Monday, December 31, 2018

Nehemiah, Builder of the wall

Good Morning,

“Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the kings’s words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.” 
Ne. 2:18

God’s goodness will either bring out the best in a person or the worse. They will either move closer to His light or hide from it.  As I read Nehemiah I was struck over the parallel of the great burden in his heart to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and the burden in our Presidents heart to build the wall. Nehemiah humbled himself and wept and he mourned and fasted as he began to pray. He confessed the sins of Israel, including his own sins and his father’s house. He admitted they did not obey the commands, decrees and laws that God gave to Moses. [Rd prayer 1:5-11] Nehemiah was one who stood in the gap for his people. He was a cupbearer [a Protector] who first tasted the wine he would serve to the king. This was considered to be a very honorable and trustworthy position. He was a man of integrity and found favor from the king to be released to go and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. All of Jerusalem pitched in to help, [Levites, Priests, goldsmiths, men of Jericho, everyone’s son, even perfume makers, too many to list]. They each were assigned individual sections of the wall to fixate and secure using the beams, bars, bolts and doors as planned. As I read I couldn’t help but see the ingenuity of their plans and the eager cooperation from the people.  

Oh, but things did not go that smooth. Word got out about the wall and anger was stirred in Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite and Geshem the Arab as they mocked Nehemiah and the people. 

Today, we could give these men modern names of those who are opposing our Presidents wall. 

Nehemiah’s response? He did everything through prayer. “Hear us, O our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads. Give them over as plunder in the land of captivity. Do not cover up their guilt or blot out their sins from your sight, for they have thrown insults in the face of the builders.” Ne. 4:4-5

If Nehemiah can pray with such boldness, why cannot we?

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

You have taught us that just the call of your son’s name of Jesus, brings miracles in our life. You’ve taught us that salvation cannot be obtained by any other name and that Your son is sitting on the right hand side of you making intercession for us in heavenly places. Thank you Lord.  Like that of your servant Nehemiah, right now; we confess the sins of America. You have told us what to do, in so many ways through the Bible you gave to us filled with your love, hope and truth. Yet, so many still hold themselves back for what they know in their hearts as your truth. We have committed adulteries and idolatries in the land that you have given to us. Oh Jesus, we need your help!  We have defiled your name in worldly books and in all areas of films and medias. We have put down your book to hear what false accusers say. We have chosen the wisdom of the world, over your word. We have chosen to fear man over you, we have snared ourselves. We have fretted and doubted what you have said and because of this, we have lived in sin. Our nation has chosen a life of greed, pride, selfishness, sacrificial offerings of our babies to the god of Molech, power to control other nations when we have not taken care of our own people, lies upon lies, we have schemers that destroy those who love you and work toward building a good godly nation.  Father, like Nehemiah prayed, we ask that all their insults be turned back upon their own heads. Give them as plunder in a land of captivity, do not cover up their guilt or blot out their sins from your sight, for they have thrown insults in the face of our President and his builders of the wall. 

We confess to sin within the Body of Christ. We confess there are hypocrites that say one thing and do another. We confess to those who slander and gossip one another, we confess to those who hold un-forgiveness towards one to another, we confess to those who are in adultery, fornicating and homosexual relationships, we confess to those who are fraudulently stealing money from the flock, we confess to those who are perverting your word for their own lusts, we confess to those who use your word for their own gain, we confess to those whose actions and behavior are continually harming your children. We confess to those who have no zeal but have compromised and chosen to remain stagnant in their walk and not grow or have any faith. We confess to those who have walked away from their first love. We confess to those who dabble in the dark arts and seek ways of the occult instead of your ways and truth. We cry out your name JESUS!


Help your church! Sift us, refine us and bring us out of our complacency. Oh Forgive your people Lord! Those who have taken their walk for granted. Forgive our dark hearts of rebellion, all false humility and those whose assemblies lack humility and have gotten political. Forgive our ignorance and lack of love. Help us to love in the way we should. Be our strength and show us how to give in the way we should. Forgive the way we destroy the beautiful land and the seas and waters that you have given to us. Forgive our lack of frugalness and waste. We know we do not deserve your forgiveness. Forgive our rebellious and ambitious hearts. We stand upon your word, that anyone who calls upon your name will be forgiven. We stand upon your word that we can say to our mountains to be removed and cast into the sea and not doubt in our hearts, believing that what we have prayed for is already done. We believe this Father. We fully accept your grace Father and love. Remind us to forgive as we are forgiven. 

We ask for continued favor for our President alike that of Nehemiah’s and that his wall would be stronger than ever before and withstand anyone who would try to come into America illegally. We ask that all finances would be loosened and released into his hands to promote godly Protection and Provide the necessary means to bring this nation back to you Father. 

We ask by your mighty hand of your Holy Spirit, these illegals would begin to turn back and retreat, in the name of Jesus. We ask that all would see that is by your hand and none other and that you would receive all of the glory and we pray in your son Jesus, amen. 



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