Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Little Hearts #3 [last segment]

“Little Hearts” #3

Good Morning,

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14, 15 kjv

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for your guidance and great love. I thank you for equipping each one of us to be that tool used to glorify you. I thank you for never giving up on us and for showering us with your mercies. I thank you for your continual instruction that always gives us what we need to water our growth in you. Father, I ask that you would continue to touch the hearts that need to be moved and give them the hope they need to turn their lives completely over to you. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Spending time in the Catholic Home for little girls was an unforgettable experience for me and when my mother came to take me out, I didn’t want to leave. I had cried because I didn’t want to be left there and now I was crying because she was taking me out. She told me later, she couldn’t afford to keep me in there any longer. She took me back to the farm to stay with my grandparents once again. My haven on earth. I followed my grandfather everywhere and helped feed the animals and call in the cows to be milked. Every time he plowed the fields I rode along with him and when he went to town I went with him. My Victorian grandmother taught me how to bake and even made clothes for me. I took long walks in the woods with my collie dog and discovered the scrambling bugs under the old logs when their shelters were disturbed. Slowly I’d walk up the old narrow dusty steps into my Aunts old playhouse above the shed where the tractor was kept and watch the spiders with giant bodies guarding their large white webs. Their enormous green eyes moved and watched my every movement. I never lingered in their home for long. I jumped in the hay in the barn, swung on the ropes in the loft and buried myself in the bean bin. When school started, I gladly walked the 3 miles to a one room school house with my lard bucket that was used for a lunch box and handed the teacher a giant potato that grandma had given to me. By the time lunchtime came I ate my potato that was baked in the wood stove that heated the school. Later on I’d eat my apple! Life was good. On the way home, I dallied along snacking on wild blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, plums and whatever else I found along the road. I didn’t realize that I was always being watched from the kitchen window by grandmother as she waited to see me coming up from the road. We would play board games and we both laughed so hard we cried. We were all good for each other. I needed them and they needed me. 

I now find I cannot write any further about my life without the possibility of dishonoring my mother’s name and I refuse to do that. There are also many others connected to my life that should remain silent. Should I ever decide to do this, it will be in book form. 

I became born again over 45 years ago at home while reading the Bible. The words I read were alive and talked to me personally. There were those in the Bible just like me and God forgave them and loved them! I always say, “I returned to the God of my childhood.”  Like a toddler I would trip and fall once in awhile, but I have a Father who always picked me back up and steered me in the right direction. Then a few years later the most wonderful thing happened when my mother asked me to pray for her because she too wanted to be born again. Together on our knees, she was ushered into the flock. We both cried for joy. 

If your life has been one of hardship and abuse, you are not alone. Some things are hard to talk about because there can be so much pain involved. God looks into your heart and sees your ache. He sees your loneliness, depression and he also sees your desperation. 

Jesus said, “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
Matthew 11:28-30

Pray with me:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and I am coming to you right now. O Father set me free from my bondage of sins, I need this rest in my soul. I ask that you would forgive my sins [name them]______. And I choose to forgive those who have offended me. I need your power in my life. I need your peace. By faith I believe your love is real. I know I cannot do these things for myself. I put all my trust in you and ask that you would open up my spirit and my eyes to this new life in you. I want to be born again. Help me grow and flourish in your name Jesus Christ I pray. Amen

If you have sincerely prayed this prayer with everything in your heart reaching out to the God who forgives you have been given the gift of grace. Grace means “unmerited favor.” You have been pardoned. None of us deserve it and there isn’t any works we can do to obtain this gift. Every true believer that you see, has walked through this door of grace because according to the Bible, this is the only way to go to heaven. 

Now, your mission is to go and buy a good Bible and begin to read it and study it. Find a good reputable Bible believing church and join a study group. You will make new friends who will help you and pray for you when the trials come and you will learn the power of the name of Jesus in your life and how to be more than a Conqueror.  

Blessings to you!     

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