Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Melania has requested prayers. Please pray along with me.

Precious Heavenly Father, We lift up our President to you this morning and we ask for a renewal in his heart, his mind and his whole body. We ask for a renewal inside of his soul, for continued tenacity, determination and strength. We ask that your Holy Spirit would renew his faith, his vision and all his efforts. We ask that you would send your messengers to lift up his spirit and give him encouragement and a spirit of cleverness, able to read what his enemies next move would be. Send him those with wise loyal hearts that would work for him and share his godly vision to return this nation back to you and your ways. Encourage him to know that by his obedience in you, he has and is making a giant difference in this land. Speak to him to know in his heart, nothing has been wasted and that you are moving and working within his heart and fulfilling your will in this land. Lift his whole countenance up Father. Bring him closer to hear your voice with clarity. Continue to use him mightily for your glory and honor. Open up those stubborn doors that have been unlocked so your Kingdom can continue upon this land. Together we come against all lying spirits, spirits of division, spirits of perversion, spirits of idolatry, seducing spirits, any and all familiar spirits that are manifested in congress and by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ we command all slanderous unbelieving mouths to be closed and choke upon the words they would try to speak! We ask that every time they try to hinder this godly work, a deep spirit of shame would enter their hearts and a muteness would fall upon these people. Yes, We command they be filled with remorse and shame. We command all their knees would buckle and fall and be bowed and all their tongues to CONFESS That Jesus Christ is Lord! We command and speak: this nation belongs to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord and none other! We command all forces of darkness to be buried deep by the very words they have slandered our President with! We speak righteousness over this nation! We speak truth, life, light and Love over this nation! We speak complete defeat of blackness to those who mock your name! To those who cannot see or hear your truth! We compel all invisible enmities to obey the WORD OF GOD! We compel them to abandon all rebellious accusing spirits and humble themselves! We compel them to be still and be awakened to the force of God who gives mercy and gives the severity of judgement! Bend bend bend their hearts, their minds and their wills to work upon this land and not against it! Awaken men's hearts on capitol hill, shock their eyes to be opened and allow them to see "The Fear of God." We thank you Father, we agree together and pray in faith in your son Jesus.

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