Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Let's be bold and pray together!

Heavenly Father, 

Right now we lift up our souls to you. Your hand created each soul individually.  Our souls trust in you completely Precious Lord. Father, we see so many enemies in our land and yet we are positively assured in your word that we have all victory and will never be put to shame because we put our hope in you.  You promise in your word that it is those who come against your anointed who will be put to shame. We embrace this peace that guards our hearts you have given to us.

We ask that you would continue to teach us your ways and guide us into new revelations of your deeper truths. We praise you this morning for you are our hope, our God and our Savior.  

You teach us how to give mercy because you are a merciful God that is filled with love, even from the ancient of times; you were always there. You O Lord have a plan. We ask like your son David did, “Do not remember the sins of our youth, our rebellious ways. We ask that you would remember us according to your love, because we know you are good.”

We thank you for your instruction in so many ways we cannot count them. Your word says that you even instruct sinners in his ways. We put down all questioning in our hearts and remember, your ways can be beyond our understanding. We praise you, that your ways are not our ways, nor our thoughts your thoughts, but you have given us the assurance of your love that keeps filling us with your faith. We ask that you would keep guiding us into what is right, that narrow path that loves and is faithful. 

We ask that you would forgive our blind sins and deliver us from those we cannot see and are not aware of, those pricks in our heart that have yet to surface. We ask that you would release us from all form of bondages and afflictions and set them free from old habits and mindsets. We take a stand and refuse to limit you O Father in anyway.  Thank you Father.

Your word says that you instruct a man in the way that has been chosen for him. We are so thankful in knowing your hand is mighty and powerful upon our lives. Thank you Father. Your word says that we will spend our days in prosperity, we will not lack and that our descendants will inherit the land. Our hearts believe this O Father,  for you confide and talk to those who fear you, for you have given us your covenant. We can rejoice in your promises.

We boldly refuse not to fear man in anyway, for your word says that absolutely nothing can separate us from your love. You hold our souls in the palm of your hand! We are more than Conquerors in Christ. We know that in all things you work for the good of those who love you, who have been called according to your purpose. No matter our age, we still have a purpose you have designed and created especially for us by your loving will. For you have awakened us to your faithful love. We know that we have even been predestined to be conformed into the likeness of your Son and because of this you have justified and also glorified. We are joint-heirs with our King of glory.

O Father, we know you are for us. Not against us. You do battle for us. We have many reasons to rejoice. Any stones that are thrown at us, will fail because we know that our King Jesus is interceding at your right hand for us. 

O Father we have learned that nothing can separate us from your love. No nothing!  Whatever hardships we go through in trials, persecution, famines, whatever comes into our path,  again; your word says we are more than Conquerors through your Son who loves us. 

No, not death, not anything in this life, not angels nor demons, nothing today or tomorrow and anything in the future that would come, no matter what the height or depth of our problems, nor anything in all of Your Creation O God can ever separate us from the love of you, that is in your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. 

We stand upon your promises Father. And, we know that when we pray believing that you hear our hearts desires and answer all of them according to your will.  Our righteousness is in your son and we’ve been covered by His blood. 

In Jesus we pray amen. 

If you have not yet been born again. The Bible says that God hears the humble when they cry out to Him. I needed a Savior in my life because I came to a shocking realization that most of the decisions I was making in my life were very self destructive. My own life went from crisis to crisis. I did not have any peace and I was in the middle of destroying my life. Sin can be like a small snowball in our lives and when we begin to roll it on the snow it becomes larger and larger until it becomes so heavy we are unable to roll it anymore. We become frozen with a paralyzing discouragement of hopelessness and despair that sinks us deeper into depression. Our Father is waiting for you to cry out to Him today. Confess your sins to him and accept the fact that His Son Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who was without sin. He was a complete and perfect sacrifice and was crucified upon a cross so you could have complete forgiveness and be set free from a life of slavery of sin. One step in the right direction and He will take you the rest of the way, but you must trust in Him.  He sees your wounded heart and all the pain you have gone through. Right now, He wants to heal your heart and replace all your yesterdays with powerful love! This is a gift from our Father God to you and it is called GRACE. Grace means undeserved favor. It means a pardon. We have all come to Him by faith, not by our works. If your heart is starting to beat a little bit faster, I urge you; while you still have breath in your body, do not put off the beckoning of the Holy Spirit any longer because this is your moment and this is your time. 

Pray this special prayer for you:

Heavenly Father,

I believe that your son Jesus Christ is Lord. I believe in my heart that He laid down His life upon that cross so I could have forgiveness of sins. I know I am a sinner and ask that you would forgive my sins [confess your sins]________.  Give me a new heart, a new mind in your Son, Father Renew a right spirit inside of me. Forgive me Father. I ask that your Holy Spirit would turn my life around. Take all the scales off of my eyes so I can see your truth and walk in it. Open up my ears so I will know your truth when I hear it. Thank You Father in Jesus name amen.

If you have prayed this prayer, you need to buy a good Bible and begin to read first the New Testament. Find a good godly Bible believing Church so you can make new friends. You draw strength from your new friends and they will pray for you when you go through the trials up ahead. God Bless You and stay the course! 


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