Thursday, December 13, 2018

Are you looking for the Coming of King Jesus?

“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifiers himself, even as he is pure.” 1John 3:2-3

I think often, how I yearn to live long enough to see Jesus come back. America’s Pastor, the late Reverend Billy Graham was convinced he would see his coming in his lifetime. Our time is short. Many who have devoted their entire lives studying prophecy believe His coming is near, even at the door.  Would our hearts be able to take His glorious, yet fearful sight? Perhaps this is why we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye. Suddenly!Our time here in the physical realm will be finished. Any worldly gains will be as nothing. Past worries will be foreign and not a part of the new language we will speak. Heirs of Jesus Christ will walk [most likely fly] from this life through a privileged portal of blissful eternity. When we think of this hope, we purify ourselves. Some call it “The Purifying Hope.”

In the meantime, within our present lives, we become overwhelmed by the sufferings and heartaches experienced. You hurt, we hurt. You suffer, we suffer. This is the real Body of Christ. Truly, our faith is tested and refined. Our hearts ache over the realization of those still tortured, imprisoned and martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ. The pain our physical bodies are forced to endure are beyond words. Then, our God is so faithful! He gives us more grace.  He lovingly reaches for our hand and equips us with His strength as we finish our journey. We are never alone.

Just as there is a natural body whom we depend upon and care for while we are here, so too there is a spiritual body.  Just as was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven.”  1Co. 15:48. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior “will bear the likeness of the man from heaven.” 1Co. 15:49.  And, your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of LIfe.

Our faith is validated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and this has all been historically confirmed. 

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father.

We thank you Father for your never-ending love and faithfulness. We thank you for always having us in your hand. Thank you for your mercy and your great love, for your beloved Holy Spirit. For guiding us, directing us, speaking to us, for teaching us your truth, for your joy, your goodness and your strength we draw upon. We desire to bless you through our thoughts and our behavior and through our work. Help us to put you first and above everything we set out to do. We choose to give you honor above all. We choose to listen to your voice and we strive to be obedient. Help us Father to be creative towards blessing others. Give us ideas and strategies in how to do this. Thank you Lord.

We lift up the nation you have given to us. America. Heavenly Father, you have blessed us beyond what we could even describe. You have been so long on patience with our nation. We ask that you would forgive your rebellious people for putting themselves first above you. Forgive their selfishness, their greed and lying tongues. Our desire is that our nation would put you first above all other gods. Forgive our idolatry. You said that “if your people who are called by your name will humble themselves and pray and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways, then you will hear from heaven and will forgive our sins and heal our land.” 2Ch.7:14. We do not deserve this, but I ask that you would hear the cries of those who love  you, those who stay at watch for your son’s coming, those who daily put you first above all else. Bring our nation to be a God fearing nation, one that would always put you first. One that would teach your word in all schools. One that would pray in all schools. One that would abolish abortions completely. Oh Heavenly Father, forgive us our sins. We desire this nation to be a sheep nation. Father, we ask that you would put down all those who are opposed to your ways, opposed to your wisdom, even opposed to praying in your Son’s name. We ask that you would humble the liars and awaken them to your truth. Shame their hearts as their eyes are opened to the things they have done and said. 

I ask there would be a true mighty revival in this nation! I ask that the true Body of Christ would fall upon its knees in repentance. Oh forgive us Lord for defiling your word, for even taking it for granted. Forgive us for taking your love for granted. Forgive us Father for the pride and arrogance we’ve allowed to accumulate in our hearts. Forgive us for compromising our walks with the poisons of the world. We ask that you would rise up your soldiers  to take back the land what the enemy has been allowed to steal. Strengthen all our hearts, our minds and bodies and prepare us to do the battles we need to do to be used to bring this about. Use us Lord. Thank you Lord.

We lift up our President Donald J. Trump, his wife and family. We thank you for selecting him at this hour in need. We ask that you would continually refill his mind and heart with more energizing faith. Give him the renewed strength and vigor of a 20 year old as he goes and comes. We ask that you would continue to give him your ideas and strategies and that you would keep him 5 steps ahead of those who lie against him. We plead you would shut their mouths Father. Shame them Father. Bring them to their knees. We ask that you would keep Melania and Barron completely healthy, give them new understandings and right answers in their hearts to live a good faith filled life in you. Grow them up Lord. Father we pray for health for President Trumps cabinet and a sincere loyalty unmatched. Send him those who have this mindset and a strong record of faithfulness in you. We ask that our government would be overflowing with godly Christian believers! Replace all the troublemakers with those who love you Father. Replace all the crooked judges with your people Lord. Replace all liars with those who do not lie, those who love you. Shovel them all out Father. We pray for a permanent godly change in our nation. We ask that our President would be truly guided by the Holy Spirit in every way. IN Jesus we ask, amen.  

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