Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Builder of the Wall #2

Good Morning,

“But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the men of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalem’s walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.” Ne. 4:7-9

Above all, Nehemiah trusted God when he heard how the schemers were plotting to attack Jerusalem. Families were posted along the lower end of the wall with swords, spears and bows. After this, their frustrated enemies would try something different. Determinedly, the families of Israel stood their ground as they constructed their wall now holding a weapon in one hand and a tool in the other. They stood guard day and night. 

Sanballat and Geshem sent 4 messages to Nehemiah saying, “Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono.” 6:2  Nehemiah repeated: “why should I stop work, to come to you?”  He knew they were scheming tp harm him and were foiled again.

Then, a message accusing Nehemiah and the Jews were plotting a revolt and that he wanted to be king and had already appointed prophets to make this proclamation and urged Nehemiah to once again to meet together. Rd. 6:5-6 Nehemiah denied their accusations and bounced their fabrications right back to them. He knew they were waiting for their hands to become too weak for work and the wall would not be able to be completed.  His response: “But, I prayed, Now strengthen my hands.”6:9. 

Hired tricksters tried to confine Nehemiah using tactics of fear that his adversaries were coming to kill him. Again, five steps ahead of his enemies Nehemiah refused to run. His response: “Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, O my God, because of what they have done; remember also the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets who have been trying to intimidate me.” Rd 6:10-14

Nehemiah was a threat to the forces of darkness. At every turn, he fought them through continual prayer as well as carrying it out into the physical realm by arming his people.
So many times we pray and then wait, but Nehemiah prayed before and during his activities. Thought: A complacent soul not only restricts their path they are to walk down, but dulls their senses into thinking they have time. 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Through it all your servant Nehemiah prayed over everything that came up in his life. He trusted you right from the beginning. He expected favor from you because he knew you heard his prayers. He prayed long and short prayers for his nation, his people and himself. He conversed with you continually. Thank you for teaching us not to give into fear of man in anyway, but to pray always.  Thank you for your voice, for your trumpet and how you guide us back into where we belong. Thank you for being our Shepherd. We cherish your words and we ask that you would help us to retain what we have learned and apply these principles given to Nehemiah in our own lives for today. Instead of listening to discouragement, for us to always pray.  Thank you for your blessings. We pray in your son Jesus amen.

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