Sunday, December 23, 2018

Dare to be different

Good Morning Church,

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 kjv

Our hearts cry out for God’s peace! Instead, we glean stress and havoc to our health. But, Jesus gave us His peace! Where is it? Until believers let go of the world, we will not hear what The Holy Spirit is saying in our lives. God’s peace can give us good health if we set aside stress and exchange it for His peace. But, we must hear His voice. Then, obey.   

A small example of my own: If my soul loves the taste of coffee, but my body is obviously reacting negatively and against my health, whose voice am I going to listen to? My emotional love affair with 2 cups of coffee? Or, my body that is crying out for me to stop?  Which voice protects and offers peace as well as health? 
I am now drinking tea in the mornings and happy as a lark. 

We are not called to go with the flow. We swim against the current. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to your heart personally. We are called to be non-conformists.  

Seek peace through prayer and see what God says in the Bible about your personal situation [we all have one], not what your worldly friend at the office says or a worldly magazine. It’s time to get serious. 

Another small example: You’ve fallen prey to the wiles of the seducing spirit of the world and ran amuck with your credit card, thinking your family will have everything they wished. Will you have peace when the bill comes and see the exorbitantly high interest rates that are tacked upon the total? Yipes! Dare to be different! Set yourself apart from extravagance and astonish everyone [including yourself] ! Bake them some cookies instead. Oh gasp! [but, what would they think? Should you care?] Send your precious labor of love inside a lovely colorful tin container. They will know you took the time to bake for them and love you all the more for it and you will be the happier when you get that bill in the mail.  Let’s say a small prayer.

Heavenly Father,

We know your son gave us His peace right before He left this earth. Thank you Lord! We ask that your Holy Spirit would strengthen us to turn away old worldly habits and replace them with your truths and wisdom. Give us frugal ideas to bless those we love. Help us O Father, to continually put down any part of the old man and put on more of the new man. Honor our studying and love for you Father. Give us a new understanding and discernment of the importance of your peace and enable us to hear your Holy Spirit in our lives through the many ways He speaks to us. All for your glory Father.  We thank you Father and we agree together in your Son’s name Jesus, amen. 


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