Thursday, January 10, 2019

Prayer for Renewing and Restoring

Precious Heavenly Father,

We give you all honor, praise and glory. You are our Heavenly Father, our Abba Father of whom all mercies flow, for you are Holy and all your works are Holy. We put all our trust in you completely. We know that when we pray, you hear our prayers and all of our heartfelt requests and we know you answer these prayers before we even see them manifested in the physical. For it is you O Lord who has given us this faith. 

Heavenly Father, We ask for a right spirit be restored in the hearts of those who have been shattered. We ask that you would begin to renew their minds into the mind of Christ. We ask you would heal all brokenness into vessels of use for your Kingdom. We ask that your Holy Spirit would touch these sensitive areas of struggles and embrace their lives fully with your grace, give them strength to be the overcomers you have called them to be and the patience to follow the call that has been placed upon their heads. Let everyone declare your glory Father.

By the authority we have been given in the name of Jesus Christ, We call out and cast out all venom that has poisoned your children’s minds [name these children if you know of some]  and hearts with the lies of the corruption of the world and we ask that your working angels bring them back into your Spirit of Truth. Father, your Son Jesus has crushed the head of the Serpent and we declare he has no power over your children anymore! We call out to all the wayward, backsliding Prodigals who have wandered away into a Spirit of Error and we ask your truth prevail over their lives. We ask that you would set everyone of them free from any occult practices, perverted doctrines, humanism, new age beliefs. Your word says that, there is only one way to heaven and that is through your Son Jesus Christ. Restore to them the right way with a renew heart and mind and set them back onto the narrow path. Send them the Spirt of Repentance and love for your truth. Bring them back Father.

Heavenly Father, We ask for a restoring of families. We ask you would begin to melt the hearts of the fathers and mothers toward their children and a renewed love would begin to heal in their relationships. We come against any old lies, hurts, unforgiveness and fears and remove all blockages that have caused hard feelings and we ask that these would all be replaced with forgiveness toward each other in your love. And, Father we ask that you would forgive them for holding grudges toward one another and we command all this habitual bickering to stopped and be replaced with your peace. Bring them all back to the love of your Son. Push them towards getting their priorities right in you. We ask that through this obedience, they would give you great glory in their lives. Thank you Father.

Father we ask that you would renew the faith in those who are believing for healings and miracles this morning. For it was your Son who laid hands on the sick and they recovered. We believe healing is for today, for you said that if we ask anything in His name, believing that we have it, we have it. Name your request_____________. We believe in your tender mercies that are new every single morning and how they blot out all of our transgressions. [Confess anything that might hinder your healing] We believe in your forgiveness. We believe in your love and how you supply everything we need according to your riches in Christ Jesus. We thank you for the gift of grace you have given to us. We thank you for giving us understanding, discernment, patience, strength, healings and the ability to study to know more about your character. We thank you for opening up our eyes to your truth. We ask that your Holy Spirit would always be with us, during the day and while we sleep. Thank you Father.

Heavenly Father,

We lift up our President Trump to you. We ask that you would continually renew his faith in you and restore his joy in you. Renew his love for you on a daily basis. Strengthen his heart. Renew his hope and power in you and we thank you for giving him the patience to walk all of this through. We ask that he would hear your voice in a clear way as he makes godly decisions for our nation. We ask that he would be completely guided and directed by your Holy Spirit. We ask that you would continue to send godly men and woman to encourage him daily over the work he is doing and has done for your glory.  We know that nothing is too great for you Father, for you are the God that sees what our President needs and delivers more than what he needs. We ask that you would send him more than the money he is requesting from the opposition for the wall and for all the earth to see it is by your hand and none others. We ask that you would humble the liars Father and put our enemies to shame for what they are doing.  Your children know that it is you who have placed our President in there. We ask that these opposers hearts be opened to the truth and be able to see your hand upon this man. We ask that you would bend these men and women according to your will and for your glory. We ask that all of this land would truly be a sheep nation. We pray that we will see the day when they will bow upon their knees and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. O Come Lord Jesus. In your name we pray, amen. 

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