Monday, July 1, 2019

Prayer for unstoppable love

Precious Father,

Our hearts desire is to return some of the love that you have given to us. Embrace us with your smile, Father. We believe your word, when you say that your eyes go around the earth to strengthen the hearts of those who are fully committed to you. Strengthen our hearts Father, show us ways to love you and each other and prepare our hearts to receive your words. 

We ask that you would continue to remove any old seeds of selfishness, pride, any clinging self-righteous haughtiness or attitudes. Thank you for removing all fears of rejection, persecutions, sufferings, regrets, memories and doubts. 

Through your son’s sacrifice, we have put off the old man and put on the new man. We have overcome evil with good by resisting the enemy, our faith, replacing evil with the goodness of giving and thankfulness. Thank you for conforming us to the image of your son. You O Lord have turned all our dark beginnings into your light. You lifted us up by your love and beckoned us to “come.” This was your plan.  You created each heart with such detail, we are gloriously unique in your hand. There is no other God, but You O Lord. 

You are for us, not against us. You defend us. You hear our prayers and answer.  We put all of our trust in you O Father. Thank you for your Son interceding for us. Through Jesus we have become more than Conquerors because of His great love. Nothing can separate His love for us. Not death or life, angels nor demons, nothing present or future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Precious Holy Spirit, We take all limits off and ask that our souls be an unstoppable force of love and faith that is quickened, guided and directed by your Holy Spirit in every way. Thank you Lord. In your son we ask. Amen. 

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