Thursday, January 3, 2019

Builder of the Wall #3

The Builder of the wall #3

Good Morning,

So I said, What you are doing is not good. Should you not walk in the fear of our God to prevent the taunting by the [pagan] nations, our enemies?” Ne. 5:9

During the building of the wall, there was a famine in the land and the people were depressed physically and mentally. They began to starve. Without money to buy grain, they mortgaged their fields, vineyards and homes to stay alive. They lost these possessions due to the heavy taxes. It gets worse, they sold their sons and daughters into slavery to get enough money to exist. Word of all this got back to Nehemiah and the Bible talks about how angry he got. [Rd. 5:6]

Nehemiah confronted the nobles and officials when he held a large meeting. Holding them accountable [in my words] he said; “What have you done to your own people? Your greed has pushed our land into starvation! We were barely able to buy back our brothers that you sold to the gentiles [nations]!  Would you sell your own brothers, so they would be sold to us?” Nehemiah must have struck a chord in them, as they could not give an answer. Abruptly, he demanded they stop the taxing and that everything they took from the people be returned and required the priests to take an oath in agreement. They agreed. It is no wonder that the people made Nehemiah governor. He never took a salary, never lived off their taxes but through his own resources. This was his anointing, his calling, not a job. 

Nehemiah prayed once again, “Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people.” Ne. 5:19

Today, our fields are full of ripe bounty waiting to be picked. Are you the prayer Warrior that God has called to intercede over His church? 

Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,

We give you honor and praise this morning and empty ourselves completely out and we ask that you would check the motivation inside of our hearts O Lord. We ask that you would examine every single priority in our lives and realign all of them up with your will. We ask your Holy Spirit to clean up any root of selfishness and deal with any critical eyes we have, but to have a clear eye view of your will and love.

We lift up our President this morning. We ask that your Holy Spirit would be continually nourishing his mind and filling up his heart. Refill him with your encouragement when doors are not opened. Renew his faith every morning. We ask that you would keep both him and Melania and all their family in good health. Keep them safe. We ask that you O Father would hold those who have evil viperous mouths of accusations to be held accountable and that all of America and around the earth would truly see that not one is above your law.  We ask that you would send your “fear of God” to these people.  Your word talks about how we are not to talk against your anointed.  “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.” Ps. 105:15 

Your word also says that our steps are guided and directed by you. We know that our President walks in your will and not man’s will. We ask that you would reveal to him a new cleverness and ploys, even loop holes to accomplish the godly tasks you have set him to do and we ask that all doors the enemies shut, that other doors would be blasted open that no man would be able to shut. We know Heavenly Father,  it is your will for you to continue to use this man to abolish all evil judges in this land, to abolish all abortions in this land, to abolish all sanctuary cities, do away with all pedophilia rings and sexual slavery, all murder of our Policemen,  little children in schools, place prayer and Bible reading back in all schools. We know it is your will to tear down the evil in high places who have controlled this nation. Put them all down and we raise up your banner of Love!  We plead this in the name of Jesus. By the authority of that name we send out godly angels to bring all these request to you and that these things be replaced by your goodness and great love. Oh Father, we pray that your kingdom come!

In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 

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