Friday, December 28, 2018

Praising God for Good Men #2

                                       In Praise of God for Good Men #2

“ Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.” Da. 6:3 kjv

Time gives honor to those who respect it. I stood 12 feet tall, at 17, feeling larger than life and full of confidence when I graduated from Beauty School in Atlanta, Ga. After circling the wagon here and there, my mother and I ended up in Panama City, Florida. PC rocked and buzzed with Airmen and Sailors. Even Italian Merchant Marine ships docked nearby. My girlfriends and I entered the foolishness of youth and into the era of beach parties! 

I had a crush on an Airman who was about 22 and from SD. I was invisible. He wasn’t aware I existed and isn’t that the way it was at times? What to do? I invited him to our beach party of course! On a full moon, I began to feel the sugary drink way too much and instantly he noticed my dizzy behavior.  My crush lifted me up and carried me into the gulf and while still in his arms, he proceeded to dunk me about 5 times under those moonstruck waters. This young gentleman took care of me and never took advantage of my vulnerability. He gently set me down upon the blanket and put a towel around my shoulders. He protected me on all accounts! Now, I really liked him! But I knew I was more like a kid sister and we remained friends. 

Another date, another Airman. He was an older worldly man of 28. We clicked and respected each other. He communicated well and was mature, even fearless, full of confidence and treated me every bit like a lady. Although he was in the Air Force he had his own body shop on the side and employed other Airmen. He was brainy and ambitious too.  We went out for dinner and afterwards drove to the beach. Everyone ended up on the beach. We were talking in the car, when another car drove up in front of us and refused to turn out their lights. I watched my date open up the glove compartment and put a tooth guard in his mouth, slipped on brass knuckles and took out a club. I do not know if he had a gun. He jumped out of the car ready to rumble. I’d never seen anything like that before. The minute he jumped out of the car and started walking boldly to the car with the headlights on, they blinked off. He then turned and came back to the car and put everything back into the glove compartment. He was not hot tempered. But he was always ready. During those days Sailors and Airmen were always having rumbles on the beach. I don’t know why and I never saw them. This was something new to me. We became good friends. Today, I still look at him as protecting me. 

One evening while double dating with a girl friend, we ended up back on the beach. Drinking, laughing and this time I got sick.  I was with a gentle giant from Kentucky who wanted to marry me. I threw up! Shamefully, I humiliated myself in complete embarrassment.  But this Airman gently held me while my body violently rejected what I had drank. To think we used to call that “fun?”  I will never forget him for his kind and protecting nature.

Lastly, the sunshine sparkled along the shores while at my girlfriends beach house and we were all getting ready to, what else? But party! At that time I was dating a young Sailor who drove an ugly 1950 yellow top and black bodied ford. The car didn’t run right, but it was all he could afford and for some reason I liked his quiet, strong nature. Besides his good looks. He was hanging out with us when a group of 4 Airmen drove up and got out of the car. Although I did not know them, I didn’t see any problem, but my date saw it. As they approached, while we were in the yard, he picked up a brick and bravely motioned them to come to him. They backed off and left. My thoughts were; did he really intend to actually hurt someone with that brick? Yes, I think he did; because he saw a threat, that I did not see. Men will see danger and threats that women do not. This is how they are equipped.

All four examples are to Praise God for Good Men! Good men are out there and they know what they have inside of them and they thrive upon using what God has given them. He created a man to be able to physically lift things that a woman will struggle with because our bodies are designed differently.  The man will always be the one to go outside and walk around the place when he hears something strange. He is on guard all of the time, no matter his age. They think differently than a woman, therefore they can see danger, when we women see a potential to help.

When a man deliberately turns his back upon what he has inside and refuses to use it, he goes against the very nature in how God has created him [in God’s image] and that man will be miserable because he is out of the will of God. 
Understanding this high degree of “Protector and Provider” in men, how much more will our God protect those who love Him! We are truly under His shadow. 

You may wonder if I have ever had dark experiences with men. Many! But, that is for another time. Why plow upon the dark field in your life, unless you are going to plant flowers?

Today, godly women look to men to be the true Warriors to Protect and Provide in their lives. Those with an excellent spirit who will shun worldly ideals and uphold to godly higher standards. These are the Daniels of today and they are called to set an example for the younger generations in the Body of Christ and to the world around them. 

What is the one thing our President keeps saying to America over and over? “I want to protect America and keep her safe!”

Lets pray:

Precious Heavenly Father,

We thank you for sending us godly Daniels to watch over us in times of need. We ask that these men with such excellent spirits would truly be examples for what you have called and designed men to be. We ask that they would be multiplied and given much favor. We ask that classes would pop up to teach the young ones to use this creative natural gifting of Protecting and Providing. We thank you for this, in Jesus we pray amen.  

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