Saturday, January 5, 2019

Builder of the Wall #4 [last segment]

Good Morning,

“So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.” Ne. 6:15,16

Nehemiah placed his brother Hanani along with Hananiah who was the commander of the citadel because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most men did, in charge of Jerusalem. There were gatekeepers, guards, singers and musicians [Levites] and temple servants and many more as all the exiles began returning. Ezra the scribe/ priest stood upon a high wooden platform as he read the Book of the Law. As he began to give praise to God, all the people lifted their hands saying “Amen, Amen” and they bowed down and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground. The people listened to the words being read and began to weep. Nehemiah and Ezra told the people that “this day was sacred to the Lord, do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” [8:10] The Levites helped to calm the people as they went to eat and drink in great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.”[vs 12]  

There was a time of confessing their sins, fasting and prayer. Jerusalem was filled with people once again. The Wall of Jerusalem was dedicated and the people rejoiced with choirs singing and music of cymbals, harps and lyres. Picture them celebrating, full of gaiety, laughing and dancing. 

“The people now understood the words that had been made known to them.”  How many times have we listened to something and not been able to understand what we just heard? We ask ourselves, what did they mean or, did I really hear what I think I did? Or, When an unfamiliar word is written and we go to Websters.  Then, when true understanding finally sinks in, you feel like you’ve been given a treasure chest of jewels! This must have been how the Israelites felt that day as they listened to Ezra. Their eyes were opened. They wept because they were thankful they understood the truth and could see God’s hand in building their wall and in their lives. 

Lets pray:

O Precious Father,

The Israelites must have been given insight into your love so long ago. They knew their Messiah would come someday. Your hand was upon them as their hearts were filled with faith and determination as they continued to build the wall. Though there was opposition, they overcame their fear by replacing it with the faith of knowing you would never leave them. They depended upon you night and day. You opened up their hearts with an understanding of your love. For your word says that You are love.  Together we ask that you would open up all humble hearts who read these words, with your understanding. Shine insight upon Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Messiah, who was alive yesterday, is today and tomorrow. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to be the complete and pure sacrifice upon the cross for the sins of the whole world.  

Right now we confess our sins [confess them]__________________. We are humbly sorry and ask that you would forgive those sins.  We declare that Jesus Christ is the son of God who gave his life so we could be set free from sin. We forgive all those who have hurt us in the past. Clean us up Lord. We ask that your Holy Spirit strengthen us with a Spirit of Repentance to turn away from anything that would hinder our walk in Christ. We ask you to give us new eyes and a new will, to make the things we once did in the world distasteful and for you to see our sincerity to change. We declare we are a new man/woman in Christ Jesus, the old man is gone.  In Jesus we pray, amen.

If you have been seeking truth and humbled yourself and sincerely prayed this prayer, by faith you’ve been given grace, this is a free gift from God. You have been literally born again. [John 3:3] You have just stepped from one life into another life supernaturally. Every time you see someone who has been born again, you are looking at a miracle. We all walk through this same door. There will still be trials in your life as long as we are in these bodies and on this earth, this is why you need to buy a good Bible and read it.  Be sure to ask around to find a Bible believing church so you can begin to grow. Welcome into the family!

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