Monday, July 8, 2019

Small prayer for our nation. Please pray with me.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2Chronicles 7:14

Precious Holy Father,

Our nation is completely useless without you. By your Spirit our eyes are open. We can see what happens when we ignore your warning signs. We can see what happens when we allow comfort and complacency to take hold in our lives. Forgive us for taking our freedoms for granted. “You said, where the Spirit of the Lord is; there is Liberty.” We cherish Your Holy Spirit, Father. This nation was founded upon You and your principles in the Bible. We plead, keep your Lamp filled with oil inside of our nation. Sift all hearts that are not sincere in their love for you. Forgive our slothfulness, our ignorance. Forgive us for overlooking the lies in high places. Forgive those who are not holding others accountable for their evil actions. Help them fear you, instead of man. We ask for generous financial donations and favor from your Holy Spirit be with those who have been working to put all your enemies under your feet and be reproduced by other godly men and woman in this land. Raise them up Lord.   Forgive your people for accepting secular wisdom over what your word says in this nation. Forgive our unjust wars that have sacrificed so many of our sons and daughters. Turn us from all of our idolatries. Forgive how we have allowed evil to gain a foothold on your nation. Forgive us how we have allowed evil to teach our children. Forgive us how we have allowed the killing of millions of babies who are a gift from you, to be sacrificed to the god of molech. We know we do not deserve forgiveness. Forgive our nation for assisting suicide from the young to the elderly. Remove this stench. Forgive us for our lack of humility and prayers for your nation. Forgive your people for their lack of love and faith towards you and others. Forgive us for our selfish desires. Forgive hearts that move without your truth, but in lazy assumptions. Forgive us for not giving ourselves and the things you’ve given to us. Forgive us for not using what you have given to us. We repent and pinpoint our priorities to you first and then to others who need help. Help us to boldly direct our energies to be productive in every way we think and in every way we set our hand, for your glory and our good. 

We thank you for your never ending mercies. You never leave us. For always hearing our prayers. For blessing us inspite of ourselves. For Your Holy Spirit who teaches us all things, guides and directs us every morning. By faith, we confidently put all of our trust in you O Father. We know you work for us, not against us.  Our soul belongs to you and none other, Father.   We ask and declare  in your Son Jesus, amen. 

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