Thursday, January 24, 2019

Pray (LIVE) - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir Pray along with me this morning.

Good Morning,

"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7

This is a great way to begin your day.

When I watch The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing I become refilled with God's love. Think about it, all those different nationalities singing in unison and in one accord. We are the Body of Christ! Look at them! They are using their gifts to give the love they have for The Son of God. Praising God is a form of spiritual warfare and ushers in His Peace in our hearts and we are once again given hope to go out and be the Warriors we are called to be to do battle through intercession. 

Please pray along with me for our President and our nation this morning.

Precious Heavenly Father,

We praise you Father and put all of our trust in you. Your word says that you hear us when we call you in the day of trouble and it says that you strengthen us. We thank you this morning for rescuing us during all of our trials, even from your right hand. You have blessed your people! We know you hear our prayers, you read our hearts and you honor the faith that you have given to us when we pray to you. We know your word says that you even answer our prayers before we ask. Your faithfulness is so great. Thank you Father. 

Heavenly Father,
Hear our petitions O Father. We lift up President Trump to you this morning. Our hearts are so thankful for sending a man who loves you and seeks to do your will every single morning, one who prays and reads your word. We ask that he would be continually filled up with your Holy Spirit every morning. We ask that he would hear your voice in a clear and concise way and able to make your decisions according to your will, at every turn. We ask that all fear of man would descend back into the darkness from whence it came and that you would continue to give our President the boldness of a lion. Hold him strong and firm and immoveable in your will. We ask that you would continue to refill him with the discernment and sharpness of an eagle and the youth of a young man. Keep him as a Caleb, full of energy and a full assurance of your hand over him. Keep him safe Father, guard him in every turn; yes Lord We ask that your protective angels would continue to surround this man wherever he goes and wherever he does. Let his words be your words. Thank you for sending this man to turn our nation around. We declare this nation as a sheep nation! 
We lift up his wife Melania and ask that you would continue to keep her healthy from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Give her a new vigor and vitality and that you would continue to give her a healthy sound mind, filled with faith and love for you; able to resist whatever comes against her or her husband and a heart to discern the differences.  Refill her heart with new ideas of your godly visions to share with her husband. Increase their love for one another and strengthen their marriage. Give her and her husband wisdom to skirt around the differences in Congress. Show them the loop holes. We call for a melting of hearts on Capitol Hill for unity. 

We come against all the media who lies against our President and we ask that they would choke upon their words as they are digested back into their own bodies. Send your angel to stop all of them Father. We ask that truth would reign in the airwaves throughout this nation. Turn this nation back to the cross Father.

We call for a Spirit of Repentance in this land. By the blood of Jesus, we crush the enemies of this land into fine pieces and declare them as dust! We declare your goodness will reign over all the idolatrous plans and behavior of our enemies.  Through the authority in the name of Jesus Christ that you have given to us we declare a complete halt over man's laws of abortion! Our deepest desire is to see your glory throughout this land. We call for a victory and ask you to reverse all these laws and allow these babies to live Father. We declare life for these babies!  Hear our hearts this morning Father and halt all evilness of killing our babies! Halt all idolatry! Halt all connected greed for money! Halt all perversion! Halt the spread of this evil! We ask that your hand would completely dismantle those involved and do away with all sanctuary cities. Bring a stop to all invasion of our land, bring a stop to this cop and child killing Lord. O Father, open up their eyes and give them A Fear of You once again in this nation. We declare this nation is yours! Sift it Father. We declare a wall will be built for all of our borders. We ask that our President would get more money than what he is requesting. We declare a victory by your hand for all the world to see and know that you are Lord and, that you answer prayers. 

We ask that you would prepare and sift your church to be a strong vessel, a pure Bride that is filled with your Holy Spirit. Help us to love one another as you have called us to do. 

We pray this in your Son's name Jesus.  Amen.

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