Monday, July 15, 2019


I readily admit, I do not like to think about long-suffering or persecution. I like to sing and dance with my tambourine joyously in the Lord. I like to meditate upon His word about His goodness and love and I thrive upon God’s peace.

Lately, I cannot seem to get away from the fruit of long-suffering: 

But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way; for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my names sake.” Acts 9:15, 16

Jesus Christ spoke to Saul on his way to Damascus when he was struck and blinded by lightning: “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me?”  Saul a scholarly Jew and a son of a Pharisee was recognized as a man who went to great lengths, giving orders to kill all who were christians. He was blinded in order to see the truth of salvation in Christ and would soon be an example to the Body of Christ of one who would go through great sufferings in his faith. Renamed to Paul, he was healed of his blindness and went through continual near-death persecutions and long-sufferings that yielded an intimate walk with the Holy Spirit that gave him revelations and enriched his bold faith. 

Paul wrote 14 New Testament books if we count Hebrews and there were times he wrote in prison and felt his death was near in 2Timothy.  Today, the Bible is still the best seller in America. Think of all the billions of hearts his writings have touched!  

Does God deliberately choose some to live a life of continued persecution and long suffering so they too can achieve the strength Paul experienced through the Holy Spirit and be an inspiration to others? Paul was a prime example. I personally believe so.

Today the middle eastern christians are crucified, heads and limbs decapitated, buried alive, drowned and burned at the stake for their confession in Christ. Even children. They know, when they confess Jesus as their Savior they could be tortured for their faith.

Here in the west, I think of Joni Eareckson Tada who dived in her pool at the age of 17 and hit the spine in her neck and became permanently paralyzed, in a wheelchair all of her life. Presently she is 69. She’s been in her chair for 52 years. She draws, paints and writes with her mouth, has a 15 minute radio broadcast, has a ministry for the disabled and makes appearances on Christian programs.  She also became an inspiration in The Billy Graham Crusades.   Recently I listened to her on tv and it is understandable she still fights depression and anger. She believes in a Sovereign God,  the Bible and in divine healing. Frustrated, she related how she still does not understand why God heals some, but not others. Who of us could understand?  My heart has always gone out to Joni. Recently she has undergone radiation treatments for a returning cancer and now celebrates a cancer free body.  Remember to pray for her.

Just remember, the next time you think no one could ever understand what you are going through; just try us. You’d be surprised what some have gone through, when they will tell you, “I understand.”  

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

We are glad you chose faith for us and your grace that holds us up. We do not understand it all, but we trust in you and your ways completely. Forgive us our whining, fretting, mumbling and grumbling. Forgive our unwarranted frustrations. Forgive our impatience. Forgive us our disobedience, any unthankfulness, lack of gratitude and anything we take for granted. We put off any vain or high-mindedness, we cast it all down and replace them with putting others above ourselves. We put on humble hearts and do things your way, not our own way and we choose to listen closely when you speak. 

We ask that you would send your warring angels to guard your people who love you in the east. Place them in your hiding place and keep them safe. Continue to give them your hope and increase their deep faith, as they pray. We thank you for these rich saints Father. 

We lift up Joni to you and ask that you would send your messengers to encourage and lift up her heart and counsel her with your supernatural peace that surpasses all understanding. Strengthen her faith in the way she needs, one that would strengthen her physical body. We want to see her walk Father. O Father, we ask for mercy and have your Holy Spirit blow upon those deadened areas in her body and bring them back to life. You said if we ask anything believing that it is done, that we already have it. Move her toe Lord. Move her toe!  In Jesus we ask, amen. 

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