happening and the dark Michigan soil became mud and I became stuck. Every time I tried to lift one of my boots out of the mud, my feet came out of the boots. What was I going to do? Then, suddenly I heard the tractor start up. My grandfather was watching me all of the time, but I didn’t know it!  He came around to where I was and lifted me up out of the mire. My hero! Then to my thrill, he took me to school that day on his tractor. 

This is the way our Heavenly Father watches over us. Every single minute while we are here and most of the time we are not aware of it. 

Take time to listen to this tape, there is such truth in these words. Some of us have come a long ways.

Stay tuned. There will be a continuation of this article.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Iranian Muslim Meets Jesus


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Melania has requested prayers. Please pray along with me.

Precious Heavenly Father, We lift up our President to you this morning and we ask for a renewal in his heart, his mind and his whole body. We ask for a renewal inside of his soul, for continued tenacity, determination and strength. We ask that your Holy Spirit would renew his faith, his vision and all his efforts. We ask that you would send your messengers to lift up his spirit and give him encouragement and a spirit of cleverness, able to read what his enemies next move would be. Send him those with wise loyal hearts that would work for him and share his godly vision to return this nation back to you and your ways. Encourage him to know that by his obedience in you, he has and is making a giant difference in this land. Speak to him to know in his heart, nothing has been wasted and that you are moving and working within his heart and fulfilling your will in this land. Lift his whole countenance up Father. Bring him closer to hear your voice with clarity. Continue to use him mightily for your glory and honor. Open up those stubborn doors that have been unlocked so your Kingdom can continue upon this land. Together we come against all lying spirits, spirits of division, spirits of perversion, spirits of idolatry, seducing spirits, any and all familiar spirits that are manifested in congress and by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ we command all slanderous unbelieving mouths to be closed and choke upon the words they would try to speak! We ask that every time they try to hinder this godly work, a deep spirit of shame would enter their hearts and a muteness would fall upon these people. Yes, We command they be filled with remorse and shame. We command all their knees would buckle and fall and be bowed and all their tongues to CONFESS That Jesus Christ is Lord! We command and speak: this nation belongs to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord and none other! We command all forces of darkness to be buried deep by the very words they have slandered our President with! We speak righteousness over this nation! We speak truth, life, light and Love over this nation! We speak complete defeat of blackness to those who mock your name! To those who cannot see or hear your truth! We compel all invisible enmities to obey the WORD OF GOD! We compel them to abandon all rebellious accusing spirits and humble themselves! We compel them to be still and be awakened to the force of God who gives mercy and gives the severity of judgement! Bend bend bend their hearts, their minds and their wills to work upon this land and not against it! Awaken men's hearts on capitol hill, shock their eyes to be opened and allow them to see "The Fear of God." We thank you Father, we agree together and pray in faith in your son Jesus.

Monday, December 24, 2018


                                                            ~In Praise of God for Men~

“He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2 

Knowing and understanding men has me taken a lifetime of learning. Today in my senior years, I am not only joyful, but I stand amazed of how our God has created men. Men have this basic instinct of inbred nature to be Protector and Provider that is created from God’s hand that comes out of the womb. Here lies this precious newborn male baby that will grow up slaying dragons to protect his family and others! And to think, he is doing just what comes naturally. Never before in my life have I been so aware of how God created man in His image. In not knowing my father or having any siblings, my first good experience with the male gender were the times I lived on the farm with my grandparents. My grandfather seemed to gather an understanding about life through caring for his farm animals. He could do no wrong in my eyes. We went everywhere together. I played in the barn while he worked and helped him call in the cows from the pasture to eat and be milked. I tagged along while he slopped the hogs, gathered honey from his hives [I hid behind a tree and watched] and fed the chickens. I sat on his tractor while he plowed row after long rows of his land. He watched over me with such protection that I grew up with very little fear. When he came inside from the evenings chores, he first cleaned up and then collapsed in his rocking chair. Without a word, he would hand me his large comb, to comb his thinning hair as he drifted off to sleep. Other times he would scoop me up in his arms and rock me, as my 4-5 year old head would rest against his chest until I fell asleep. I was loved. My world was very happy and safe on the farm. 

One day I was all bundled up and getting ready to walk the 3 long miles of country to school with my “lard bucket” for a lunch box that contained one raw potato and one apple. When I would arrive at the one room school house, the teacher placed the potato inside of the wood stove and by lunchtime I had a lovely baked potato. Best ever! I think I must have been around 7yrs at this time. Back then, all the kids walked to school and thought nothing of it. This particular day was different. I set out and got as far as the sugar maples alongside the driveway. The winter thaw was happening and the dark Michigan soil became mud and I became stuck. Every time I tried to lift one of my boots out of the mud, my feet came out of the boots. What was I going to do? Then, suddenly I heard the tractor start up. My grandfather was watching me all of the time, but I didn’t know it!  He came around to where I was and lifted me up out of the mire. My hero! Then to my thrill, he took me to school that day on his tractor. 

This is the way our Heavenly Father watches over us. Every single minute while we are here and most of the time we are not aware of it. 

Take time to listen to this tape, there is such truth in these words. Some of us have come a long ways.

Stay tuned. There will be a continuation of this article.

Gaither Vocal Band - Sometimes It Takes A Mountain (Live)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dare to be different

Good Morning Church,

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 kjv

Our hearts cry out for God’s peace! Instead, we glean stress and havoc to our health. But, Jesus gave us His peace! Where is it? Until believers let go of the world, we will not hear what The Holy Spirit is saying in our lives. God’s peace can give us good health if we set aside stress and exchange it for His peace. But, we must hear His voice. Then, obey.   

A small example of my own: If my soul loves the taste of coffee, but my body is obviously reacting negatively and against my health, whose voice am I going to listen to? My emotional love affair with 2 cups of coffee? Or, my body that is crying out for me to stop?  Which voice protects and offers peace as well as health? 
I am now drinking tea in the mornings and happy as a lark. 

We are not called to go with the flow. We swim against the current. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to your heart personally. We are called to be non-conformists.  

Seek peace through prayer and see what God says in the Bible about your personal situation [we all have one], not what your worldly friend at the office says or a worldly magazine. It’s time to get serious. 

Another small example: You’ve fallen prey to the wiles of the seducing spirit of the world and ran amuck with your credit card, thinking your family will have everything they wished. Will you have peace when the bill comes and see the exorbitantly high interest rates that are tacked upon the total? Yipes! Dare to be different! Set yourself apart from extravagance and astonish everyone [including yourself] ! Bake them some cookies instead. Oh gasp! [but, what would they think? Should you care?] Send your precious labor of love inside a lovely colorful tin container. They will know you took the time to bake for them and love you all the more for it and you will be the happier when you get that bill in the mail.  Let’s say a small prayer.

Heavenly Father,

We know your son gave us His peace right before He left this earth. Thank you Lord! We ask that your Holy Spirit would strengthen us to turn away old worldly habits and replace them with your truths and wisdom. Give us frugal ideas to bless those we love. Help us O Father, to continually put down any part of the old man and put on more of the new man. Honor our studying and love for you Father. Give us a new understanding and discernment of the importance of your peace and enable us to hear your Holy Spirit in our lives through the many ways He speaks to us. All for your glory Father.  We thank you Father and we agree together in your Son’s name Jesus, amen. 


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Take time to pray this POWER PRAYER before you begin your day.

Good Morning,

Loud and clear, I have been confirmed about the call for intercessory prayer in our land. At first I was going to go right to my studies this morning, then heard: “pray.” There are so many broken hearts surrounding us this year. Please join me as the Holy Spirit leads:

Precious Heavenly Father,

Oh Father it is you who we depend upon for everything in our lives. We understand it is only by your deep love that you have designed a plan for us. How can we say thank you for caring for us, even when we were deep in sin? To think, you loved us before we even knew you and loved you. Your ways are beyond our understanding. Thank you for your great love. Heavenly Father, your eyes roam the whole earth to find those who will “stand in the gap” and pray. Together this morning, we stand with others across our land to lift up our prayers. We pray because we believe in your truth, we know you hear our cries, you are so faithful and true.  We stand on your word.

We have so many thoughts of those with broken hearts this holiday season. Your eyes see them, those who have lost their precious mates, parents, children, brothers and sisters and friends. We ask your Holy Spirit would blow upon these hearts and begin to fill them up with your love and embrace them with an angel of kindness during this time. Give them comfort where there isn’t any and heal their loneliness. Where there are regrets, we ask that you would apply your salve to their wounds to see through your eye view and not their own. We do not understand it all, but trust in you completely.  Bring them back up and out to be the vessels of mercy they are called to be. Help these people to bring comfort to those who are going through the path they once walked. Thank you Father.

Your word promises us if we seek you continually and learn about your character continually and choose obedience over sin, that you draw closer to us and you pour out your treasures to us. We are so blessed. You speak to us and we can hear your voice. We draw near to you and you draw near to us. Our hearts can barely contain the immense riches of your promises.
We can talk to you and you hear us. Even when we are troubled and words do not come, you hear our hearts and you answer our prayers. Your love overwhelms us.

We lift up those who are a part of our families this morning whose eyes are not opened to the truth: Name them__________.  
We completely release them from any of our fretting, nagging, worries or complaining attitudes. Forgive our lack of faith. We purposely let them go for you to convict them in anyway you choose Father. Send them a Spirit of Repentance and melt their hearts to your truth. Open their eyes Father. Bring them up! And send them forth!

We pray for those whom once made a commitment accepting your son as their Savior but have strayed away from the faith. Name them______.
Father we ask that you would tie them around the cross and not let them go. We even ask that you would bring a spirit of misery upon these loved ones until they get right with you. Reveal the deep seriousness of your love. Show them the consequences of not thinking about their behavior. Teach them to fear you. Bring them back, bring them up and send them out! Thank you Father. 

We pray for the decision makers out there. Many are in the Valley of Decision. We ask that you would give them the patience they need to hear what you have to say about it and that your word would rise above their own wants. We ask that you would give them an alertness to hear when your Holy Spirit speaks. Give them your peace of knowing their decision is of you and not of themselves. Bring them out of any indecisiveness and refill them up with your bold faith. That new wine of knowing. Thank you Father.

We pray for those who are struggling with finances. Make them into radical faith oriented givers. Make them into 2Co. 9:6-15 people. Train them how to be cheerful givers. Show them how they cannot out give you. Teach them godly priorities. Teach them to pray before they spend. Help them to understand how to get out of debt and the joyful insight of the freedom it brings. Reveal to them how less brings freedom. Teach them the true value of what you give us Lord. Lastly teach them how to give of themselves to you.  Thank you Father. 

Father, Right now, I pray for that one who has a problem with their leg/s. I ask that they would place their hands upon where these problems are and accept and believe God’s healing power. Remind them that your son took 39 stripes so we are healed. Thank you Father.

Heavenly Father, I ask that you would create an overwhelming hunger and thirst for your true words of wisdom in this land. I pray that many in your church would begin to seek out your truth to become what you have ordained them to be. Where there are problems with loving each other we ask that all walls of bitterness be removed, with fire if necessary. We ask that you would remove old barriers of traditional thoughts and your Holy Spirit would be gushed and poured out on your people, even as a flood. Set them free to love. We ask that all rigidness would go. Bring them life. Set them free from any spirit of fear of man. Remind them to fear you instead. Thank you Father.

Father we lift up our President, his wife, his family, his cabinet and all those involved in running this nation. We ask for your hand to be continually upon our President. Keep him faithful, determined, strong, wise and keep his face like flint. We ask that all arrows would be as paper and fly back to the oppressors. We ask that he would get into the habit of eating and drinking good things for the body you have given to him. Give him at least 7 hours of sleep. We ask that he would hear your voice loud and clear in whatever endeavor he sets his hand. Remind him always, to put you above all before he gets out of bed. Bless him Father. Refill his faith, his confidence, his boldness, his tenacity in you. Keep Melania strong, wise and healthy and continue to grow her up in you. Give her wise input to help her husband through the trials up ahead. Help them both to meditate upon your goodness every morning. Train them to be godly examples of what this nation needs. Train up Barron to be that godly leader, even like David of old. Like his father. Guide and direct all his ways. Thank you Father.

We ask for a spirit of repentance to fall upon this nation. We ask that you would bring forth those who are called in your name to minister to those in need when we hear their cries. Let this land, be your land in every way,  allow your faithful to rule over the counties, the cities, in offices, in schools teaching your godly truths, godly mothers and fathers. Restore the family structure into your godly structure.  Any sanctuary cities, we ask that you would shame them, and burn them and turn them all upside down, inside out and remove their crooked and deceitful ways. California! You are God’s! You do not belong to the devil and his hordes. By faith, we rebuke all lies, schemes and corruptions. We ask that you would honor those believers out there who have been fighting against the enemy and we agree with them. Put all darkness down Father. Speak to those who love you and give them the endurance they need. Thank you Father

I ask that you would minister those with helping hands. Restore their muscles, sinews and bones. Restore their encouragement in you. I ask that as they reach out to your son Jesus, they would be healed of all pain. I ask that they would give you all the glory. Thank you Lord.

I pray for those who are driving the sick back and forth to the Drs and grocery store. I pray that your joy would be increased this season and your hearts strengthen for you to continue on being the faithful servant that you are called to be. I pray that our Father would give you the desires of your heart. I pray that you would be made aware that all the little things you do are great in our Father’s sight. Thank you Father.
I pray for the dreamer. I pray that your visions would be increased 100 fold into new and powerful heights in the Lord. All for His glory and might! New vistas, new colors, new designs and even ones with incredible helps around the globe. I ask that as this unfolds, your joy would shout from the roof tops as you give God all the glory! Thank you Father.

I pray for those who are struggling to have a baby. Heavenly Father I ask that you would bring a comforting peace to the couple and help them let go and allow you to intercede in their lives. Help them to speak your truth, your promises and love into their lives and into her very womb. Open the womb up Father and allow them to be a mighty testimony of your love and power in their lives. Thank you Father. 

I pray for those who are moving in the fear of man instead of the fear of God. Remove them from this bondage and bring them into your light. Together we rebuke all fear of man in their lives.  Teach them how to rebuke the old man and put on the new man in their lives. To put on your love and faith. Reveal the deep love you have for them Father. Console them and set them free. Teach them not to speak fearful things. Thank you Father.

Together we pray and agree in Jesus name for all these requests this morning. Thank you Lord. We love you.  

Saturday, December 15, 2018

There is a way that seems right

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12

Awhile back I signed an email to a old friend of mine with a simple: “Be good.” My heartfelt thoughts of those two small words meant: “If you aren’t right with God, please get right. Listen to your conscience, Fear God and put Him above all else in your life, be strong and turn away from any temptations that would snare your soul.” Of course, she didn’t read all of that because, these were only my thoughts and I never put them down.  How many of you realize, there are some people who you cannot talk to that way. Her simple reply came back as, “Good is relative.”  I had to think about that one. 

Good as relative, means its interpretation is scaled as an individual matter of what they have accepted as good. This isn’t what the Bible says, but man.  Truthfully, we have all justified our own wants and lusts at times, as being good, because “it seems right to man.” Yes, this happens. We do it all of the time, sometimes without batting an eye. Without thinking. 

In a worldly sense, relative is opposed to any “absolutes.” In a Christians belief in the Word,  goodness is truly absolute, because true goodness and righteousness only comes from God.  The Body of Christ revels in the goodness of God and we experience His goodness in our lives daily. Absolutely we do!

First a small prayer:

Heavenly Father we ask that our teacher, The Holy Spirit would come and open up the eyes of those who need to be opened. Give them a deeper insight into your will and the strength to follow through to become the Overcomers we are all called to be. Precious Father give us discernment to understand the difference between true goodness and that which is not. Thank you Lord, in Jesus. Amen..

Disclaimer. I will probably be stepping on a few toes as you read, but please remember your toes are right next to my own crushed toes.

Here are 5 examples of what happens when we act upon that which seem right to us:

  • Although married, she relented towards the attractive man’s continued flatteries because, “he makes her feel so good.”  After all, good feelings cannot be wrong, can they? Truth: She justified her wrong thinking as a good thing. But way deep down, she knows that is not good.

  • He worked in the payroll department and had the opportunity to cheat on his own taxes because, in his thinking [justification]; the money would do more good in his hands than those who did not need it. Truth: His thoughts justified stealing and he worded it as good. 

  • Dress. The Bible talks about how a godly woman should dress modestly. Yet, many in church justify what they wear as good, because it is fashionable, instead of what God prizes in a woman.  ~Modesty is the guardian of chastity.~ And, this should begin inside of The Body of Christ.  

  • Eating. Haven’t we all said: “Oh this is “so good! I’ve just got to have another piece!” A borderline diabetic justified taking another piece because it, “tastes so good.” It may taste good, but we all know it isn’t good for us.

  • Lying. “I won’t tell her the truth. Here comes the justification: “It would hurt her too much and that wouldn’t be good.” She just said that the truth is not good.  SO is it better to lie? Is lying good? Is that relative too?  Are we responsible to give the truth, where it is not wanted? No. But we are responsible to give the truth, where it is needed. Use the discernment God has given to you.

I could give endless examples of how the “ways that seem right to a man” opens the door for many spirits to come to your “good” party.  God does not want His children to be ignorant to the forces of darkness. We  experience good through the five fold senses in our flesh: our smell, our taste, our touch, our sight and our hearing. They are all God given for us to enjoy. Be alert! The enemy of our souls shouts “more is good!” They will use your five senses to vacuum your will into a world of addiction and bondage, if you allow it. One small nibble and you have accepted their bait.  You can be watching a “good” even great movie; until you see the nudity and hear God’s name being slandered. What is good in the world is not good to us. 

Do not compromise your walk in Christ. Set high standards of excellence in the Body of Christ and be that example you are called to be. Today, drawn that line in the sand and be determined not to be a borderline believer. 

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:31, 32

Shall we pray:

Heavenly Father,

We thrive upon your truth and we cherish your will in our lives. More than ever we desire to walk down that straight and narrow road. More than ever, we want to delight your heart and be obedient to what your word says. We desire to bless you in our lives. Father, we ask that your Spirit would break all unthinking worldly habits and addictions in our lives. Shed your light upon this truth, for us to see them for exactly what they are in our lives. Forgive us Father for dabbling into sins pleasures. Name them silently to yourselves: _______. We ask for future strength and power to resist any compromising situation that would be-front in our lives and kick us hard for us to wake up and see our sins through your lens. We put all of our trust in you. We choose your love over anything the world would try to offer us. By the power of the name of Jesus Christ we put down all twisted thinking, all sinful justification and all resistance to what is truly right in you and we Thank you Lord.  And, we pray in faith through Jesus, amen.